Community > Posts By > VenusianWoman

VenusianWoman's photo
Thu 11/16/06 07:55 PM

Well there ain't nothin'in me that needs changin'
And I don't need to do any rearrangin'
Things are really fine just the way they are
Never once had a thought love could take me so far

I've got my freedom,no ties that bind
Anything I don't like I can leave behind
I'm free as a bird, I'm feelin' good inside
And it's all because of you,you just blow my mind

I'm floatin' in a dream that'll never end
Everything about you baby's got me on the mend
My past don't matter and my future looks bright
I wanna lock my arms around you and hold on tight

Ever since I met you baby things ain't been the same
Everytime I talk I gotta say your name
You sparkle like a diamond you're a genuine pearl
That's why I love you baby, you just rock my world.

VenusianWoman's photo
Thu 11/16/06 07:52 PM

I love to feel his hands on me
Caressing down my sides
Kissing me softly on my neck
Seeing the look in his eyes
Tender lips upon my own
My hands lay on his face
Close our eyes,feel the heat
Between us there's no space
His body strong tho soft to touch
His arms are firm and toned
I am protected with him here
No longer feel alone
Hearts beat fast with senses high
Bodies move as one
Souls take flight within our mind
Adrift beside the dawn

VenusianWoman's photo
Thu 11/16/06 07:51 PM

The only "me" you see is "you"
Caring not what others go thru
Afraid inside "you" don't measure up
What "you" think others want you're not sure of
No one takes an interest in "me"
Their only interest is what seems to agree
They speak with words to kill some time
Not really hearing what's on your mind
So many people are stuck on "me"
That "you" are someone they do not see
Unless of course you're a challenge to some
It's when conquered their interest is gone
So many scenarios "you" go thru in life
Makes "me" wonder why even try
If you'd share the "me" in "you"
"You" won't be alone with only "you"
You'd see that "me" when shared by "you"
Will not be one but then be two
You're life will take some turn arounds
When "Me" and "You" share common ground

VenusianWoman's photo
Thu 11/16/06 07:50 PM

You're a champagne bath in candle light
A hot tub soak on the brightest night

You're a soothing massage with scented oils
A walk on a path of rose petals of royals

You're the smile in my heart that sings a song
The sweet smell of flowers that last so long

You're the ray of sunshine that brightens my day
The wings of an angel that whisks me away

You're the flame that flickers in a gentle breeze
The endorphins of love that tension relieves

You're the thrill that excites whenever we kiss
An obsessive addiction I can't resist

You are the magic that brings me to life
Beautiful fireworks that shine so bright

You're the piece of a puzzle that no one can find
The image I dream of within my mind

You are the memories I always embrace
Wherever you are is my favorite place

VenusianWoman's photo
Thu 11/16/06 07:49 PM

I feel so alone in life
An empty shell inside
No matter what I try to do
Nothing comes out right
It seems I've lived most my life
Around what others said
But all it's done is please them
While I inside feel dead
As long as I do what family says
Everything seems fine
But when I choose to do for me
They think I've lost my mind
No one sees my point of view
They treat me like a child
I need a life to call my own
Away from this life style
I know what I want and need for me
I've known it all along
If only God would grant me this
I'd feel like I belong
I want someone to call my own
Who wouldn't judge my ways
But love me just for who I am
And show me every day
One who'd help to mend my soul
Also dry my tears
Guide me thru the rest of life
Erasing all my fears
I want someone to hold at night
Who'll share all kinds of times
Someone just to do things with
Who gives me piece of mind

VenusianWoman's photo
Thu 11/16/06 07:45 PM

Some will come and some will go
Just where or when we never know
Just take the time to enjoy the days
Before your time just slips away
Looking ahead or far behind
We miss all of the present time
Then when our time in almost here
We want to go back to where we were
To those times we know we missed
When we had the chance to ejoy a kiss
To embrace the love that was standing there
And share the times we had to spare
So try and take the time that's here
Enjoy it now while we're still here

VenusianWoman's photo
Thu 11/16/06 07:40 PM
I think this is a beautiful poem...its nice to see how one can truely
appreciate a woman.

VenusianWoman's photo
Fri 11/10/06 01:21 PM
dreams are made real only when we choose to make them so.mans greed has
more than defiled the earth as well as themselves.I'd rather be an
animal,I'm ashamed at times to be human.


VenusianWoman's photo
Fri 11/10/06 01:17 PM
awe what a sweet're a softy ..

VenusianWoman's photo
Fri 11/10/06 01:16 PM
brought a smile......

VenusianWoman's photo
Fri 11/10/06 01:15 PM
mind over matter in times of doubt... like it!!

VenusianWoman's photo
Fri 11/10/06 01:14 PM
WOW! what a beautiful yet sad poem to your friend! that kind of love
never dies.We never forget those who meant so much and left such an
impact on us. Great writing!!

