Community > Posts By > funches 3:16

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Sun 08/11/19 06:15 AM


the only mistranslated word you should be focusing on is the word "God"'re suppose to refer to him as Yahweh ...and you have to practically crucify a Christian to get them to do that ...but until you're willing to do the Yahweh's proof that your posts on that particular subject are deceptive and dishonest

Why would anyone want to go to church?

to find women, to find a spouse, to get married, to drink blood and eat flesh, to get circumcised ouch ouch ouchhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Simply, I don't care whether anyone agrees with my understanding of God.
My God, My Rules.
I exist in reality, just like anyone else.
I don't need to be forgiven for living in this reality and my God doesn't.
My God requires nothing and expects nothing.
I am merely matter within a cosmos.
God does not irritate me
The God I know exists everywhere, everything and everywhen.
It exists between the moments of time.
It requires no belief to be.
It just is.

if you wish to promote the delusion that God exist, then you're responsible for those that kill in his name

God does not irritate me

only his followers do

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Sat 08/10/19 07:49 AM

he term image is just a definition for body.

thank you for supplying the evidence that God used the term "image" because God has a body ...

the entirety of God, was His Knowledge, He was All Knowing. To the Hebrews, this portion of God's body is His Mind.

because God grieve that he had made man is proof that God is either not all-knowing or like to punish himself

to the Hebrews, God's physical body was the Universe beyond them.

thanks for providing more evidence that even the Hebrews believe that God has a physical body ...therefore have arms and legs which place him under the jurisdiction of the laws of physics

1 Now the serpent was cunning, more than all the beasts of the field that the Lord God had made,

thanks provided proof that the serpent was one of the beasts that God himself made and place in the Garden now can you stop beating around the burning bush and name a descendent that crawl on its belly ..if you can't or won't ...then by default it was a snake in the garden

the word used for SERPENT in the original HEBREW (shown also in the verse 1 of Chapter 3 of Bereishit - Genesis - Chapter 3) is the word meant for ADVERSARY (as in the DEVIL, SATAN, LOUIE CYPHER).

nope, as usual you have things backwards ...whenever God would send a messenger to stop a human from doing something they would be referred to as an "ADVERSARY" or an ARCH ENEMY or a SATAN..or a DEVIL ...there were even Arch Angels...these terms would apply to the angels or any human that God would send


yes you are a perfect example ...but're doing like most Christians do and confusing The Bible with the book "Paradise Lost" in which he was accused of being those things you mention ..but was none of those things in the Torah ...

to believe is to remove doubt...ME 3:3

if there were no doubt... then you would not have to believe.. you would "know"

do you "believe" you exist or do you "know" that you exist

please choose only one term "believe" or "know" thank you very much

nterestingly, only Tom has replied to my question asking what it is you actually DO believe in.

because it's irrelevant ..when discussing leprechauns must we also reveal if we're Irish or Irish Catholic ..if you can't tell what the person is by their posts...then it makes for a good unbiased debate ..all that should matter is discussing within the parameters of the belief and providing "rational evidence" that a pot of gold does indeed exist at the ends of a rainbow or concluding if the believer or the belief is delusional

Thank you Tom for being the only poster who has answered my question.

actually he didn't answer ..if so...he would just admitted that he was a deist, worshipping a God of anarchy while following a philosophy of making excuses not to go to church or pay tithes

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Fri 08/09/19 12:08 PM

you are just blindly swinging for the fences. you are all over the place.

sorry but it's not me but the bible that states that God made man in his own image...perhaps to insure the faithful that God is like them and not an alien freak like the flying spaghetti Monster ...that God is like a man a humanoid under the jurisdiction of the laws of physics with arms and legs but no vagina (because the bible apparently hates women)

something on the flip side:

whatttttt?????? ...but you still haven't answered the snake/serpent question ...

if it wasn't the descendants of a snake that were cursed by The Lord Almighty to crawl on their bellies...then supply the name of the creature that was in the garden whom cursed descendents today belly crawl .....but if you can't name anything ...then accept the enlightenment that it was nothing else but a snake that talked

explain to me what you believe and believe in,

"to believe is to doubt" ... funches 3:16

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Fri 08/09/19 07:31 AM

i don't recall saying the doctors visit was for myself

that would imply that you've never been vaccinated nor recommend that anyone should ...if not ..then you lack Faith ..

