Community > Posts By > Xephon68

Xephon68's photo
Wed 12/28/11 05:56 AM

:heart: drinker Hey Viv,DeliLady, and X,,,,and everyone,,
Just wanted to pop in and say I HOPE YOU ALL HAD A GREAT CHRISTMAS DAY,,and shared some smiles and love with Family...:wink:

Be safe this New Years Eve and have a Blessed Year...:banana:

OK,,,back to the programming,,,,,,,,,laugh slaphead rofl


If you had pent Xmas where I did, you'd eat your own words... Trust me, it would have tasted a helluva lot better!


Xephon68's photo
Wed 12/28/11 05:53 AM

No worries alookat101....I love to tease ya!:wink:

talked to Eddie this morning...he's within sight of Aberdeen and they won't dock and let them off the ship!shocked shocked

He really has no excuse not to be mingling broadly multiple, entertaining threads! :)


Just because I can humor the multitudes over here, why do you feel that I can exert myself at home as well??

Xephon68's photo
Mon 12/26/11 09:53 AM

No worries alookat101....I love to tease ya!:wink:

talked to Eddie this morning...he's within sight of Aberdeen and they won't dock and let them off the ship!shocked shocked

Thanks alookat101. I'd try to help you with her, but if you'd ever met her, you'd know that not even Zeus could sway her....

Yeppers, we're almost close enough to smell the ale. Shame we're not close enough taste it.


Xephon68's photo
Sat 12/24/11 10:26 AM
Three popcickle sticks, a piece of used Wrigley's (spearmint)
Two paper clips, and five rubber bands... And I'm back on the air!

I appreciate all of the concern, even for the canibals!

Two days to Aberdeen? Hell, I didn't realize this island was this big, who knew?

Xephon68's photo
Sun 12/18/11 08:53 AM

Cya later Jayne...happy baking!

Have a great evening kiddo....we're making candy today...I'll save you some...maybe!:wink:

You want to dress up your son as a gay sailor? and send him to the island?


Now wait gawl-dog-gone minute! Ain't nobody dressing nobody around here!! And, I don't want to hear damn seamen jokes either!noway what island??

Xephon68's photo
Sun 12/18/11 08:52 AM

Cya later Jayne...happy baking!

Have a great evening kiddo....we're making candy today...I'll save you some...maybe!:wink:

You want to dress up your son as a gay sailor? and send him to the island?


Now wait gawl-dog-gone minute! Ain't nobody dressing nobody around here!! And, I don't want to hear damn seamen jokes either!noway what island??

Xephon68's photo
Sat 12/17/11 06:26 AM
Bye bye Jane. I'm off to... Din din time!
Love ya, Mom

Xephon68's photo
Sat 12/17/11 06:17 AM

I just looked it up...indeed...blend of slut/whore.

Thanks klc. I'm feeling better about not knowing what it meant!happy

laugh Sure, sure. Always happy to oblige. Its not a 'true word' of course. An 'urban' word. Street. Hip, now, today.

Fun stuff.

Now I feel REALLY oldohwell

Thanks kic

Hold on.......... I didn't know what the heck it was either!what

That's why I didn't say anything. This dadgum X-box generation.. Litle whipper-snappers, next thing you know, they'll be listening to that rock-n-roll music!:banana:
Eh What's that you said, Sonny? I couldn't hear a thing over that blasted music!!

If I can remember where I put my walker, I'll turn it down...

Your walker? Oh, I put it in the garage sale...did I tell you I cleared out the garage?

rofl rofl rofl rofl

You had better mean your rocks!!!:angry:

you didn't really need all those tools and stuff...did you?

That's ok...... I KNOW WHERE YOU LIVE!

Xephon68's photo
Sat 12/17/11 06:16 AM

I just looked it up...indeed...blend of slut/whore.

Thanks klc. I'm feeling better about not knowing what it meant!happy

laugh Sure, sure. Always happy to oblige. Its not a 'true word' of course. An 'urban' word. Street. Hip, now, today.

Fun stuff.

Now I feel REALLY oldohwell

Thanks kic

Hold on.......... I didn't know what the heck it was either!what

That's why I didn't say anything. This dadgum X-box generation.. Litle whipper-snappers, next thing you know, they'll be listening to that rock-n-roll music!:banana:
Eh What's that you said, Sonny? I couldn't hear a thing over that blasted music!!

If I can remember where I put my walker, I'll turn it down...
Never mind. I'll just take out these hearing aids. There are advantages to getting old. I don't have to hear anything I don't want to!

