Community > Posts By > geegirl79

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Sun 04/29/07 03:05 PM
Once owned a Ford Taurus though often it's said
a Ford on the roadside is probably dead.
I never let stuff like that go to my head
I know how it is to be down.
Ran my hand over the gun metal grey
if it was a horse we'd have galloped away
but the oil was blackened and so that fine day
I decided to take it to town.

My hasbund was known for mechanical skill
took pride in his work, though I battled his will
I knew he was right about everything, still
I wanted to have my own way.
It was his contention that I was a pain
he often made comments that seemed so inane
but still I knew he knew that I had no brain
for the technical end of the day.

He said he would change it the next Saturday
but I thought to myself there's a much better way
at Jiffy Lube, service is good and I say
that it takes them no more than ten minutes.
Five minutes to get there and five minutes in
they offered to clean up my dirty engine
I gladly accepted, and paid for the gin
or whatever that mixture had in it.

Back at the house feeling quite satisfied
a little bit nervous on account of his pride
but the Taurus can't wait, cuz what if it died
and think of the money we saved.
Well he wasn't at home, so then I could relax
Got dressed for work while rehearsing the facts
I drove up the parkway and in one hour max
the Taurus it bucked, and then caved.

Squeaked into the place where my money was earned
I called him and naturally he was concerned
we had it towed out, I felt angry and burned
now I needed a brand new transmission.
I try not to dwell on the past or roadkill
we all have our issues, they bother me still
I'm often quite stubborn, and always a pill
but once in a while now, I listen.

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Mon 02/12/07 07:50 AM
sorry about that. You're poems are very inspiring.

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Mon 02/12/07 07:46 AM
Very moving poem! Makes me want to be more cautious when I am
driving...Thank you.

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Mon 02/12/07 07:39 AM

nothing has befallen you
that is not common to all
in our youth we make mistakes
we stumble and we fall
we treat ourselves so poorly
and often believe the lies
that we just what the others think
so it should come as no surprise
come garbage day look in the can
behold there is God's daughter
wieghed down with her past
it's baby with the bathwater!

Get yourself together friend
Here's a hand to pull you out
shower off in God's love
jump for joy, just sceam and shout

No man is your master
and God took you off the line
stains of pain or injury
will fade away with time

Ask for everything you need
expect the peace to come
to guard your heart from memories
which make you come undone

Wait sometimes for answers
Give and you can trust
that there's a Way
a LOVE for you
it's Heaven on Earth or Bust!

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Mon 02/12/07 07:11 AM

Do not give place to evil
nor give it any name
to allow it one more second
of dominion in your brain

so you've been down some bad roads
we've all had times of doubt
bitterness loves company
and you want to let it out

if you think you've got a demon
something troubling your thoughts
just recall a simple truth
by Jesus you;ve been bought.

You have a Superhero
living deep within your heart
His Word is the sword
and the joy of the Lord
is your strngth and it will not depart.

The head and not the tail
you have power over this putz
so exercsie your right and kick
the bugger in the nuts!

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Fri 01/19/07 04:04 PM
Woman and warrior...
Choose your battles and
Win the war.

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Fri 01/19/07 04:01 PM
Thank you kindly, Joe with the kids. Nice brood you have there.

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Fri 01/19/07 03:40 PM
Burnt-out Fireside Blues

What can you say
out there in the fog
in want of the old flame
you burn your last log.

The memories are hot
the pain you remember
beneath all the ashes
the last glowing ember

Don't bother to fan it
there's no fuel to burn
let it go out
save the ash for the urn

Turn your attention
to the wood
that needs chopping
do something worthwhile
like sweeping and mopping

Sweep out the soot
and mop up your tears
clean out the attic
let go of your fears

Put on the blues
then something upbeat
get on your warm clothes
walk out to the street

Follow it down
to the steaming creek bed
the mineral water
is something it's said

Melts away saddness
and heats up your head
without all the smoke
without all the dread.

Don't need a fire
the water is good
cleans away everything
and better than wood.

The Word is water
still living and true
all that you need
all that you do

Lie back in the current
drawn from the myre
set free without struggle
forever on fire.