my family does not belong to such tripe

believing that your thoughts comes not from yourself but from an outside source is considered as "such tripe" also refer to as "Quantum Woo Woo"

you do know that can be mathematically proven incorrect.

when it pertains to God, mathematics only applies when it comes to counting the marbles one has lost...."losing one's marbles"

we do not actually know what the Hebrew symbol for serpent specifically means.

oh oh, you're deflecting again doesn't required anyone to know the symbol of the serpent especially since it's descendants were cursed to crawl on their bellies ...and you won't be able to name any descendant other than a snake ....and that's why it was a snake in the garden of eden ...simple deduction simple logic

we do not actually know what the Hebrew symbol for serpent specifically means. once again, the snake idea is from the ENGLISH MIS-TRANSLATIONS

actually the symbol of the serpent is the Caduceus and/or the rod asclepius both the symbol of medicine and the reason why those that go to the doctor go to the serpent and have a lack of faith

and the human anatomy is not a chemists test subject, people they never met, just have mathematically created a chemical to cure whatever it may be

you yet to realize that you're part of a "Drug Trial" they're basically using you as an outpatient Lab Rat

it's not Godly knowledge, therefore, it was already moot

that's my point..the knowledge handed down by the serpent isn't Godly knowledge or Magic ... it's science

to have an image only means having an idea of yourself, does not mean what you appear to others, only what you appear to yourself

right...God made man in the same image as he appeared to himself ...that's why God sees himself and man with having arms and legs which places God as being a product of evolution

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Mon 08/05/19 10:43 AM
ok ...first of all you have to hate your father and mother, and wife and children, and brethren and sisters, yea, and your own life ...Luke 14:26

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Mon 08/05/19 09:46 AM
Edited by funches 3:16 on Mon 08/05/19 09:47 AM

Pissing on someone else's belief to make yourself feel better about your own is pretty sad.

is placing "In God we Trust" on all the U.S. currency consider as pissing on someone's belief and sad?

you believe as you do I believe in what I do.

"to believe is to doubt" ... funches 3;16

yes, same Scientist and still valid.

he's about as valid as those sexual misconduct allegation levied against him

my personal view, when i was a boy, at the doctors office,

going to a Doctor is a lack of Faith

my view sees a harmonious combination between God and Science, especially Mathematics

Science is used to explain a given reality .. God is use to explain a given fantasy ... funches 3;16

by the time frame of Job, the major dinosaurs were long gone.

actually..the dinosaurs were the "manna from Heaven" that Moses and the Hebrews ate when they were lost in the desert for forty years and the dinosaurs were so tasty that they were eaten into extinction ...either way the exclusion of the dinosaurs prove that the Hebrew Bible is either false or mistranslated by God

later on i excelled in Science,

don't you mean scientology?

personally, i believe the explosive Bang caught on telescopes indicating the "Big Bang" was the first time God spoke something into existence.

to speak requires that the laws of physics had to first exist before God could have spoke

it was not a snake, it was a serpent. and the Hebrew makes this animal have the ability to walk, since it was commanded to crawl afterwards.

to crawl afterwards was a curse that was also place on it's descendants can you name one of those descendants and let's see if it's a snake or whatever

but it was not an actual serpent that spoke to Eve,

oh so now it wasn't even a serpent ....see how your posts contradicts itself ...stop being scare and reveal what it is ....but before you reveal make sure it's descendants are following the curse and crawling on their bellies

it's a mind wavelength trace they perform. technology is interesting. you only answer the question while your mind is being read. so, your answers have to be pure to the context or your thoughts could skew your answers

that implies that you're being used as a "test subject" ...

there was no knowledge passed to Eve,

the fact that is was called 'The Tree of Knowledge" sort of make your opinion moot ...and apparently it was a source of knowledge not connected to nor controlled by God ..

