Community > Posts By > funches 3:16
Death of Masculine
deep misunderstanding on the theme 'Intersection' How rude ...but anyway let's send that wisdom to Dear Daughter dear daughter you appear to have a deep misunderstanding on the theme "Intersection" and other obscure terms us real men use to cloud the issues at hand At personal level: Why in heavens name would a woman wait till she gets battered? dear daughter why in Heaven's name would you wait until you get battered, simply ask your Man for a 30 day notice or to send you a facebook notification or a mingle2 email before he decide to batter you Riddle me this. Why are women being convinced that they are being used and abused along with accepting that fact in countries and nations where they are the majority of the population? is the answer to the riddle "old values masculinity" Why in these said countries and nations men are being mentally castrated and taught not to protect and defend others? is this also being taught to the Men in the Military of these said countries and nations Some speculated that 2030 is "Bingo Hour". I guess we'll find out what is going to happen in 10 years from now. 2030 is"Bingo Hour" that the Title of a Tom Clancy novel or secret army time for when bingo suppose to start ...but anyway it made the Encryption list ENCRYPTION LIST Old Values Masculinity Intersection Mentally Castrated 2030 is Bingo Hour |
Death of Masculine
Edited by
funches 3:16
Sun 09/01/19 08:10 AM
since so far nothing factual have been presented on how masculinity is dying perhaps a better insight can be provided if the "Op and cahoots" would share the wisdom they would hand down to a daughter as to how they can help preserve masculinity
FOR EXAMPLE dear daughter when your man hits you do not call the authorities because now there is some crazy thing leftist have made up called domestic violence which can cause your Man to be arrested daughter practice the old values when it was socially acceptable for Real Men to display their masculinity by hitting their women and not have to worry about getting into any silly trouble dear daughter if a man sexually harass you at your job or grab your private parts do not report him because this is how real men display their masculinity, so do not take it personally and accept it as being normal ...besides if the president of the United States does it therefore it must be ok Let's make Masculinity great again dear daughter do not invoke your voting rights or worry your pretty little head about politics ... just place in your trust that men know exactly how to ruin I meant trust that men know exactly how to run the world and know exactly what's good for you women ..haven't men done a good job so far in controlling your uterus dear daughter when you're about to be married remember to include the old values and place "to obey your husband" in your wedding vows .doing otherwise may result in your husband feeling less of a Man and possibly ruin your wedding night consummation activities |
Death of Masculine
Kavanaugh or anyone that are nominated for The Supreme Court is going to get grilled ...including the women ...the fact that you are singling out Kavanaugh for being grilled is actually you emasculating him far you guys are guilty of the same behavior the thread is accusing feminism of doing ...or at the least unknowing accompanists
so do you have anything else to present that doesn't point to you killing off masculinity |
Death of Masculine
I don't think anywhere in this thread OP has described masculinity as incels or toy boys
actually the very first line in the very first post is the philosophy of Incels... . This is a difficult topic bit the impression I got was 'old values'. masculine men fold for their women. old values like what? .....can you provide an example No, I'm not blaming just women for the decline of feminine and masculine in modern society. It is everyone's fault. As the saying goes, "Ignorance is no excuse for the law". So not just us but those who've come before us as well.
so far you've been talking in abstracts nothing of what you're saying is concrete or seem to be based on anything factual.. |
Death of Masculine
you're basically blaming women for your masculine insecurities which is the philosophy of a new subculture arising called "Incels"
Tom neatly puts the ideas together that I don't talk to God and he or she doesn't talk to me. God cares about me as much as gravity or energy does - I *really* like that one! since you guys prefer a God that care about you about as much as poop ....then allow me to "re-introduce" you to the Genesis God that drown everyone on the Planet except a few dung shovellers on Noah's Ark and couldn't care less's becoming quite clear that you guys are still program to follow your childhood God Over-population is ALREADY tormenting and torturing people.