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Sun 11/05/06 04:22 PM
...boinky boink and a winky wink

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Sun 11/05/06 02:31 PM

oh i thought this was a duel
didn't mean to be so strange
i will kindly step aside
got pea soup boiling on the range

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Sun 11/05/06 02:12 PM
Chubby Cherub you rock
and heavens in shock
you think you are bound up
but that's just a dang sock

let it all out
give it a shout
you got the depth
don't hide your clout

you are free
you are fun
and your life has just begun

Chubby Cherub
you are cool
hip of the hippiest
nobodies fool

keep your chin up
let yourself shine
if you are down
it will all pass in time!!

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Sun 11/05/06 02:05 PM

hey, Ontario
what's the story?
The critic in you
is in his glory

A poetic duel
you have your armour
but how can you battle
this poetic charmer?

He has no cover
he tries nothing clever
the words they are sweet
just an honest endeavor

we can only stand by
and watch all the talent
the poetic wave comes in
and with it the valiant

My favorite friend
Ontario, send
your sappybest poem
and I will ammend

I will fly out tonight
we can meet and then hide
just give us a taste
of your other side...

( I have a poetic pilot license to lie)

no photo
Sun 11/05/06 01:44 PM
the lion is king
never read such a thing
jimi can croon
but this guy, he can sing

writes from the heart
you can tell he's seen action
Onario please,
have you no satisfaction?

the mind is a powerful tool
it is said
but the mouth speaks the words
and raises the dead...

the dead come to life
and the color comes back
they dance to the rhythm
and jump in the sack

sack all the others
bag em and toss em
cuz the lion is king
and this one is awesome!

no photo
Sat 11/04/06 01:21 PM

Love is hairy
stubbly stuff
shave all week
it’s never enough

whether I shave it
or slather on Nair
whack it or hack it
will always be there

keeps coming back
as much as you crop it
waxing and chemicals
can’t even stop it

try to ignore it
the nubs comes in thick
even my eyebrows..
a uni-brow chick!

come Saturday
we don’t hardly care
let it grow out
of our underwear

Leave it alone
that unruly mop
looks like we got us
a nice bumper crop

this is my way
I ain’t gonna change
my love and my hair
But we're looking deranged

Sitting there pondering
love and love's looks
flippin’ through Cosmo
and schmaltzy old books

Beauty is bare in my favorite rag
Nary a hairy or haggard old nag
Eyebrows are separate and carefully arched
Lips are injected and and never seem parched.

Legs are butt smooth,
and so are are the pits
Love is not given to hairy chick fits

(speaking of nares,
mine is exempt
the nose and the ears
are extremely well kempt.)

Sunday mornin’
rolls around
but his razor
can’t be found

I call out his name
and wait for an answer
his ditty bag’s gone
could It be that dancer?

The one that he watches
the one he admires
could she be the one
whose igniting his fires?

I’ve seen her there waiting
the picture of grace
smooth, fair and agile
not a hair out of place

I sit on the edge of the tub
shocked and numb
look in the mirror
then look at my thumb

I eye up the woman
whose not spent a dime
on personal pleasures
as though it’s a crime

My overgrown garden
could not see the light
missed out on the sweetness
bare skin’s delight

Bought into myth
and every girls hope
that she’d still be worth something
without any soap

Rummaged around in
a drawer feeling sick
through my tears
I lay hold of
my old Lady Bic

Slipped into the shower
convinced he despised me
lathered and cried
none of this has surprised me

he'd seemed a bit distant
the more I persisted
the less satisfied

i should have considered
my love is not blind
that his eyes are like sponges
and his vision will find

the best of the beauties
the cream of the crop
as sweet sugar blossoms
parade past his shop

I have an epiphony
there in the suds
now that I'm pruned
my lucious skin buds

today will be different
a vision in pinks
mandarin china doll
satin soft minx

When into my steamy retreat
the voice of the man
I was sure had deserted

I silence my heart
and put down the Bic
ease back the curtain
and see my St. Nick

the hairy faced heathen
battered and worn
face kind of prickly
needs to be shorn

“What is THIS?” he demands
and holds out his hand
"Why, a worn out old mach 3,
the triple edge brand!"