Are you talking about me or you??laugh
Me, of courselaugh

I did not realize there was an age minimum for a woman to ignore the world around them..... :laughing:
There is for Mothers of sons. bigsmile


Xephon68's photo
Sat 12/17/11 06:11 AM

I just looked it up...indeed...blend of slut/whore.

Thanks klc. I'm feeling better about not knowing what it meant!happy

laugh Sure, sure. Always happy to oblige. Its not a 'true word' of course. An 'urban' word. Street. Hip, now, today.

Fun stuff.

Now I feel REALLY oldohwell

Thanks kic

Hold on.......... I didn't know what the heck it was either!what

That's why I didn't say anything. This dadgum X-box generation.. Litle whipper-snappers, next thing you know, they'll be listening to that rock-n-roll music!:banana:
Eh What's that you said, Sonny? I couldn't hear a thing over that blasted music!!

If I can remember where I put my walker, I'll turn it down...
Never mind. I'll just take out these hearing aids. There are advantages to getting old. I don't have to hear anything I don't want to!

Are you talking about me or you??laugh
Me, of courselaugh

I did not realize there was an age minimum for a woman to ignore the world around them..... :laughing:

Xephon68's photo
Sat 12/17/11 06:08 AM

I just looked it up...indeed...blend of slut/whore.

Thanks klc. I'm feeling better about not knowing what it meant!happy

laugh Sure, sure. Always happy to oblige. Its not a 'true word' of course. An 'urban' word. Street. Hip, now, today.

Fun stuff.

Now I feel REALLY oldohwell

Thanks kic

Hold on.......... I didn't know what the heck it was either!what

That's why I didn't say anything. This dadgum X-box generation.. Litle whipper-snappers, next thing you know, they'll be listening to that rock-n-roll music!:banana:
Eh What's that you said, Sonny? I couldn't hear a thing over that blasted music!!

If I can remember where I put my walker, I'll turn it down...

Your walker? Oh, I put it in the garage sale...did I tell you I cleared out the garage?

rofl rofl rofl rofl

You had better mean your rocks!!!:angry:

Xephon68's photo
Sat 12/17/11 06:05 AM

I just looked it up...indeed...blend of slut/whore.

Thanks klc. I'm feeling better about not knowing what it meant!happy

laugh Sure, sure. Always happy to oblige. Its not a 'true word' of course. An 'urban' word. Street. Hip, now, today.

Fun stuff.

Now I feel REALLY oldohwell

Thanks kic

Hold on.......... I didn't know what the heck it was either!what

That's why I didn't say anything. This dadgum X-box generation.. Litle whipper-snappers, next thing you know, they'll be listening to that rock-n-roll music!:banana:

Morning son!!:heart: Would you PLEASE tell Jayne to turn down that noise????

JANE, stop this crazy thing!!! <Meet George Jetson, bu-da-da-dun>

Xephon68's photo
Sat 12/17/11 05:56 AM

I just looked it up...indeed...blend of slut/whore.

Thanks klc. I'm feeling better about not knowing what it meant!happy

laugh Sure, sure. Always happy to oblige. Its not a 'true word' of course. An 'urban' word. Street. Hip, now, today.

Fun stuff.

Now I feel REALLY oldohwell

Thanks kic

Hold on.......... I didn't know what the heck it was either!what

That's why I didn't say anything. This dadgum X-box generation.. Litle whipper-snappers, next thing you know, they'll be listening to that rock-n-roll music!:banana:
Eh What's that you said, Sonny? I couldn't hear a thing over that blasted music!!

If I can remember where I put my walker, I'll turn it down...

Xephon68's photo
Sat 12/17/11 05:48 AM

I just looked it up...indeed...blend of slut/whore.

Thanks klc. I'm feeling better about not knowing what it meant!happy

laugh Sure, sure. Always happy to oblige. Its not a 'true word' of course. An 'urban' word. Street. Hip, now, today.

Fun stuff.

Now I feel REALLY oldohwell

Thanks kic

Hold on.......... I didn't know what the heck it was either!what

That's why I didn't say anything. This dadgum X-box generation.. Litle whipper-snappers, next thing you know, they'll be listening to that rock-n-roll music!:banana:

Xephon68's photo
Fri 12/16/11 08:25 AM

I, Terri Lyn, hereby swear I do not want to cause any harm to Eddie or his family members and do not want any sort of commitment. I just think Eddie is really special and fun and want to play with him and have a good time as I am not emotionally ready to commit to anything serious or even having chicken for dinner.

rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl good enough!! I'll put in a GOOD word!laugh laugh

Viv, go read my profile if it makes you feel better. It has changed.

