Community > Posts By > Niallgk

Niallgk's photo
Sat 03/28/15 05:13 PM
Edited by Niallgk on Sat 03/28/15 05:13 PM
Strangly Moe, I agree 100% with every word of your post.

Niallgk's photo
Sat 03/14/15 04:45 PM

I'll say one thing Moe, you come accross as a highly prejudiced individual, willing to tar 1.6 billion people with the same brush. Good luck with that.

Niallgk's photo
Tue 03/10/15 05:00 PM
Edited by Niallgk on Tue 03/10/15 05:05 PM
Niallgk: Agreeing to disagree is an option for anyone... It's not always productive to continue debates, when it isn't going anywhere... Sometimes, reflection is needed.., to digest the other position...

I actually do understand what you are saying.., but this "grouping" together is what I am against.. You have one interpretation you keep referring to.., but if you re-read this thread again, you might see that I have addressed it already... Maybe not to your satisfaction.., but I'm not in a battle of "I'm right.., you're wrong"..., like so many internet debates I read...

I am fine in stating my position (as you have) .. and letting others come to their own conclusions.. This is probably why I don't involve myself in a lot of these kinds of debates.. I'm not here to try and sway people's opinions.... Everyone is an individual..

I really don't understand Jagbird why you keep saying you are against what you call "grouping together" in relation to Da'esh/ISIS. I understand that the vast majority of 1.6 billion true Muslims are agast at their activities and want no truck with these fanatics.

Any fascist regime from Franco's Spain to the old USSR was very capable of corrupting the minds it's employees, from the army to the juditiary. Da'esh is a fascist regime with a very clear and well thought-out ideology that is being currently being imposed within the areas that they control. They corrupt everything and everyone it has under its control.

There is no question of good and bad here in my opinion. With this kind of religion or politics or ideology -call it what you will - there is only one solution for a cancer of this nature - you cut it out in the most painless way possible for the patient, which in this case, is the Middle East.

Niallgk's photo
Sun 03/08/15 06:39 PM
Edited by Niallgk on Sun 03/08/15 06:45 PM
Interestingly Da'esh is the Arabic acronym for ISIL/IS but when spoken, sounds very like the words "trample under foot".

Niallgk's photo
Sun 03/08/15 06:03 PM
Edited by Niallgk on Sun 03/08/15 06:05 PM

and they are muslims, right? so i'm confused as to wth your trying to say here...

Correct, they are (or at least claim to be Muslims. I have Muslim friends whose compatriates are being butchered by these evil monsters, Da'esh have killed thousands in Syria and Iraq amoungst other places.

What I'm trying to point out is that there are hundreds of millions of Muslims that have no truck with this abomination of the religion of Islam. Sunni Muslims Shia Muslims, Christians, Jews, Yazidis, Zoroastians, etc, etc, have lived together in peace for well over 1,000 years in places like Syria, Iraq, Israel/Palestine, Egypt, Morocco and so on.

Da'ash is entirely alien to their beliefs and culture of respect and tolerance.

Niallgk's photo
Sun 03/08/15 05:50 PM
someone is deleting the ]quote[ at the top when replying

mea culpa.

Niallgk's photo
Sun 03/08/15 05:44 PM
Edited by Niallgk on Sun 03/08/15 05:45 PM

boko harm, al quieda, taliban, ISIS, just to name a few... i can always search more if you like

Again, Boku Haram, Al-Queda, Da'ash (ISIL), etc. follow the same sect that was created by Muhamad ibn al-Wahhab.

Niallgk's photo
Sun 03/08/15 05:23 PM
Edited by Niallgk on Sun 03/08/15 05:25 PM

still, that is meaningless... it doesn't really matter what sect a person is when they're killing you...

It is completely relevant and meaningful due to the fact that there Is only ONE sect of Islam that has the ambition to liquidate you!

EDIT: The top line is a quote from Mightymoe.

Niallgk's photo
Sun 03/08/15 05:01 PM
Edited by Niallgk on Sun 03/08/15 05:02 PM

So, Niallgk...

How far do You put the curser after a quote, because I don't get the same results twice?

I don't know Sheik, I just select the pieces of the quote I want to omitt using the mouse/cursor and delete, it works every time.

Niallgk's photo
Sun 03/08/15 04:52 PM
Edited by Niallgk on Sun 03/08/15 04:55 PM

See That...!

I just re-quoted Your last post and now it's overlapped with blue.

What The Hell !!!!!!

I dont know what you are seeing Sheik, everything looks normal at my end. I see no "blue text'.

Niallgk's photo
Sun 03/08/15 04:50 PM
Edited by Niallgk on Sun 03/08/15 04:54 PM
yea, well, people can like or dislike whoever they want, but i have never heard a muslim or a Irishman say anything good about the Jews... just my observations

I'd have no difficulty saying that the Israelis that I've met and from my observations, are amoungst the smartest most intelligent people I know of. They are as cultured, resourceful, scientific, artistic, educated, and enterprising a people as there is.

Coming from a Paddy, will that suffice?

Niallgk's photo
Sun 03/08/15 04:30 PM
Edited by Niallgk on Sun 03/08/15 04:38 PM

For a so called Journalist you make a lot of mistakes, in fact so many it's hard to take you serious or believe anything you say, but that applies to most journalists.
I find your snide remark about the British highly offensive.
Please forgive us our mistakes and let's move on for a brighter more peaceful future for all.