even in the form of a mist, there is a fine outline that reveals the shape of the entire whole. God and His image is the meaning to the idealism of what we see that existed, exists, and what the future view appears, are all classifications of God and His image

that fact that God himself proclaimed that he has an image means he's of the physical and have arms and legs and whatever else required to get mary pregnant.. having an image with arms and legs is further proof that God is under the jurisdiction of the laws of physics

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Sat 08/03/19 12:37 PM

maybe you, but consciousness and awareness are functions of reaction. so they are normally for secondary responses

you're confusing subconscious reflex with conscious reaction

you just twist it until you close the loopholes

you're attempting to turn a Jewish Einstein into something other than Human and that's exactly what the nazis tried to do

astrophysicist and professor at ASU Krausse, the current expert in the field of the "Bang," claims the BANG just happened and the result gave us the Laws, and everything else.

isn't that the same guy that retired from ASU due to an array of sexual misconduct allegations ..perhaps he was trying to prove to the women that he had a big bang ...but anyway ...can you just use your own original thoughts (if any) for the debate and stop hiding behind scientologist pervs as your source

the Physics of men have no bearing on the nephilim.

Man, the Nephilim, God and the teletubbies are all be under the same laws of physics ...

you are a close minded excuse of a human being

ok what if i said that snakes can talk and speak Hebrew although I've yet to see one on national geography or animal planet do that.. would I then be your brand of open mindedness?

i guess you literally do not know me, since what i must pass to be eligible for my employment requires someone not suffering from delusions

I'm pretty sure you didn't place on your job application that your thoughts and ideas are not your own but are being implanted into your brain by an external consciousness ...if you did and still got the job ...then your boss is either delusional or a psychiatrist

you are assuming that a human born was able to conjugate and figure life, the sciences, the mathematics, logic, the Laws, all of it out on his/hers own reasoning. are you stating that Einstein would be incapable of this?

every key profession we have in our existence from the Sciences, Mathematics, secondary Sciences like medical physician, chemist. engineer all can be found in the traits of God,

nope the sciences would be knowledge handed down to Adam and Eve and their descendents due to the serpent ..

to which we are made from His "Image," meaning we have the same ability to understand many of these traits on our own comprehension.

if God made man in his own image that mean that God evolved limbs to survive .. further proof that God is under the jurisdiction of the laws of physics

i am not losing this scriptural discussion.

you lost the debate when you claim that your consciousness was connected to an external cause...that's Zombieism and in fact cancels out 'Free Will"

it's a known fact, FUNCHES, the English is mis-translated, manipulated in many areas.

yep, your posts are proof of that ....can i get a witness?

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Thu 08/01/19 02:08 PM

consciousness and awareness are secondary and primary factor conditions..

consciousness and awareness being secondary makes you a Zombie ...

you definitely create your own logic

Einstein with all his genius couldn't survive Nazi Germany with his clothes on which is why he wouldn't have been genius enough to survive in the jungle with his clothes off .. simple logic

we know there was nothing and then the "Bang." From the "Bang," the Laws of Physics came into play. God created the Bang that ultimately set in order the Laws of Physics. Therefore, God created the Laws of Physics

it was the laws of physics that caused The Big to go you think that a leprechaun was in the singularity and lit a stick of dynamite,... nothing can take place without the laws of physics

humans and nature were smaller. but sons of God and human women are not natural occurrences.

I'm going by your theory that biblical men were around 4 feet tall therefore the women were between three and one foot tall a giant is not pooping out of that womb .. a 6 foot child would have easily qualified as being a Nephilim still didn't say how tall you were it because you are a Nephilim?

NO, before the Hebrew People, Adam/Eve/that entire family all knew who "the Adversary" was.

the only Adversary of Adam Eve was God after he kicked them out of eden

but nothing you have stated has brought me any doubts in how I view God,

it would be fruitless of me to try and convince you that your delusion aren't real

knowledge is something gained from experience. knowledge therefore needs to be Created before it both exists in language and in writing.

how would you have the knowledge to create knowledge if knowledge didn't exist ..and that's why the laws of physics had to exist before God did .... funches 3;16

once again, i am bringing up the translation issue. the Hebrew/Aramaic/Greek are many times opposite in meaning to what we read in the English Translated Bibles. your assessment is based upon faulty translations. as have the majority of your Biblical viewpoints

when someone get into trouble during a debate ..they magically become an expert in the Hebrew language and start claiming that the bible was mistranslated .. funches 3;16