"‘I just CHANGED this blade
and the thing's dull and rusted!!”
“Heck if I know”
but I know I’ve been busted.

Step out of the shower
bare skin drippin wet
‘At this rate
I think I’ll buy stock in Gillette.”

I hold out my bic
and smile at old Bones
‘would you like me to light
your cigar, Mr.Jones?”

Leave him to his business
which won’t include the shave
Love is stubbly, love is soft
and hairy to the grave.

no photo
Wed 11/01/06 07:57 AM
Wow. Good for you.

Life under the same roof must have become so stressful. Unfortunarltly
you had already taken so much that you didn't know quite when or how to
stop taking it. I have been there....Days turned into months or years
that you wonder just what little incident would become the last straw.
After all, if you are not being beaten, everything is just another straw
added to the whole dysfunctional mess, a tangle of memories that are not
pleasant and the makings of a mountain of misery for the kids who are
likely to carry on the pattern...The horrible cycle of abuse becomes the
norm and it's like wading around in a deep smelly sewer. ew. you try to
break out...and the guilt is nasty. What will people think...what will
God think? What to do? But you did it. Congrtulations! You were never
made to take abuse. You set yourself free. I hope that your friends and
family are supportive. God bless you as you move on...avoid his type. it
could happen again.

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Wed 11/01/06 07:37 AM
truly threatening. Light peirces the darkness. Easier to see the face in
the dark... just a reflection of the boogey man inside you. Boo!!!

no photo
Wed 11/01/06 07:34 AM
This is beautiful:

"I never wanted to know
Never wanted to see
I wasted my time till time wasted me
Never wanted to go
Always wanted to stay
Cause the person I am are the parts that I play
So I play and I plan
And hope and I scheme
To the lure of a night
Filled with unfinished dreams
And I'm holding on tight
To a world gone astray
As they charge me for years
I can no longer pay

And the lights
Turn them off my friend
And the ghosts
Well just let them in
Cause in the dark
It's easier to see "

I love those lines the best....

no photo
Wed 11/01/06 07:28 AM
That is a great song!

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Tue 10/31/06 10:03 PM
15 years now
I scratch my head
last saw the floor
beneath our bed

15 years
and all I remember
some books he stowed there
last November

the mites never tire
manna from me
without any levin

Well he lays there snoring
after his shower
breathing in years
of fine powdery flour

Working it's way down
to hide deep within
the only thing worse
is our personal sin

consider the dampness
and what do we have
a miry paste
the mattress mite’s salve

It's sitting there
under a couple of cushions
thrown on top
to comfort the tush-ins.

A wiry skeleton
against the skin
God only knows
the condition it's in

Never had actually
gotten the nerve
to examine the place
the or the purpose I serve

A maid in this house
I certainly am not
he'd sooner be single,
I'd sooner be shot.

One day I did falter
when my foot went through
I pleaded in protest
this wirey shrew

the mattress
that thanks to
a pestering guest
will soon meet the trash man
and have it's own rest.

Ashes to ashes
and dust to dust
we shake out the linen
but miss all the crust.

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Tue 10/31/06 09:32 PM
i don't met
i mean meet
I'm not mean
sour sweet

I would bet
I mean beat
Any man on the street
without sweat

wrestle thumbs
take him down in defeat
but It seems
in my dreams

I do meet
and have met
a thumb feisty varment
who made me regret

then I spoke
and awoke
and I felt kind of mellow

and my thumb
it did ache from a night
with this fellow

I do think
I mean thank
God for all sorts of things

for my hands and my heart
and the way
Elvis sings

I make rules
change the subject
when I'm feeling nervous
make up poems and write songs
and offer lip service

This is all,
I mean stall
I can't seem to go on,
but to meet up with you
would be nice...
on the lawn

or by far
in a car would be fine
in my line
but i jest
it's not best
that i kid you this way
for i sway and one day
might be sorry tis true
should I waver
and fall into favor with you

it is yes
quite a shame
it would seem
that I'm lame
tis my thing to be hasty
this stage of the game.

Please hang on
and hang in
cuz I think in my rhyme
that we’ll meet and be sweet
in a matter of time.

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