Community > Posts By > JoshM0688

JoshM0688's photo
Thu 12/13/07 11:37 AM
I have only 2 replies out of 15ish messages I sent. I thought the point was to message anyone who is interesting to you though.

JoshM0688's photo
Mon 12/10/07 09:45 AM
I'm starting to see why some of you are single. haha

JoshM0688's photo
Sun 12/09/07 07:28 AM
NOt sure if anyone said this yet, but anyway..
For one, this is directed in the general direction of...anyone really. Don't generalize all men. It's not fair to the ones who aren't idiots.
2, The thing about looks is for a successful relationship there has to be a level of physical attraction. Otherwise things don't work. Anyone that says that they would be with a person who they consider hideous, but has a great personality is a liar. And also, at the same time, that person they consider hideous may be gorgeous to another person. It's all in the eye of the beholder.
The thing that makes a difference is guys is where they lpace looks on the priorities list. Personality SHOULD come first when you are thinking about having a relationship. But the looks will still have to be there for a good relationship.

JoshM0688's photo
Sun 12/09/07 06:48 AM
You also have at the age gap though. People my age usually don't take this as seriously.

JoshM0688's photo
Sun 12/09/07 01:29 AM
I'm lost. Who are the trolls? haha

JoshM0688's photo
Sun 12/09/07 01:17 AM
Thanks guys for that. I really do appreciate the advice. The online dating thing is another option for me because here on campus, I haven't found a girl that there is mutual interest between me and her. Or they just flat out aren't open.
Anyway, I think I am going to take the advice and start being more active on here. I haven't been on a forum in ages though. haha. And I'm also going to keep sending messages, but this time more elaborate. Something that keeps the interest like saying stupid funny stuff and letting them know I really am interested and didn't just see their pic and messaged them.
Any tips on which forums here are any good? :-D

JoshM0688's photo
Sun 12/09/07 12:15 AM
I know I am. i messaged a bunch of people and no replies. I mean maybe they aren't interested, but the chances should be that at least one or two would at least humor me. idk. how about you guys?

JoshM0688's photo
Fri 12/07/07 04:47 PM
haha. actually there is. it's a funny one. I think it's because Raab himself goes to my school. He's a lot of our basketball games and hangs at the one bar called wibs.

JoshM0688's photo
Fri 12/07/07 03:33 AM
How are you. I haven't been able to fnd many people from the Harrisburg and Shippensburg area! If you're from there, post it up! :)

JoshM0688's photo
Fri 12/07/07 01:00 AM
Hi! It's hard to find people in central PA. If there is anyone out there around the Harrisburg area or even the Shippensburg area, post here!!! :)

JoshM0688's photo
Fri 12/07/07 12:57 AM
Everyone is in pitt or philly! :( How about anyone from central PA?