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Thu 08/01/19 06:01 AM

not hooked or connected, and my consciousness and awareness have nothing to do with any of it. it's reality that what i see within nature is the handy work of a Designer.

if your consciousness and awareness has nothing to do with it then you wouldn't be able to see within nature" because that would require consciousness and awareness ....see how your posts are a menagerie of contradictions

getting him naked and in the jungle is where he would outsmart you.

actually it would be Einstein's way of acknowledging that when it comes to surviving naked in the jungle..Einstein ain't no Einstein

it makes sense to think as you do, but there is creation before the day of Creation you speak about.

the laws of physics created The Universe and God

no there was a specification since the angelic host (good and evil) were made same height range, which is around 12 foot. their offspring were around 8-18 feet

nope sorry...remember you claim that in the biblical days everything were 2/3 smaller...that would also include the giants ...which is why any person 6' or more would be a giant and a nephilim tall are you?

(1) the flood of noah was not the damaging flood at all.

so you don't consider a flood that damn near wiped out The Human Race as damaging ..what if noah and his family also drown and there would be no more humans alive .. ....then would it be damaging enough

the Latin term "Lucifer," added to the Hebrew Isaiah, meant Morning Star.

it was the Christians that start referring to Satan and Lucifer as an angel and as morningstar to make him one of the bad boys of the bible

But you are not as educated on the Scriptures as you realize

I should be getting paid for what I'm teaching you ...without me here to decipher your constant encryption contradictions you wouldn't even knew you were part of a Spinozian mind controlled zombie collective


the fact that you failed to explain how God came before knowledge is the proof that you know he didn't ....but it's still free for you to try and explain it..

you do not and cannot literally hear the still voice

so when God commands you to kill is it via text message or a facebook notification

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Wed 07/31/19 05:44 PM

Sadly, there are so many examples of scumbags among the so-called believers that it's difficult to accept that 'religious people are good' or in any way 'better than non-believers

to accept believers that willingly follow and worship an entity that tried to wipe out the Human Race with a great flood as being good... is to to accept that Mass Extermination of Humans is good

If this train of thought becomes accepted and free will is no longer a popular idea, the consequences will be enormous. Every scumbag who does something they know is 'wrong' will use the excuse that they had no option, no 'free will' to decide not to do it! It doesn't bear thinking about!

if one must "pay" consequence every time one use their Free Will ...then how is it Free ... funches 3;16

I don't believe in Spinoza's view. I believe in a general view that he connected God to everything, but I do not agree with him on his description of substance, interaction, general definition, general meaning, general intention, nothing else.

So stop putting my answers where you are putting Spinoza's and then Einsteins!!

that would require you to stop claiming that your consciousness is hooked to an external source...

maybe. he might have some clever ideas and some as equally dumb.

a naked Einstein in the jungle could play like he's MacGyver but probably wouldn't last the night

i don't believe dinosaurs were around when Noah was on the Earth. dinosaurs are more for the creation that happened between Genesis 1:1 and 1:2, with 1:2 showing 2 things happening at once including the results of the "ice age."

the ice age took place on the first day of Creation because there were no Sun the Dinosaurs did exist during Noah's Time ...that is why people stop living after 100 years because they were too old to outrun the Dinosaurs and were eaten

pertaining to Noah's Ark. going back 2,000 years, we have Greek/Romans accounts of humans being just under 5 feet in height on average

that would mean that anyone 6' or more is a Nephilim

so smaller animals on the size of the Ark that we know it is (we have actual models) is getting to be easier to envision. if a bear is 2/3 less its size back then to what bears are today, the square inch dramatically increases

so are you now saying that you believe that two of all the animals in the world at 2/3 their size could fit on Noah's Ark ... if not ...then God gave Noah the wrong measurements

and ironically, God, the angelic host, are all considered stars. They all have references to some galactic formation. it's why those particular stars never burn out, never become platonic and explode, nor are they ever a part of the term "falling/shooting star" that just actually means a passing by star from our possible view. the Hebrews saw the stars as the heavenly host.