VenusianWoman's photo
Fri 11/10/06 01:07 PM

Up and down,in and out
Good or bad,scream and shout

Build,destroy,fix and mend
When the hell will this all end

Life is good then it sucks
No need for coins we all want bucks

Weak or strong,short or tall
Doesn't matter we're bound to fall

Thin,fat,glad or sad
You're either happy or you're mad

Eat ,drink,sing and dance
Someone's sure to take a chance

Blonde,red.brown and black
No one knows just where it's at

You think you know but then forget
Some things you do you will regret

One eases pain with drugs or booze
Not knowing just how much they lose

What's good for you,they say is not
Screw them all,your life you've got

No need to rush,just take it slow
Enjoy the ride before you go

VenusianWoman's photo
Fri 11/10/06 01:07 PM

In your arms is where I want to be
Til the end of time is here for me
You're the only one that's made me free

From the fears inside I felt so long
I've faced them all til they were gone
With stepping stones that I walked on

You showed me how love leads you thru
Anything at all you choose to do
I've finally found a love that's true

That makes me feel I have wings to fly
I wanna see your face each day I rise
I wanna see that look within your eyes

Everyday that we're together Dear
You're there to whisper sweet things in my ear
Hold me close if I should shed a tear

Where would I be without this love you share
But alone and cold in the world out there
I'd rather be with you than anywhere

I've never felt like this for anyone
You're the rock in life that I lean on
Every day and night from dusk til dawn

You're the only one my heart can see
And when the end of time is here for me
In your arms is where I want to be

VenusianWoman's photo
Fri 11/10/06 01:05 PM

Walk up to me give a smile
Look into my eyes
Put your hands upon my face
Kiss softly for a while

Wrap your lips around my own
As our tongues entwine
Slide your fingers on my back
Caressing down my spine

Rest your hands upon my waist
Draw me close to you
I'll respond by pressing in
Winding arms round you

Running fingers thru your hair
Then caress your face
Hands move down along your neck
As still the kiss we taste

From neck to chest I softly scratch
Down to your belly line
Turn my hands from front to back
Raise slowly up your sides

I reach around to scratch your back
From shoulders down to waist
Then glide along to grab your ass
Hold you there in place

The kiss is long full of heat
Your arms around me firm
We softly moan between our breaths
It makes our bodies yearn

VenusianWoman's photo
Fri 11/10/06 01:04 PM

I sense your work means more to you
Than one who loves you so
You turn your back and walk away
Each time I hold you close

You're always so preoccupied
There's always much to do
You sleep uneasy, you never rest
I'm always last with you

I don't know what I'm doing here
You never talk to me
I don't exist within your world
So I'll just let you be

I can't stay and live with you
Pretending all's OK
I think perhaps I'll follow your lead
And simply walk away

VenusianWoman's photo
Fri 11/10/06 01:03 PM

I stumble on a paradise
No ones ever seen
Wonders there are very rare
Only viewed in dreams

Mythical and real are there
I'm standing there in awe
Unsure if mind does register
I sit and take a pause

The smell of flowers fill the air
Music I've never heard
Entices me to walk along
A path of stones observed

Tiny voices of laughter rise
Pixies dance about
Fairies appear before my eyes
Thru foliage in and out

Birds fly high or walk about
Colors so bright some glow
Unicorns with Pegasus eat
A white more white than snow

In the distance a little cove
Boulders set in place
Mermaids sing and comb their hair
Revealing beauty of face

Water clear in green and blue
Waves up to the shore
Caressing mermaids rainbow tails
Revealing even more

So many other things I see
Embrace my every sense
Standing numb I've lost my tongue
Relaxed and feeling tense

VenusianWoman's photo
Fri 11/10/06 01:03 PM

Truth be known I sit alone
So no one hears me cry
Lost in pain with nothing gained
Each day just passes by

My family doesn't understand
Not listening to my words
As if I'm just a babbling fool
So much I must endure

I feel a breakdown coming on
Anxiety attack perhaps
Forgetting things I shouldn't have
So many memory laps

Stressed and tense my body's sore
So many headaches now
Sleepless nights and awkward days
What more will my body allow

I try so hard to do what's right
But rarely things work out
Fighting's hard I just give up
I may as well stay down

I see my pills and contemplate
How peaceful I would be
No more worries or heartaches felt
Take them all and stay asleep

In time their pain will dissipate
But questions will remain
Maybe then they'll understand
And listen to my pain

VenusianWoman's photo
Fri 11/10/06 01:02 PM

I wake to find you by my side
Your arm around my waist
Holding me so close to you
In such a warm embrace

I search and find your hand to hold
Clasping it a while
Wrapped in love and tenderness
I smile a subtle smile

To finally find a cherished love
That's always there for me
Has made my world a better place
You've made my life complete

VenusianWoman's photo
Fri 11/10/06 12:58 PM

I want to be the drink that quenches your thirst
The blanket that keeps you warm at night
The food that fills you up
All the beauty that's within your eyes
I want to be the love that envelopes you
The kiss you always crave
The thoughts that bring you peace
That sensual feeling you can't get enough of
I want to be your favorite memory
Your most treasured artifact
The one you can always depend on
I want to be your everything,your better half
The best of.......