Community > Posts By > Kitkat19

Kitkat19's photo
Sun 03/08/09 01:34 PM
I know my profile says otherwise, but that was done on a dare. I have two beautiful kids that I have raised since birth completely on my own with out help from the state or their dead beat dads. There may only be a few of us but don't judge every woman just because of a few you know. I don't want any man think I truly want anything other than a relationship from them. I can handle my own and don't want or need a man to think otherwise. I love my kids to much to use them to the degree that you state some moms do. I would never in a million years trade my kids or my life for another.

Kitkat19's photo
Sun 03/08/09 01:08 PM
I can say I definatly hate my son's dad. He has caused me and my son both such heartache. I had a child in 2007 that didn't make it and the day the doctors told us we would have to take him off of life support he said that I killed him. Later he took me to court for custody of our son and tried to say I actually killed our second son. I had to have our nurses and doctors for him come down to the courthouse and testify. I will hate him for that the rest of my life.

Kitkat19's photo
Sat 09/06/08 07:20 PM
Yeah he thinks its great with his peepee but I can't even get to sit on the potty when he's going. He'll just hold it in until I put the pull up back on and then he, umm...takes care of his business.

Kitkat19's photo
Sat 09/06/08 07:11 PM
My three year old will peepee on the potty but refuses to do the other. I don't know why. He kinda acts like he thinks its gross to go in the potty but he does know when he has to go. I don't know how to get him going on the potty....any suggestions???Please???

Kitkat19's photo
Sat 09/06/08 03:31 PM
I'm just bored. It'd be fun to meet up with someone and go out to do something like the movies or something. Anyone interested?

Kitkat19's photo
Mon 01/07/08 12:05 PM
Back in march of 07 I had my second child. A beautiful baby boy. He was fine for three days and then on my b'day he quit breathing in the middle of the night. The nurses and doctors were able to revive him but it was to late. He was on life support for a week before they declared him brain dead and we had no choice but to take him off of the support. They had been telling me since the second day in the nicu that he wouldn't make it. I just had to use that short time we had together to the best of my abilities so that I could say my son was comfortale and if nothing else I knew he felt my love while I was there. All you can do is love them while you can and enjoy every second you have with them.