Topic: Best Story Ever!
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Tue 03/18/08 12:28 AM
Okay Canada, in the wise words of Strombo, whats your best story ever?

ArtGurl's photo
Fri 03/21/08 07:54 AM
My best story is yet to be written ... however, one of my favourite experiences happened at a small nearby lake. It was midweek and a beautiful, sunny, crisp autumn day. There was no one else around.

I sat in quiet contemplation, the cool earth beneath me ... the sounds of the waves soothing and relaxing ...

I watched the amazing acrobatics required for a spider to create a web of beauty.

I turned rocks over in my hands wondering of their secrets ...

Well over 100 Canada Geese landed ... I know because I stopped counting at 100 ... some ducks too ... they were feeding in the grass all around me ... as though I were not there at all ... close enough to touch...

They swam in the water ... they milled around ... they fed ... they had little arguments with one another ...

Just a suddenly as they arrived, they took flight again ... from all around me. The sound of so many beating wings was quite stunning. It created a thundering vibration within me like the beating of many drums.

The wind generated from their effort made it hard to breathe.

The sight of it ... truly amazing... words seem insignificant...

What is your best story? flowerforyou

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Sat 03/22/08 10:13 AM
I hung myself playing super hero in the back yard when I was 6. It wasn't the brightest move but I was just little. I tied one end of a rope to the fence with the intention of making a dramatic swoop across the yard in front of my friends. As superman always his the hands free, I chose to wrap the other end of the rope around my neck before jumping of the fence. It was working until I blew the landing. I was just dangling from the fence choking and my friend was screaming for his mom. The rope had cinched up tight and they couldn't get it off my neck right away. I ended up with rope burns around my neck and broken blood vessels in my eyes. My face was all black and my eyes were all puffy. After a few days of recouping, I headed back to kindergarden where I took part in a safety presentation regarding ropes! Needless to say, it has been over 27 years and my parents still freak if they see me with rope. boys will be boys!