Community > Posts By > backdock1

backdock1's photo
Sun 02/10/08 06:53 PM
I agree with the room. Don't send the card, give him his space, if he wants you he will contact you, otherwise, make new friends and move on.

backdock1's photo
Sun 02/10/08 06:49 PM

backdock1's photo
Sun 02/10/08 06:48 PM

backdock1's photo
Sun 02/10/08 06:42 PM
If they launch first (whomever they are) then it's imperative to launch. Hopefully we have space based weapons to intercept or reliable ground protection so we can stop them on the way in while we're making glass over there.

backdock1's photo
Sun 02/10/08 06:24 PM
Busy next sun all day, maybe the following weekend.

backdock1's photo
Fri 02/08/08 02:28 PM
I am a "go out" kind of guy. I'm at ball games, races, bars, all of it. When I'm with a woman, they'll do all that stuff too but eventually I realize that most women are OK with staying home with cuddles and a movie. Am I generalizing on this one?

backdock1's photo
Fri 02/08/08 10:37 AM
OK, let's ride, talk to me!

backdock1's photo
Fri 02/08/08 01:09 AM
Whar r the dates? Sounds cool. R the bikes rentals?

backdock1's photo
Fri 02/08/08 01:03 AM
Dallas here!

backdock1's photo
Fri 02/08/08 12:55 AM
chillin, I'm home safe!

backdock1's photo
Wed 02/06/08 10:23 AM
OK, so you've lumped all guys together. We're all jerks in your world. They use you and abuse you and make out with other women. You are attractive and young. My guess is that all those hottie boys are the ones that come up and talk to you and have all the lines. Afterall we are human and are attracted to attractive people.

Remember this, all those hottie boys are also attractive to all the girls, same as attractive women could probably be with most people they desire therefore they're lining up lots of girls and bang them all because they can.

So here's the clincher and maybe the solution to your problem. I have always been one of the geeky types standing in the background too shy to go and talk to the hottie girls for fear of being shot down and there are a lot of us. Most of the women I get the opportunity to go out with seem to like me which is nice although my confidence and talking to women is maybe lacking unless I can get with them one on one. So.........maybe you should stop sitting there and letting the guys with all the lines and all the looks coming to you and you think they're so attractive. Go and talk to the guys that are maybe too shy to come see you. Those are going to be the ones that won't stray in the first place and maybe you'll land a winner. Banging all these hottie guys that can't even remenber your name and then suck face with your best friend are the ones you need to quit talking too. Shove them aside and go find an attractive quiet man of whatever age you like and give them some of your time. I think you'll be surprised.

backdock1's photo
Fri 02/01/08 01:54 PM
With all due respect to your cousin, odds are she's wrong, that's only her opinion. Keep doing what you're doing. Be yourself. Sometimes it's frustrating when you're on here and don't meet someone quickly. You may not meet anyone at all on here and that's OK too. Expect it when you least expect it. Which means focus on yourself and your aspirations and dreams. That magic person will come along and see you for being yourself and love you for that.

Sniffing around like a hound dog looking for it, well, you likely won't because it will consume you and you'll keep checking JSH and hoping this will be the day. Follow your dreams. Move to CO or TX if that's where your dreams take you. There's plenty of construction and ranching in both places. I would think there's more there than in MI.

Use JSH for friends and if the magic one comes along, that's like icing on the cake. Trust me, this is knowledge from experience. I am not looking that hard if at all and they seem to just gravitate. When I keep obsessing and looking and hoping, I lose focus on what is most important and I get nowhere.

Keep your chin up and drive on. This is a site for friends and besides you have to be friends with that magic someone before they can be your "Miss Kitty."

Good luck.

PS The sooner you move to find your dreams the sooner I think you'll find her. So what gives if you find her there and she doesn't want to move. Now what, does that mean that cattle or construction is out the window, I hope not. You come first, they're either with you or not.

Peace out Bro!

backdock1's photo
Thu 01/31/08 12:54 PM
Hi Brenna

backdock1's photo
Wed 01/30/08 09:13 AM
Rather shocking to hear that from a woman. I being the man on JSH get about 2% response from my emails if that and I don't consider myself ugly or repulsive but that's how I feel when I write to people on here. And I know not to write a novel for a response. Still, most of the women I've wrote to are picky B****s who are too good to write back unless it looks like Brad Pitt writing them so this works two ways. Write me an email and I will respond.

Please don't get me wrong because I have met a few wonderful friends from literally all over the world which is cool and went out with one woman so it's not a total loss. Still glad to be here. Besides, I get about the same response overall as I did on Match.

Peace Out!!

backdock1's photo
Tue 01/29/08 03:25 PM
Wow, I think I'm going to go smoke a cigarette or order pizza now or something. Nice article.

backdock1's photo
Mon 01/28/08 05:08 PM
Another thing to do is to mix a tonic water and lime and say you're drinking and beer makes you sick. (in case it's a keg party which most college functions are) Start laughing uncontrollably every now and then when people say you're not drinking. Say "are you crazy, I just drank half a fifth of rum before I got here. Hold on, I think I'm going to throw up, I'll be back." They will likely think you're a party animal and hopefully leave you alone. Besides when your real friends pan out, they will be over giving you a hard time and realize you're the driver. Start charging them especially if it's strangers. They'd likely be happy to or make them buy you burgers.

backdock1's photo
Fri 01/25/08 07:39 PM

We talked. We kissed. We exchanged phone numbers. We've exchanged text messages today.

He's 13 years younger than me. Hawt. Races cars and motorcycles(crotch rockets) as a hobby. Has a great job. I have to wonder if he was sober....since I met him at work..and I work at a casino...

I don't know. I'm keeping my fingers crossed. But...yeah...too good to be true? Maybe...

backdock1's photo
Fri 01/25/08 07:37 PM

We talked. We kissed. We exchanged phone numbers. We've exchanged text messages today.

He's 13 years younger than me. Hawt. Races cars and motorcycles(crotch rockets) as a hobby. Has a great job. I have to wonder if he was sober....since I met him at work..and I work at a casino...

I don't know. I'm keeping my fingers crossed. But...yeah...too good to be true? Maybe...

Enjoy the ride Q. It may be too good to be true. If it is, just have fun. When and if it's over, well then just chalk it up to one of those experiences in life that is memorable.

I've gone out with hotties before that were younger by 10-15 yrs and they eventually went away. It was fun while it lasted.

backdock1's photo
Fri 01/25/08 04:00 PM
Did you hook up Q or was he a dork?

backdock1's photo
Thu 01/24/08 04:54 PM
Your home email is probably defaulting your mail into a spam box. Check your spam box and if it has your JSH mail in it, hit the button that this is not spam and that'll fix the prob.


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