Community > Posts By > JusKat58

JusKat58's photo
Mon 09/25/06 09:31 AM
As a "recovering Catholic" (LOL), we were taught that if we admitted our
sins (confession), asked for forgiveness and then atoned for them
(pennance), that we would be forgiven and welcomed into the Kingdom of

Because of some of the choices I've made in my life, I can only hope
that's true! (Don't ask, because I'm NOT telling).

If you go by what I was taught, yes, he went to Hell. No, I don't have
a preconceived notion of what 'Hell' is.

JusKat58's photo
Sun 09/24/06 10:18 PM
I have a problem with people who act "holier than thou" trying to
bullshit those less fortunate than themselves and using the "shield of
the law" to con others with their self-imposed validation.

Like I've said all along, I watch the show! It makes for good TV, ya
know? But I'm sick of hearing how they've turned their lives around and
are only "giving back" to the people. He broke the law. To me, that
makes him "people" in my eyes...not a legitimate agent of the law.

It'll be interesting to see what happens if he's convicted of the FELONY
charge of International Bail Jumping. If he does, he'd probably lose
his "Bail Recovery Agent" license, and there goes his show!

"Brah, you should have just GONE TO COURT..."

JusKat58's photo
Sun 09/24/06 04:14 PM

From what the media reports, Duane was your average Bail Enforcement
Agent (which means they work for a percentage of the total bond set for
the person they recover). Seems that his foray into Mexico and
subsequent arrest is what MADE him famous ~ that and the fact that he
recovered Luster. Seems he has used that venture as a springboard to
celebrity status...and only THEN did he open for business as 'Da Kine
Bail Bonds'.

JusKat58's photo
Sun 09/24/06 03:46 PM
Duane Chapman is a decent guy with (mostly) good intentions. The
problem I have with this situation is that he represented OUR LEGAL
SYSTEM when he went to Mexico, grabbed Luster, was court-ordered to turn
him over to Mexican authority, REFUSED THAT COURT ORDER, and then jumped
bail. We try to portray ourselves as a just and lawful nation, setting
a good example for other countries, yet we have "the old west" making
and breaking rules to suit themselves. When he crossed into Mexico, he
was stripped of the job classification of "Bail Enforcement Agent". He
became an ignorant American...and he broke the law. You can't claim to
be a lawful Christian and do that. It just don't fly.

The only reason he is "doing the right thing" now is because Mexican
authority demanded...and rightfully so...that he be arrested and made to
be accountable. If he intended to "do the right thing", he'd have gone
to court like he preaches to his skip jumpers. And what IF Chapman
hadn't gone down to Mexico? Someone else would have caught him.
Chapman's big mouth and chest thumping got him arrested. If he'd spent
his effort getting Luster back to America instead of bragging, he might
never have been arrested at all!

As for what happened to Andrew Luster, here is a link to the CBS News
story, part I and II. Read it for yourself, and read about Chapman's
arrest in the story. Luster was charged with 87 counts; found guilty of
86 counts and received 124 years in prison.

JusKat58's photo
Sun 09/24/06 03:22 PM
"A very respected womEn"??? "A" is singular; "women" is, of course,

Even if they spelled all his words correctly (she is as bad as he is,
which hints that he may have written the e-mail himself), exactly WHO
respects her?...HIM?

That apple sure didn't fall far from the tree ~ and it has a WORM in it
to boot!


JusKat58's photo
Sun 09/24/06 09:15 AM

You have mail...

JusKat58's photo
Sun 09/24/06 08:34 AM

I have some advice for you. Check your inbox, because I'm not putting
it out on the open forum.

JusKat58's photo
Sun 09/24/06 08:05 AM
I can only get a picture of you based on the words you post. The words
YOU POSTED led me to my conclusion. You don't have to play the asshole
for've showed your true colors in your words, and in how you
fronted Jenn.

If you don't want to be seen as an asshole, you might just want to
choose your words more carefully.

JusKat58's photo
Sun 09/24/06 08:01 AM
Sort of like "the pot calling the kettle black".

Everyone has a job to do. Do it with honor. He "preaches" about his
bail jumpers going to court to make it right...he needs to lead by


JusKat58's photo
Sun 09/24/06 07:58 AM
Gee...maybe because you think you're "all that"?

There's a HUGE difference between self-confidence and ARROGANCE.

JusKat58's photo
Sun 09/24/06 07:38 AM

Updated:2006-09-23 10:56:32
TV Bounty Hunter Offers Mexico an Apology
HONOLULU (Sept. 23) - TV bounty hunter Duane "Dog" Chapman hopes to work
out a deal to avoid extradition to Mexico to faces charges of illegal
detention and conspiracy in his capture of a cosmetics company heir
there three years ago, his lawyer said.