Stars and the moon were consider to be the Heavens not angels or angelic hosts

God is the Law that created the Laws

which came first "knowledge or God" .... funches 3:16

that question displays how God is not the law but under the jurisdiction of the laws of physics

in layman's terms:
the substance of God is the same substance of the Universe and all of its Laws. even humans are within .00001 of one another in substance definitions. humans, to the dirt/bacteria, to our planet, all planets, the stars, sol, other galaxies like our own pattern, even stars on verge of supernova, everything including vacuum, black holes, black matter, gases, never ending amounts of energy, it's all part of God.

that would mean that God's DNA can be isolated and cloned ...

the Creator is the mind "THOUGHT-EXTENSION" of it all.

is this an admission that you hear voices that you believe is God?

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Tue 07/30/19 12:43 PM

Funches I agree about the laws of physics pure not being conducive to free will.
But does physics, or special physics exclude self determinate will power energy having some influences. Maybe even sub-atomic at that mystery level.

seems like you're referring to prayer

Eg. animal species, and plants, deliberately evolving their physical expressions of their own design, against nurture and nature, self modifying to cope with environment changes, faster than 'survival of the fittest' multi-generational change models. See shape changing octopi for a radical instance.

none what you describe goes against nature

I think, and am sure there are many other 'levels' with energies that 'bend' the laws of physics in this reality. Eg. ghosts and similar energies.

now that everyone have a video cell phone certain things has disappeared (no pun intended) like ghosts, Aliens in Area 51, Bigfoot, the loch ness monster and the chupacabra also called the mexican goat sucker

Noah's ark, or the much earlier Uta - Napishti, neither's boat could carry much more than farm animals and some friends.

a miracles would have been that the methane gas from all the animal dung didn't suffocate Noah and Crew ...they had to have been shovelling it 24/7

Going in 2 by 2, - Dreaming! You ever tried to herd up anything.

according to some ..Spinoza would have claim that all the animals consciousness are part of a collective taking orders from a single consciousness to board the Love Boat ...

"Humans are Gods compared to ants".

perhaps a perfect example of why Gods don't exist

Life is an extension of God. So denying God denies you from believing your life matters

the need to believe in something which can not be proved to exist in order to believe one's life matters perhaps a sign of depression

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Tue 07/30/19 06:49 AM

Frankly, I find it amusing y'all need to argue about it?

generally that's what takes place in any forums with any subject .... it's called "Presenting Arguments'

actually, my mind works to where it reflects to how someone like Einstein, being Jewish, was raised and then became Einstein might have been conducive to specific patterns.

actually that's not how your mind works....remember according to you and Spinoza you're part of "the collective" in which all your ideas come not from you but from an external cause such as a puppet master

But none of that removes or adds to his Genius!!

toss Einstein naked into the jungle and most likely he would be outwitted and eaten by something with an I.Q. that of a tadpole

in ancient mesopotamia times, cubit was an actual term for like how we say "yardstick," and it means 36 inches or 3 foot. this is actually ancient mesopotamia we are speaking about.

all I'm asking is it you believe that two of every animals that existed could have fit on Noah's Ark ...and let's not forget room for all those big old naughty dinosaurs

actually Satan, Lucifer are incorrect terms. these were the translated terms. in reality, the entity you speak about is called, "the Adversary."

actually they were referring to the planet Venus ...

it's why Yeshua spoke about the wind to Nicodemus. he was explaining the Laws of Physics in terms of how to detect and see.

actually you got it backwards ...Jesus was telling how the wind was undetectable and had free will ...comparing it to the spirit or the spirit of God ...under the laws of physics there is no Free Will... not even for God which is why there are no Miracles and no Gods (any real ones)

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Sun 07/28/19 06:49 AM
A miracle is therefore something we can't currently explain.

a lack of knowledge is not a miracle ..perhaps the opposite

"GOD" exists whether all you non believers disagree with me

yep ... everything exist on the sci-fi channel

just like the "Devil" exists as well.....

probably the only character in the bible that didn't lie

I know the entire world is going to wake up soon..

