What are you carrying ?
Arizona doesn't have CCW's either ![]() You sure do have legislated CCW in Arizona, it is absolutely legal to carry a firearm concealed without any permit whatsoever. The same permit less right is afforded the citizens of Alaska, Wyoming and Vermont. These four states truly embrace the true meaning of the second amendment, the right of the people to bear arms. I agree with you that all states should allow law abiding, non-felons to carry a concealed firearm without any permit. I just happen to live in this gun-hater state of Illinois where the politicians just can't get their head around the irrefutable proven truth that CCW reduces crime and saves lives. I envision a day, not too distant, where our state will join the other 49 and allow it's law abiding citizens the choice to protect themselves and their families with a concealed firearm. |
What are you carrying ?
We have no CCW permit system in this gun-hater state of Illinois so cannot legally carry concealed. One of these days our state politicians will wake-up and join the other 49 states that do allow some form of CCW.
Kimber Gold Match .45ACP S&W Model 629 Performance Center Mag Hunter .44 Rem Mag S&W Model 41 .22 LR S&W Model 627 Performance Center .357 Mag Colt Python .357 Mag AMT AutoMag .22 Mag Browning BBR .338 Win Mag Browning BBR 30-06 Springfield Browning BBR 22-250 New Ultra Light Arms Model 28 .300 WSM New Ultra Light Arms Model 28 .25 WSSM New Ultra Light Arms Model 22 .17 MachII And a host of other rifles and shotguns all locked up securely in a Liberty gun vault.........except for my home defense Tarus Judge placed in a hidden, yet very convenient location. I love small-bore, large-bore rifle and handgun target shooting; trap and sporting clays shooting as well as small and big game hunting. And to the gun-haters and hunting haters, please don't make any comments, I could care less about your opinions. |
Edited by
Fri 11/18/11 10:39 PM
Not sure if this will work, don't know how to add an attachment to the post.
IMG_0369.jpg IMG_0305.JPG IMG_0299.jpg It didn't work, sorry, don't know how to post attached photos. |
Is Waterboarding Torture?
And finally, I am so thankful for the strong leaders in our country, past and up through the last Presidential administration who have had our military forces protect our country and its citizens from enemy advances and terrorist acts. I can only imagine with horror what would have become of the United States with leaders possessing bleeding heart opinions such as those expressed on this thread, we'd all be part of the British Commonwealth or worse, we'd be speaking the German or Japanese language!
So you like George Bush? That says a lot. So you dislike George Bush? That says even more. |
Is Waterboarding Torture?
Very well then. It is my opinion that was not a nice thing to say and it reflects badly on the person who said it. (Not talking about Yellowrose) yellowrose10 is a moderator to the site. She just tries to keep things civil by warning. It is/was hate speech. Not what the warning was for. In general opinions are allowed, abuse of the priviledge is not. It was not personal, simply a warning to some to better express themselves without the abuse factor included. ![]() So, sojourning_soul, from your most recent opinion posted above, I guess you owe me an apology for your blatant insult to me for my previously posted opinion at the top of page 12. Or are you also one of those pompous, hypocrites that denies all others opinions in favor of yours? And if you've forgotten what you wrote, here it is in all its glory!: "This is one of the most idiotic diatribes I've read in a while! You should audition for the Bill O Really or Sean Wannabe show! Let me and my friends waterboard you, rather than your friends, and then repost this crap! If it's not torture, then why is/was it used, what could they possibly have garnered from it as far as usefull information, and why are we having this discussion? ANY murder or diress inflicted upon another is torturous to that person, and it happens every day.... so do we torture in return for the crimes committed? You are saying we should drop our Constitution and rule of law, become like 3rd world countries in our laws? Prick Cheney would be proud of you! Edited by Sojourning_Soul on Wed 11/16/11 03:37 AM" And sojourning_soul, to answer your question posted many times on this thread; water-boarding was used because it was extremely effective to gain life saving intelligence information because IT WORKS without causing pain or any lasting physical or emotional trauma. And for this reason I would have absolutely no problem taking you up on your offer to have you and your friends, if you really have any, perform water-boarding on me. Why? Because I know that it causes no pain or other permanent problems! I've gotten more water up my nose water-skiing and swimming. And finally, I am so thankful for the strong leaders in our country, past and up through the last Presidential administration who have had our military forces protect our country and its citizens from enemy advances and terrorist acts. I can only imagine with horror what would have become of the United States with leaders possessing bleeding heart opinions such as those expressed on this thread, we'd all be part of the British Commonwealth or worse, we'd be speaking the German or Japanese language! And by the way sojourning_soul, NICE SHIRT! Just my opinion. |
Is Waterboarding Torture?
Absolutely amazing that some think television program and movie plots can somehow be used in real life situations. The reality of the evil in this world is far beyond the fantasy of television. Get real!
Pouring water on a towel placed over the face of an enemy combatant is in no way, shape or form torture, it has proven to produce no lasting physical effect while allowing the interrogators to gather information that saved many American and others lives. And frankly, I couldn't give a rats *** for a captured terrorist; if he is withholding intelligence information that can save innocent peoples lives, pour water on his face till he gives it up. Torture is what the terrorists did and continue to do to thousands of innocent people, blowing limbs off of their bodies with IED's. Or how about slowly sawing innocent peoples heads off with a dull knife while being video-taped so the terrorists can televise their cowardly acts to the world. THAT"S TORTURE!! And for all you bleeding hearts, I HAVE laid on the floor with a towel over my face and had my unbelieving friends pour water on my face, what a joke! Hold your fricken breath! I held my breath for over two minutes and then exhaled hard to suck in more air so I could hold my breath longer. It's no big deal! So many people simply have no clue and are manipulated by the bleeding hearts of our world. I'll tell you one thing, there are many evil people in this world that would like nothing more than to kill every one of us Americans. If we can save ourselves by pouring a little water on their faces, big friggen deal, DO IT!!! |
Don't give him any ideas and now you have to be nice to him. I hope he at least grills some of the delicious back-strap (loin) for your dinner.
Just saying hi to all.
Registered on this site yesterday and have been searching around. Only intention is to meet some nice women my age to communicate with. It gets pretty boring here in this small farm community I live in, especially during the winter when everyone is holed up at home. The winds are blowing across the dirt plains today probably better than 35 miles per hour, house is shaking a bit. Hope everyone is having a nice weekend. Take care, Mike |