Community > Posts By > Vegas1975

Vegas1975's photo
Sat 06/07/08 02:02 PM
I've had good experiences on cruises but the two things I'd tell you are to bring $$ for the drinks and DON'T hook up with the staff. Don't even let one know you may be interested, they will "stalk" you the whole cruise.

Vegas1975's photo
Fri 03/07/08 04:41 PM
Without the facial hair for sure. Good luck.

Vegas1975's photo
Wed 03/05/08 04:45 PM

so even though its a good opportunity, because its televised (if it were something you wanted to do) you wouldnt?

Maybe then I would do a tv show. I guess the RR doesn't promote something you could learn from/love to do....

About EHM - Ty Pennington is a snake. I volunteer for the Make a Wish Foundation as a wish grantor and he ask for kids to jump through hoops just for the chance to meet him. Sorry - I had to vent.

Vegas1975's photo
Wed 03/05/08 04:40 PM
I was invited to be on the Judge Hachett show in 2002. I don't know if that is considered reality tv though. Overall it was a good experience - free trip to NY, nice hotel, limo, spending money and I got the settlement money I won right there on the spot. Know that the producers ask you to turn up the drama on purpose.

I'd do a game show to win $ but never put myself out there on the Real World or anything. Actually, I'm too old to be on the Real World and that's so depressing! HA.

Vegas1975's photo
Sat 03/01/08 11:43 AM
Edited by Vegas1975 on Sat 03/01/08 11:45 AM

talk about a wow moment.
a little history first, about 9 years ago i started see someone and ended up getting her pregant, we had a nasty break up, mostly from some dumb stuff i said. i was there when my daughter was born and then saw her once more when she was three months old.
there was some hard feelings that i would not let go and her mom moved on in life. she met a guy online and moved from Idaho to New Jersey and got married.
i havnt seen my daughter since she was 3 months old, she is now 8 years old. this morning her mom called me and said they are moving back to idaho. they are leaving New Jersy in the morning via ryder truck. she ask me if i would like to see and get to know my daughter.
i am stocked up and now i cant hardly wait but at the same time iam nervous as hell.

Have you not made an effort since she was 3 months old to now to have a relationship with your daughter? I guess now is better than never. Good luck.

Vegas1975's photo
Wed 02/27/08 08:38 PM
I won't knock his job. I had alot of jobs to be desired at that age but your right, he is in no position to knock anyone's choice of jobs.

As I mentioned in an earlier reply to his post, his lack of good english is to be desired. "Whaasssup" is so Budwiser commerical from a few yrs ago....

Maybe he'll settle down with a telemarketer. They can annoy eachother by calling eachothers jobs or at home during dinner and then ride off into the sunset.

Vegas1975's photo
Wed 02/27/08 04:37 PM
Vic - if you are slamming people and their jobs I wouldn't date you even if you looked like Brad Pitt. There is a word you should learn. Humble. Look it up.

Vegas1975's photo
Wed 02/27/08 04:32 PM
Thank you all! :-)

More pics I would do but my printer/scanner is broken. :-(

Vegas1975's photo
Wed 02/27/08 04:24 PM
No really, I can take it. Read my profile and tell me what I could change/add if anything.

I've met some nice people on this site but noone to call my own. Is that even realistic really on this or any site? I wonder.

Vegas1975's photo
Wed 02/27/08 04:20 PM
The "waassup" in your profile is alittle childish but if that's how you talk, leave it.

Too young or maybe I'm just too old! :-)

Good luck on the site.

Vegas1975's photo
Sun 02/17/08 10:03 PM
Being eaten by a shark.

Vegas1975's photo
Tue 02/12/08 04:19 PM
Are there any good guys left in Vegas? I've made some friends on this site though.

Vegas1975's photo
Mon 02/11/08 08:39 PM
Well thank you very much for the post. I get it, it all makes sense now. I'm not CONFUSED anymore. :-)

Mutal Match can be a great tool. Thanks again everyone.

Vegas1975's photo
Mon 02/11/08 05:56 PM
Well I think we can conclude that the whole "Mutual Match" thing could be made more clear. I guess it IS a game of tag. I say yes or maybe, then you do the same and we then end up on eachother's mutual match page. This is my understand anyways. Still, one of the interested parties have to bite the bullet and make contact.

Vegas1975's photo
Mon 02/11/08 04:34 PM
No. I'm far from old fashion........

Vegas1975's photo
Mon 02/11/08 04:33 PM
They will show up to my house with gifts? I like that idea but only if I clicked yes or maybe. Maybe I should install a trap door for the guys I said no too.

I don't just go by the photo you know. I do read the profile and sometimes the cute guys have nothing to say. Boring!

Vegas1975's photo
Mon 02/11/08 04:29 PM
If they say yes, then I guess it shows up under your mutual matches? I'm so confussed and I'm not even a blonde!

Thanks for the info. I click yes/maybe sometimes but mainly I search and I'm a "go out and get it for yourself girl" so I'll just e-mail whoever I want to anyways.....:-)

Vegas1975's photo
Mon 02/11/08 04:27 PM
Well then Fear and Loathing - you were no assitance to me what so ever! Ha. Just kidding.

Vegas1975's photo
Mon 02/11/08 04:23 PM
Someone help me understand the whole mutual match thing -

I get an e-mail saying "4 people are interesting in meeting you" so I click and rate and then what?

If I click yes or maybe, I'd have to make the first contact?

I don't think an e-mail goes back to these guys saying "sure, e-mail her" or "please for the love of God, she is NOT interested...."

Vegas1975's photo
Mon 02/11/08 04:07 PM
Just a suggestion and maybe others will disagree but I would wait on mentioning your time in prison in your profile. I mean, we all make mistakes and I bet most of us atleast knows someone who has had to pay their debt to society but still, I think putting that in your profile may turn some girls off from getting to know you at all.

I would tell them sooner then later though. Your cute so give a girl a chance to at least e-mail you some before you start talking about your past.

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