Sweetie..I may joke around about being the busy body mama...but my boys live their own life..I will always have their back...but I don't get to pick and choose their friends.whoa .as much as I want to at times..laugh
I've already written Eddie and told him to come read our soon as he has air time he will..I haven't heard from him all day..which is unusual ..he'll get around to me eventuallywhoa
All I can say is good luck...and I mean that in the best of ways! I haven't read your profile yet..I'm making candy..but I willflowerforyou

Viv, Can you send me some?? LOL. My house is packed from the flood and I have no idea where my pots, pans, or let alone candy thermometer are. I did however find the pizza cutter which was no small victory.

Sure I can..there is no way we can eat all we plan on making!

BTW Viv I can't email because of your settings but last I heard from E, he was exhausted and going to try to make up for ten thousand years of not sleeping so don't worry.

I still haven't seen anything notarized!

Baby, you send me what you want signed and I will go over to the UPS store and pay the $10 to notarize and send it back. ; ) EXPRESS MAIL.

Can body parts go via post??? Hmmmmm.....

Xephon68's photo
Fri 12/16/11 08:23 AM

Hi Eddie. Welcome to Mingle.flowerforyou With Vivian as a Mom, I know you must be awesome. She has been a great friend to me since I got here! Have fun and tell your Mom that the forums are like Vegas--what's said here Stays here!

And in his case...apparently it means RIGHT HERE!

DUDE! Come play in some other threads!
We need fresh, fresh ideas!

Howdy, Gale! I don't know how fresh my meat.... er, ideas will be, probably pretty salty right now! We're steaming past Libya with a blow going on and getting sprayed over the bull-works....

Now, class, did everybody understand all of those nautical terms?.what

Oh, that sounds like island speak...
Here's your choice of new duds.


Get dressed and come on over...

What's frightening is I think these guys are due at the Xmas party out here next week! scared

Xephon68's photo
Fri 12/16/11 08:19 AM

adj \və-ˈləp(t)-shə-wəs, -shəs\
Definition of VOLUPTUOUS
a : full of delight or pleasure to the senses : conducive to or arising from sensuous or sensual gratification : luxurious <a voluptuous dance> <voluptuous ornamentation> <a voluptuous wine> b : suggesting sensual pleasure by fullness and beauty of form <voluptuous nudes>
: given to or spent in enjoyment of luxury, pleasure, or sensual gratifications <a long and voluptuous holiday — Edmund Wilson>

That's all well and good....but not if you have a litter on the way!!!ohwell

Now, THAT, brings a whole new meaning to animal husbandry!noway

Xephon68's photo
Fri 12/16/11 04:10 AM
Alright, ya Liberals! Somebody has got to keep this industrialized society rolling, so, it's back to work for me. Don't have too much fun without me....

Xephon68's photo
Fri 12/16/11 04:04 AM

Hi Everyone!! I am Nicole..I am new to the forums here waving

Hello, Nicky! If you haven't sussed it out, I am too.. We might have to hold hands to make it out of here alive!scared

Xephon68's photo
Fri 12/16/11 03:56 AM

I, Terri Lyn, hereby swear I do not want to cause any harm to Eddie or his family members and do not want any sort of commitment. I just think Eddie is really special and fun and want to play with him and have a good time as I am not emotionally ready to commit to anything serious or even having chicken for dinner.

rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl good enough!! I'll put in a GOOD word!laugh laugh

Viv, go read my profile if it makes you feel better. It has changed.

Sweetie..I may joke around about being the busy body mama...but my boys live their own life..I will always have their back...but I don't get to pick and choose their friends.whoa .as much as I want to at times..laugh
I've already written Eddie and told him to come read our soon as he has air time he will..I haven't heard from him all day..which is unusual ..he'll get around to me eventuallywhoa
All I can say is good luck...and I mean that in the best of ways! I haven't read your profile yet..I'm making candy..but I willflowerforyou

Viv, Can you send me some?? LOL. My house is packed from the flood and I have no idea where my pots, pans, or let alone candy thermometer are. I did however find the pizza cutter which was no small victory.

Sure I can..there is no way we can eat all we plan on making!

BTW Viv I can't email because of your settings but last I heard from E, he was exhausted and going to try to make up for ten thousand years of not sleeping so don't worry.

I still haven't seen anything notarized!