ah wake up come up out of their graves...The Zombie Apocalypse it begins

but right now most of you are like Sheeples all following each other believing their is no GOD

aren't the sheeples supposedly refer to as being the Faithful ..sheep, lamb etc.... supposedly "WTF? in religion means "What The Flock"

Some people will say Proof to me GOD exists... well I can say to that Proof to me that he doesn't exist?

it's rather difficult to prove to someone that their delusion doesn't exist

BTW you cannot proof me this cause you would know where to find him.

can't you find God inside you ...oh wait that's Gas

No one has see Jesus no one knows what he looks like..

actually it's supposedly that no one has seen God .....Jesus is not God

. But the Bible says some of the people have seen him... a talking burning bush and as a talking donkey

Soon you will see a judgement day coming and then your eyes will be opened... when that day comes no one knows ...

yep Jesus admitted that he does not know ....that's why he's not God because God knows

I dont mean by going to church... church cannot save you only GOD can!

excuses believers make so that they don't have to pay those tithes

If you want to have a true relationship with GOD ... get out of Church.. and ask him into you lives.. that is the best advice I can give you.

actually that's the worst advice...because once you leave the church you're inviting Satan into your life

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Sat 07/27/19 12:50 PM

i meant how you perceived my meaning, i was trying to present the opposite..

actually you were contradicting yourself again and quantum leaping from Jehovah to Spinoza, which doesn't matter since according to you and Spinoza all men including Einstein are part of "The Borg Collective"

in Job God describes engineering, using a tape to measure, Mathematics.

is that the same magical tape measure God use to measure Noah's Ark because how else would it be mathematical possible for two of all the animals in the world to be able to fit on such a small thing... i think someone caught a glimpse of bigfoot on the ark

and i see i need to inform you again, the English translated Bibles have many incorrections. It's why I go to the Hebrew, Aramaic, Greek versions. Those misinterpreted English explanations are not found in the versions 3,500 and 1,700 years older than the English Translation.

imagine if the term God was also mistranslated and was actually meant to mean Satan ...this is why to even suggest that one word in the bible was mistranslated would mean the entire Bible is incorrect

the wind is a constant, so I am not taking the wind into consideration of my claim. .

the wind must be taken into consideration since it is part of the laws of physics..the laws of physics is not like the passages in the bible that people get to pick and choose which ones to follow or not follow

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Sat 07/27/19 07:32 AM

And I also meant that I believed einstein followed spinoza's Theory of God as being connected to everything, not what spinoza was thinking philosophically. I am sure einstein had his own questions as to some of the things spinoza was thinking, but on terms of everything being connected in a harmonious flow, I believe einstein accepted that portion of spinoza's view.

first you claim you didn't say it now you claim you did say it but meant the spinoza God when at first you claim that Einstein would revert back to the Jewish God, your posts appears to be a host of contradictions drench in encrypted parables that had to be decipher and points to a concept known as "The Borg Collective"

the Borg a race of assimilated species including humans manufactured into cyborgs on the sci-fi series "Star trek the next Generation" in which all the minds of its members are linked together as a "Collective" and all lacking individuality but supplied with thoughts and ideas from an External Cause or Consciousness (that you refer to as being God) but in this case is known as "The Borg Queen' [NERD ALERT OVER}

if you disagree with my assessment ...then explain your concept and I will point out how it relates to The Borg Collective ....

but if you don't... then you will be assimilated, resistance is futile, WE ARE BORG

people who understand some of the issues they deal with, they tend to think in terms of learning a new trait. they learn a trait that hides something obvious. that ability to correct and adapt is also part of the learning ew trait by removing old habit.

learning a new trade or trait is not's adaptation

nowhere is that view found within scripture.

what can't be found in scripture are biblical einstein like people working on nuclear fusion notations... but what can be found in scripture is that the earth has four corners and when shaken so does it's pillars shake ...suggesting that God was feeding people the wrong information that the earth was Flat resting upon pillars

if the Laws of Physics trigs out to hitting an object guaranteed to kill you by slowing the process down or speeding it up in order to make contact with something like younger fern trees; a miracle exists within that moment of that person's existence

factor in the wind or the lack of it into the equation and all you've done was described the laws of physics.... not a miracle ...there are no miracles

no photo
Fri 07/26/19 04:41 PM

I never made any such claim.

