Community > Posts By > VenusianWoman

VenusianWoman's photo
Thu 11/09/06 08:47 AM

Searching for answers to questions unsaid
That echo inside my mind
Are there but not often heard or seen
They pass with the wings of time

As my mind grows weary my body gets weak
The arms of sleep embrace me
Drawing me down to where nothing is felt
Guiding me to a dream unseen

Reflections of pictures once thought when awake
Are somehow brought to life
The choice to take part or simply just watch
Is gone in the blink of an eye

Sometimes unaware what I see is unreal
It's accepted as true and believed
But scenes uncertain are left rejected
As I struggle to fight what is seen

No matter what's viewed when the body's asleep
The depth of the mind is awake
Information that's given is at times withheld
Grasping only to what it can take

Something awakes me from thoughts that disturb
Giving me some relief
Closing my eyes after few moments pass
I return to the arms of sleep

Pleasures replace uneasy thoughts
As I'm taken back into dreams
Comfort sets in as new scenes unfold
Accepting with ease it seems

Pieces of each are filed and stored
Remembered as curtains are drawn
This rest sets me free as night turns to day
As my sleep slips away with the dawn

VenusianWoman's photo
Thu 11/09/06 08:46 AM

Silent whispers just barely heard
Walking through branches of trees
Tapping on windows, brushing the house
From rooftop down to the eaves
Starlit nights, a soft warm breeze
The smell of the countryside
A coyotes howl, croaks from a frog
Day creatures sleep for the night
Quietness lingers, everything's still
Listen for the slightest sound
Outside the window the rustle of grass
Small creatures are moving around
The distant sound of a barking dog
A mother cow calls her calf
Owls hoot throughout the night
All memories of a childhood past
Regression back to happier days
Reliving an easy lifestyle
Wanting to remain for a longer time
Only visiting a very short while

VenusianWoman's photo
Thu 11/09/06 08:45 AM

Come leave with me to an ageless place
Devoted to unfailing love
A tiny oasis where harmony is
Unbridled, frequent,untouched

The landscape will capture your evey sight
It'll welcome and elevate you
Crossing the threshhold unlocks a door
With every kiss you surrender to

An abundance of stardust sparkles each night
Through moonbeams they glisten there
It's fragrance will mesmerize every sense
Honoring wishes beyond compare

An unforgettable worthwhile place
Melting many a frozen heart
It's horizon has guided many lost souls home
Who were shrouded in everything dark

So take my hand, lets snuggle up
Our passion will lead us to bliss
We'll rest in starlight in a warm embrace
Where unity will be sealed with a kiss

VenusianWoman's photo
Thu 11/09/06 08:44 AM
Many,Im sure can relate to this.We know who we are inside, but it takes
certain people, special ones,to figure out for themselves who the other
one is inside.

To bad so many have to go thru crappy relationships to find the right
one eh.

Enjoyed your poems!

VenusianWoman's photo
Thu 11/09/06 08:40 AM
in your poems I can see pictures of how people have tarnished the world
and saddened the spirits and done wrong to so many people.I like these
visual writings very much.

VenusianWoman's photo
Thu 11/09/06 08:37 AM
all relationships start with friendship.Great write!

VenusianWoman's photo
Thu 11/09/06 08:35 AM
an intense love you have for her.

VenusianWoman's photo
Thu 11/09/06 08:33 AM
A sad but spiritual poem,but has a happy ending.The light has shown the
way .All things are related as the native people have always expressed.I
love these kind of writings.

VenusianWoman's photo
Thu 11/09/06 08:30 AM

VenusianWoman's photo
Thu 11/09/06 08:26 AM

Will the secrets in Heaven be good to us
Does the sky always stay blue
Can we count on being safe and warm
Like the way I feel with you

Will there be a change in everything
Or will some things stay the same
Is it like the rides in Disneyland
Where it's like a wonderful dream

There's questions I ask every now and then
When I'm with or without you
Some you answer as best you can
But with others there's no response to

So I'll sit alone and ask again
Waiting for answers to come
Then I hear a voice inside my head
And wonder where it came from

It says"I'll walk with you each step you take
I'll forever be by your side
Whenever you have uncertainties
I'll take your hand so you'll get by

Any questions you ask I'll answer
I'll do for you what I know I can
Don't ever doubt my love for you
It's the only thing that will understand

All the flowers you smell will be sweeter
All the flavors of food more full
The colors you see will be richer
Everything you touch more beautiful

There's no need to worry sweetheart
Heaven's not that far from reach
Just open your eyes,your arms and heart
They'll take you where you want to be"

VenusianWoman's photo
Thu 11/09/06 08:24 AM

Take me dancing,feel my bum
Kiss me on the lips
Hold me close,look in my eyes
Then press into my hips

Smile your smile,give that look
Say those words that charm
You know your gettin' lucky now
I'm melting in your arms

Drive us home,take my hand
Lead me to the room
Take off our clothes,get on the bed
And screw by light of moon

Fall asleep while lying close
Your front to my backside
Hours pass,the sun is here
You open up your eyes

Hear me breath,I'm still asleep
Feel my soft warm skin
Find your way to that sweet spot
Then slowly slide it in

I'm getting wet,I softly moan
Starting to awake
You cup my breast and go in deep
Take my breath away

Morning comes,time passes noon
Our bodies are as one
You make love to me in ways
As no ones ever done

