Community > Posts By > LookinRound

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Wed 01/25/12 04:25 PM
catch me up!

who, (is doing who?)
what, (in the world were they thinking?)
where, (so I can avoid there or choose to rush there quickly depending on the story)
when, (so I know if it's still hot news or last week's highlights - something still changing like the wind around here I imagine)
why (don't even bother, we never do know why do we??)
and how? (just in case I haven't tried it that way yet)

give me the condensed version - heaven knows I wouldn't want to appear that I don't know what's going on around here!

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Wed 01/25/12 04:17 PM
It's not for everyone.
We've all heard the horror stories along with the fairy tales.
Totally depends on the two individuals involved and what they want.

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Wed 01/25/12 04:10 PM
flowers smitten smitten flowers smitten smitten flowers

Aaawww, My Soufie, I knew you wouldn't leave

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Wed 01/25/12 04:00 PM
What? Did you all make some obscure New Years resolutions or what?
where are the stoners???? smokin

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Wed 01/25/12 03:54 PM
Yep, pretty much sums it up.
See? We aren't that complex.
You now have the handbook.

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Wed 01/25/12 03:40 PM
We will drive you there too though
just give us time.

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Wed 01/25/12 03:37 PM

This is the only site I'm on. But, it's been suggested to me that I try other sites as well. Besides Mingle, what sites have you tried and did you like them?

Sally Fields?

Why would you try other sites?
Where else has the most incredible bunch of hooligans to be found??

OH you want to DATE!

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Tue 11/22/11 07:05 PM
well this topic went right off course into the weeds!happy

Normal is a setting on the washer.
That's the only normal I've ever seen!

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Tue 11/22/11 10:32 AM
" What you learn from your suffering and grief
you might be able to help someone else
who's now in the phase you may have just completed.
Maybe that's what it's all about after all... "
~ unknown

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Mon 11/21/11 09:26 PM
AfriQueen22 - what a relevant topic this turned out to be. Thank you for starting it and please accept my deepest sympathy.

To the many others here that have experienced tragic loss, or natural ones, my heart goes out to you. That sounds so trite but truly, I read every word over and over and my heart hurts for all of your losses.
I wish I could hug each and every one of you and make your hurt go away. But I can't, ... if only it were that easy.

I don't deal with loss well, never have. I tend to go into denial and keep on moving, not allowing the grieving process to actually happen.

I lost my Mother suddenly 5 years ago, my 90 year old Father just three weeks ago after an extended illness. At the time my Mother passed I thought how much easier it may have been to have had some 'warning', the suddenness of one moment here and the next gone was overwhelming.
However, after spending the last year living with my Father as his main caregiver, having the 'warning' did not make his passing necessarily any easier.

Every circumstance is different, every relationship we have with our loved ones different and we all grieve differently. Profound, huh?

However, after reading the experiences on this post , it gives me hope. So many people experience loss, on such a very deep level. Yes, death is a natural part of life - but it is a loss no matter the age or circumstance.
It is inevitable.

Is there life after death? Yes - we must continue to live. Is it easy - not always. You can see from the responses here that there are a myriad of approaches and experiences. There is a lot of heartfelt comments in this post, that I needed to see and digest. I truly believe that being able to share your feelings and experiences is part of any healing process. To know that I am not alone, the only one that ever experienced this - even though our circumstances are so varied, does help me realize that there is hope.

I truly believe there are various stages of grief, there is no timeline for each or any of them and that each stage is not one time only. There are no ‘right or wrong’ answers, just other’s experiences to possibly learn from as we go through our own process and find our own way.

A book I read years ago “When Bad Things Happen To Good People” may be enlightening. Did it have one solid answer? No. But I found it helpful.

Today I feel like the most important thing I can do is be the best person I can be, to take everything my parents taught me and share that - with the family, friends, strangers, whomever. To live my life well and make a difference to someone in need, as my parents did - that is a way to honor them. Tomorrow I may be a basket case again and not want to get out of bed.

My best advice - keep talking, keep reaching out and may you find your way flowerforyou

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Tue 10/04/11 03:38 PM
Shouldn't this be renamed to The Old New Thread?

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Thu 08/11/11 02:55 PM
THAT is a lot of meows!!

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Mon 08/08/11 06:15 PM
Was there a stoner convention out of town and no one invited me!?!?

Where IS everyone??

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Thu 08/04/11 05:00 PM
supper, what to have

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Thu 08/04/11 04:58 PM
Yo doggies smokin

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Thu 08/04/11 04:43 PM
I'm in -- but no windows.
You will keep me in a manner to which I am accustomed, correct??
Oh and I'm bringing the dog and cat.

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Tue 08/02/11 02:37 PM
I may want to come back as Sophie's cat in my next life flowerforyou

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Wed 07/27/11 01:26 AM

I love to downhill ski, hike and rollerblade. I'm one of those people that can find fun things to do in every season.
Problem is, I cannot seem to find anyone near me in my age group that even remotely has an interest in anything that doesn't involve drinking or contstant 'texting'<-like the world will end if you don't respond to someone in milliseconds, and totally blow-off the person you're with while doing that.
Granted, i can see why one might be afraid of getting hurt, but still. What good is medical insurance if ya don't test-drive it every once in a while? :wink:

look forword to any opinions.

Can I get your dog's digits???? I'd love to text that beaut!!

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Wed 07/20/11 03:47 PM

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Wed 07/20/11 02:39 PM
I have just one question -- do you all really make sense to each other????