Bounty hunting is a crime in Mexico.

Chapman and his two co-stars on the show "Dog The Bounty Hunter," were
arrested and jailed in Hawaii last week.

The U.S. Attorney's Office has until Oct. 16 to file papers in support
of their extradition, but Chapman's attorney, Brook Hart, hopes to
resolve the issue before then.

Chapman is said he would offer an apology, pay a fine, forfeit the bail
he posted in Mexico and make a charitable contribution, Hart said.

"What he's prepared to do is take responsibility for not having to stay
around to face the charge," he said.

The trio had ensnared convicted rapist Andrew Luster, the Max Factor
heir, on June 18, 2003, in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico. But they, too, were
arrested by Mexican authorities.

Chapman posted about $1,300 for his release, and based on "flawed legal
advice" thought he could leave the country and Mexican authorities would
have no further interest in him, Hart said.

Chapman's capture of Luster, who had fled the country during his trial
on charges he raped three women, catapulted the 53-year-old bounty
hunter to fame and led to the reality series on A&E. Luster is now
serving a 124-year prison term.

JusKat58's photo
Fri 09/22/06 12:36 PM
Who in the HELL wrote THAT trash?

3rd most decorated war soldier, my ASS! That person can't even spell
common words ~ who is he to dictate, disrespect and flame anybody?

Front him, Girl! Tell us who he is...I'll write the little punk myself.

JusKat58's photo
Fri 09/22/06 07:21 AM
Thanks, Hon. He was a booger, but I miss him!

No, he never married and never had kids. In fact, it's like he was
destined to be alone from the get-go. His parents had two children, and
Lou came along 22 years AFTER the 2nd child! Kind of like he had 4
parents, which sucked. His folks were emotionally 'done' with raising
kids when he came along, so he was kinda left to his own devices. I
think that's why he joined the club ~ to have a feeling of "belonging"

Yes, he was a "bad boy" as far as the public perception goes. I just
hate anyone's funeral being made into a media circus.

Thanks again.

JusKat58's photo
Fri 09/22/06 07:01 AM
Andrew, now that you've made me hungry, meet me at Hardee's. You're
buying, right?

JusKat58's photo
Fri 09/22/06 06:58 AM
Thanks for the comments, people.

I'd known this guy for 15 years. We had a brief yet intense
relationship back then, and have stayed friends. He joined this MC club
a few years back. I'm not into the hard core club thing anymore, but
we've had our 'private moments', if you know what I'm saying.

We've got another friend who just came home on R&R from doing private
security work in Iraq, and there was a get-together for him. My buddy
was there, and left at 7 p.m. (still daylight) to head home. He was on
the bike, no passenger, no brothers riding with him, hadn't had a drop
to drink. Just riding along a 5-lane (2 lanes each way with a center
turn lane) when this boy turned right into his path. You can't stop a
bike like you can a car...and Lou t-boned the front quarterpanel. Hit
the windshield and was sling-shot off to the road.

With massive head and chest injuries, he somehow made it through
surgery. But as they wheeled him to the recovery room, his heart
exploded. Not a heart attack ~ it ruptured from trauma.

The headline in the paper said, 'POLICE READY FOR BIKERS: Motorcyclist
was reportedly a Hells Angel Official". The young man has been charged
with mesdemeanor death by motor vehicle.

JusKat58's photo
Fri 09/22/06 05:36 AM
I've got mixed emotions about this weekend.

I lost a Harley riding buddy last weekend. The visitation at the
funeral home is tonight; tomorrow is the funeral. Because of his
affiliation with a very public motorcycle club, the media and law
enforcement will be in attendance, as well. How tragic that they use a
funeral to gather intel and update their dossiers.

On the other hand, there will be hundreds of us in the riding community
gathering together for fellowship. Yep, mixed bag.

JusKat58's photo
Thu 09/21/06 08:26 PM
To be very technical, the question was, "How would your DATING life
change if you won the lottery?"

I'd buy up all the dating sites and take first dibs on the ones I liked.

JusKat58's photo
Thu 09/21/06 08:23 PM
I knew this guy once...

He did this slow grind, sort of like a twirling a straw in a soda
bottle, but he touched every inch of my insides.

I can't believe I said that shit...LOL!

JusKat58's photo
Thu 09/21/06 08:17 PM
"When You Say Nothing At All" was originally recorded by Keith Whitley
in the '80s.

JusKat58's photo
Thu 09/21/06 06:24 PM
Andrew, you're on a roll today, aren't you? Good answer...LOL!