sorry but you did, you stated that Spinoza stated that man's ideas do not come from himself but from an "external cause" ...and I asked you flat out what was the "external cause" feeding Einstein his ideas and who was this deepthroat?" ...and you said think in terms of God

Psychological Disorder like forms of Autism, Skitzo, Aspergers, multiple disorders, etc, etc. Those are forms of mental illness. Every genius has something about them that is not how it should be.

why do you insist on linking mental disorders to genius many people have you met throughout your life that didn't have any mental disorders ..of course other than myself

No but, he might had been in the Book of Isaiah which details the same stars we look at every night we look into our little area of Space. Even Galaxies are mentioned and there are many areas where it takes a special kind of knowledge to see how their Mathematics, Engineering, work order progress. Einstein would have excelled here.

yep..back in those unscientific biblical days Einstein would probably be leading the charge that the Earth is Flat resting upon pillars

Miracles that happen once leave a reminder always,

a Miracle would be a happenstance that cancels out the laws of physics you know of any?

Even Richard Dawkins said more Atheist kill themselves because they are not a part of belief Faith system.

when the faithful goes to a doctor they become an Atheist ... funches 3;16

no photo
Fri 07/26/19 05:27 AM

You have a very box like view and there is no practical sense taking place at all. The fact is, whether Einstein thought about his teachings growing up or by denouncing literally just put those thoughts away and choose to ignore them until they fade from your memory...Einstein was a Genius!!

so far you're the only one claiming that Einstein ideas didn't come from him but from God ...if God is giving him all the answers to all the tests then Einstein is not a genius but a cheater or a ringer ...and you offer zero evidence beyond fantasy that God has done this...

or Paul who had the best Jewish education of that time from Rome, Greece, Turkey, and his own Yiddish Law!!

Paul was persecuting followers so he clearly wasn't a Genius and a biblical education doesn't anyone a genius ..but anyway since in the biblical days Einstein would have been incapable of offering up any of his "scientific (blowing up the world) notations" he wouldn't been consider a genius but just a normal average joe

Yes, Faith is the key word to it all.

Faith is the ability to turn one's delusions into one's reality ... funches 3;16

and you have yet to name a Faith based belief that is not (in your words) "a mental scam for suckers needing to be controlled."

no photo
Thu 07/25/19 04:36 PM

Memory is the biggest component to having a genius IQ.

actually it requires a super processor to process the memory and according to you Einstein had long as you have Einstein hook to an "External Cause" feeding him all the right ideas...he can not be labelled a's the "External Cause" that's the genius and Einstein becomes but a robot Drone are you ready to finally cut the "External Cause apron strings" from Einstein so he can get Genius status

I am saying Einstein might had been a Biblical Character had he been born in that time period. Since he was not, we know him as we know him.

perhaps he would have been Judas

Scientology has nothing to do with either Faith or Science. It's a mental scam for suckers needing to be controlled.

can you name any Faith based belief that wouldn't fit that criteria?

no photo
Wed 07/24/19 11:51 AM

I also assumed you would be able to understand that I was imposing the thought that we understood there are differences from a boy to a middle aged man in how his thoughts are molded. But that is not reflected in your thought processing.

wouldn't his I.Q.been the same whether as a child or an adult or with molded thoughts especially since you claim that the ideas were not of his own and was from an external cause're basically saying that Einstein heard voices

To think in terms of God, I would believe Einstein would revert to man's idea of interpretation of what the Hebrew Scripture refers to.

so the hebrew God is the external source that was feeding Einstein ideas the same as with Abraham and Moses ? are you saying that Einstein was a Hebrew Prophet?

But in terms of God, Einstein saw the Universe as being God itself.

mixing science with Faith makes Einstein a Scientologist ...

Typically a genius suffers from a form or two of Psychological Disorders.

in that case there is only a handful of people on this planet that's not geniuses...but generally it's religion that acts as a litmus test for those that may have questionable mental issues

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Wed 07/24/19 08:36 AM


why don't you allow women in Heaven