First off, I feel it necessary to apologise to you Funkyfranlie. My remark concerning the British was absolutely not intended as a slight nor was I intending to be snide. Perhaps I could and should have tried to be more precise.

What I ment when I said

"...Please don't take the view that the Irish hate the Jews. That would be wrongheaded. We view the Jewish people in a manner similar to the manner we opine the British, (for obvious reasons)...",

was that the Irish can tend to have a somewhat conflicted view of Britain. On the one hand, we are only too aware of our shared culture, our similarities of ways, legal framework, politics and language, the fact that Irish people quite happily live and work in Britain and along with our easy relationship with our English friends an associates (I have many of both myself). On the other hand, history casts a long shaddow, though finally it seems that we have begun to 'get over ourselves' and are beginning to ditch the baggage.

As for mistakes, indeed I make many of those, but then again who doesn't make the occasional one. I am however, always open to being corrected about the facts, so please feel free to point them out to me.

Niallgk's photo
Sat 03/07/15 08:54 PM
Have you ever read the letter that Dr. Albert Einstein wrote to the NYT (a letter that contained the signatures of another 20-something Jewish dignatories) in December1948?

Niallgk's photo
Sat 03/07/15 08:00 PM
Edited by Niallgk on Sat 03/07/15 08:05 PM

yea, well, that was then, this is now...

If you wish to be hardline, fine by me. To be clear, you believe the concept of "...I came, I saw and I conquered is fine. Am I wrong?

Niallgk's photo
Sat 03/07/15 06:48 PM

Upon review, I made an error. When I said "the Jewish People" I actually was thinking of the state of Israel. My apologies.

it's(Israel) a country, not state... Palestine is more of a state...

That is your opinion, Prior to the creation of Isreal and under the British mandate (the Syke-Picot)
the teritory was referred to as Palistine and Trans-Jordan.

Niallgk's photo
Sat 03/07/15 06:32 PM

...and that really has no meaning for me... they don't stop to ask what christian the person is before they chop their head off, and why they dont? because they don't care.. and i don't either... no matter how people try to confuse and lighten the issue, they are muslims, period... when a muslim is getting ready to chop off your head, or detonate a bomb next to you, be sure and have this conversation with him/her first...

This is not true Islam, this is a poltical contortion in extremis. Follow the money...

Niallgk's photo
Sat 03/07/15 06:24 PM
Edited by Niallgk on Sat 03/07/15 06:26 PM
Upon review, I made an error. When I said "the Jewish People" I actually was thinking of the state of Israel. My apologies.

Niallgk's photo
Sat 03/07/15 05:49 PM

sorry, maybe i should have said "pro Palestine" rather than hates jews...

but as far as islam/muslims goes, it's all the same, just as Christianity has many different aspects as well... but it doesn't change the fact that islam is the problem right now, no matter how anyone wants to define it... saying they are not islam/muslims doesn't change the fact they want a one world religion...

Not only that but Islam is in a very deep crisis. Be very aware that Islam is a highly politicised religion and the mumbers of sects is a fair reflection of the number of political stances on display.

Niallgk's photo
Sat 03/07/15 05:30 PM
Edited by Niallgk on Sat 03/07/15 05:42 PM

Ireland has had a history of siding with the muslims, and i'm thinking it has to do with your dislike for the Jews... the enemy of my enemy is my friend?... you tell me...

Thanks Mightymoe for at least engaging me in debate. Look, you are probably correct when you assert that the Irish are quite sympathetic to the Palestinians and their plight.

Please don't take the view that the Irish hate the Jews. That would be wrongheaded.

We view the Jewish people in a manner similar to the manner we opine the British, (for obvious reasons).

But that is beside the point.

I personally know many people that hold the Islamic faith both Shia and Sinni who live in Ireland (one of those people was my business partner for 10 years, he is Lebanese). I can say that the anger amongst the Levantine peoples is, at this moment, off the register.

This deviant school of Islam, this sect that subscribe to only one of the four schools of Sunni Islam (and that does not include the Shiite Muslims) has decided that all other schools and sects are 'kaffir' or apostate.. This strain of Islam is called either Wahhabism or Salafism, there is some debate about the differences.

It derived from the backwater of the deserts of Arabia by a man with rather dour attitude who created (in my view, illogiigically) political and ideological mania born through the marriage of Muhammad ibn al-Wahhab and the expansionist House of Saud.

When, in February 1945, FD Roosevelt spent three days on the warship USS Quincy in a lake in the Sues canal and did the grand deal with the then Saudi king Abd-al-Aziz the world order changed. The Saudis were given the soft power to propagate their Wahhabist/Salafist somewhat nihilistic tenets the end of the world is nigh”… type of thing. A desire for purification and a desire for an erasure of all history and history’s treasures prior to the days of Muhammad speaks volumes about a once tiny sect of Islam (infused tremendiously by Saudi petro-Dollars).

These are not simply a bunch of psychopaths, this is a very well constructed theological ideology (whether we like it or not). The cancer must be excised.

The only realistic solution is that the Levantine Sunni population oppose this fascism/nihilism and be the 'tip or the spear' and be instrumental in their destruction.

I don'��t think that this fanatical contortion of religion that passes for Islam will die anytime soon. It suits the west that way.

Niallgk's photo
Sat 03/07/15 04:20 PM
Ireland has had a history of siding with the muslims, and i'm thinking it has to do with your dislike for the Jews... the enemy of my enemy is my friend?... you tell me...

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