VenusianWoman's photo
Thu 11/09/06 08:19 AM

The soft glow of a flickering flame
Warms the soul as it burns
Memories from the past surface
Recalling favored thoughts
Relaxing the tensions of the body
Your mind flows free
Branching out in all directions
Touching forethoughts of desires
Drawn in by the dance of fire
You fall deeper in thought
Travel thru time takes you back
Then in an instant you jump ahead
Scenes of a hopeful future appear
Thoughts and visions intertwine
Shapes of the flames come to view
Sparks fly about spontaneously
Drifting upward in a draft
Softly,quietly,the wood burns
Crackling as it gives off heat
The smell of the wood fills the room
A gentle smile grows
This comfort is pleasing
Lost in a realm of your own
There is no fer present
The fir entices calmness
Inviting your mind to drift
While your body is still
You're hypnotized by its dance
Taken by the song of fire
As it whispers out to you

VenusianWoman's photo
Thu 11/09/06 08:18 AM

I am a memory that's fading away
Replaced by others each passing day

Falling away or tossed aside
No one knows the tears I've cried

For things that matter I don't rate
I'm used and lied to,one to forsake

A stepping stone on someones path
They disregard the feelings I have

It matters not which road I choose
I'm always the one that seems to lose

Thoughts fly in and out of my head
To end it all since I'm already dead

Invisible to most, a sight unseen
Not even a cameo in someones dream

I wake each morning to an empty day
Knowing I'm a memory that's fading away

VenusianWoman's photo
Thu 11/09/06 08:17 AM

Sometimes I just come to watch
To see the different styles
There are some that we could do
If you're staying for a while

The ones I see that most can do
Practice is not needed
Others might take a bit more time
Having some moves to be repeated

Some will take no skill at all
But others can be complex
Some prefer to do it alone
While others with the opposite sex

Some will start right of the bat
With someone they've just met
While others here are with their mates
Enjoying each one they get

Some will go the whole night long
Rarely taking a break
Those I've watched will have a smile
For the length of time it takes

This must be your lucky night
Tonight I'm in the mood
If you'd care to take a chance
I'd like to dance with you

VenusianWoman's photo
Thu 11/09/06 08:16 AM

Do the clouds say my name
As the wind just passes by
Do you reach out to hold me
When the rain falls from the sky
Are you longing to kiss me
When the stars come out at night
Tell me Dear am I your true love
That brings all your dreams to life

When you wake up alone Hon
Do you wish that I was there
As the sun creeps thru the windows
Are the singing birds not there
Do the days seem long and dreary
When I'm not there by your side
Tell me Dear am I your true love
Who makes everything alright

Do the leaves on the trees
Seem to smile when I'm around
Do you feel like you are flying
And your feet don't touch the ground
Does your life seem so much sweeter
With my arms around you tight
Tell me Dear am I your true love
That brings sunshine to your life

All the times we spend together
Has brought happiness to me
There is no one but you Darlin'
That my eyes still want to see
When the night falls and the moon shines
My mind always thinks of you
And my heart says you're my true love
No one else would ever do

VenusianWoman's photo
Tue 11/07/06 08:50 AM
welcome! great to see ya!

VenusianWoman's photo
Tue 11/07/06 08:49 AM
well, I'm not brand new, but fairly new to the site.Just started checkin
out the differnt areas in the communities.
Hope y'all have a wonderful experience here and make some good friends!
Drop a line if ye care to.
Susie Q

VenusianWoman's photo
Tue 11/07/06 08:44 AM

He likes his beer in a tall cold glass
He's never seen without his cowboy hat
Wearin' T-shirts,jeans and cowboy boots
You'll never seen him in a three piece suit

He doesn't bother me when I'm upset
Knows just how close it is that he can get
Takes me shoppin' on a shoppin' spree
Wants to buy me things that I don't need

He doesn't have a lot of money to burn
He gives me damn good lovin' in return
He treats me like I am the Queen of Siam
I get champagne kisses from my beer drinkin' man

Champagne kisses, I want more
Champagne kisses, I adore
Champagne kisses, he does me right
With those champagne kisses every night

He says he loves me more than his truck
Says that he needs me, I'm his good luck
He knows just what it is that I like best
Are his champagne kisses I can't resist

I like to help myself whenever I please
To his lips they're just like candy to me
His tasty kisses are what I long for
They're like champagne bubbles in a chocolate bar

Champagne kisses, I want more
Champagne kisses, I adore,
Champagne kisses, He does me right
With those champagne kisses every night

VenusianWoman's photo
Tue 11/07/06 08:38 AM
This should bring a few smiles to your faces,boys and girls.


It's more than just your face I love
Our bodies fit just like a glove
This silver lining in my cloud
Is because you're well endowed
You really make my nipples stand
When caressing with your hand
As you use your tongue and lips
It makes me want to move my hips
You've gotten me extremely wet
There's still anticipation yet
I get goosebumps and spread my thighs
As I see your body rise
You're on top and moving slow
Slide in and out now here we go
Arms and legs both wrapped around
Giddy up go more speed and sound
Through the moans and groans we hear
It's time to change positions dear
How can I resist your pleas
When asked to turn on hands and knees
Don't forget to feel my bum
Squeeze rub and spank it some
Should you lean to take a rest
Take a hold of both my breasts
Once again a kiss we taste
Then lean back and hold my waist
Do me hard do me deep
Do me fast don't skip a beat
When at last the time is near
Our breath is gone but have no fear
Then at last that final "OH"
Here I cum and there you go

VenusianWoman's photo
Tue 11/07/06 08:33 AM

You have the right to remain sexy.Any part of me you name will be held
against you at any time, any place.Bondage may be applied if
necessary.Should you need assisstance,I'll be happy to oblige.
Numerous positons are applicable.Video cameras,toys,lubricants and other
parifinalia are optional.There shall be no exchange of money. Rain
checks may or may not apply. No other parties may participate. No phone
calls will be allowed during this process.

Do You Understand?