ok...if you truly believe this...and if possible are you willing to have all those in your family bloodline and all those they associate with all killed ...a simple "yes or no" would suffice...but however you answer that question(if you dare to answer) will be interesting one sec while i pop some popcorn Plus, the more people on the planet at one time, the more torment and torture that happens.
but my married friends told me that when it comes to torment and torture it only requires two people There are more people being born than dying and those alive are living longer. yep, that generally how a non-omnipotent species keep from going extinct We do not have the technology to remove 4 billion people from the planet. We are not even trying to develop such technology. would you be willing to present such an argument to the residents of Hiroshima and Nagasaki Our species is extinct already and we just fail to see it.
yep, because everytime I drive somewhere I see thousands of people Try thinking about it.
perhaps an overpopulation of those with a belief in Gods is nature's way of causing a species to go extinct ... funches 3:16 |
So I will comment w/o belaboring too much minutia. in a Religion Forum that would require a miracle I still feel that a person doesn't need to believe in the existence of Zeus in order to use Greek translations. everything the Ancient Greeks done was based on Zeus, therefore Greek Translations only becomes a problem if you are a follower of the God of Abraham (Judeo-Christian Islam) because to use the Greeks to verify The Old Testament is to place Zeus above Yahweh and Yahweh specifically forbid his followers to do this because as he stated...he is a Jealous God This doesn't cancel out Free Will (Unless, it's the most extreme definition possible), you still have to make decisions, and what you do is still ultimately up you, exercising you Free Will. if "Free Will" existed...why are there Prisons and Graveyards ... funches 3:16 |
As for "torment, torture and kill", I do not condone torment or torture but killing is part of reality.
We are a population of nearly 8 billion people now. Killing mass quantities of people is the only option left to us if we do not want our species to go extinct. so you don't condone torment or torture but do condone killing mass amounts of people not realizing that such actions would cause torment and torture ..perhaps a buddhist would claim that you're the reincarnation of Hitler and his "Final Solution" ..but anyway this just adds to the evidence that those that have a belief in God (even a God with no name) is consciously Sociopathic You lost me, however, when you said a person has to believe in the existence of Zeus in order to use Greek translations. when using Greek translations to prove the existence of a God then it's only logical and expected that you have to include and/or acknowledge the existence of their God(s)namely Zeus.... in other words's hypocritical to claim that your unprovable God exist but theirs don't After that, you lost me further with some of your analogies/comparisons and comments, for example As a Trekkie, I loved you bringing up the Borg collective ![]() (NERD ALERT)... I should have use the episode from the original series called "I MUDD" in which Kirk and crew was trapped on a planet of androids all consciously collectively linked to a single android named "Norman"...(NERD ALERT OVER) MK, As usual, You demonstrate intelligence ,wit and humor in your very credible statements. the Grandfather incident probably brought back childhood memories and cause him to drop out of the discussion ...hopefully he will recover and come back come back Shane ....Shane come back |
'Nobody' indicates no other person and since God is well..., God, not included in that distinction. but what is included in that God distinction is The Flying Spaghetti monster Why are you so adamant about telling me I am Godless? but it was you yourself that indicated that you were Godless, you claim that you follow no religion, so where do you get your morals from ...clearly not from God...therefore you and your morals are Godless LOL, another attempt of yours to minimize my own beliefs and my idea of God. not actually, what I'm saying is that Spinoza's God is of the philosophy of those that have Gods with no name ...which generally consist of believers rebelling against their parents religion or religion in general ... Do you feel threatened by my beliefs? let's just say that since your beliefs help create the atmosphere for the existence of God you are responsible for those that torment torture and/or kill in his name For me, God's name is...wait for it...God. God is not a name but a description or Title ... a name would be Godzilla is God ..or Godzilla is Elohim I have no 'need' to prove my belief. it's not that you have a need to prove your belief it's the fact that you can't prove your belief ....what you going to do show me God's Drivers License ...with the belief that if the department of Motor Vehicles say you're God, then you're God You could just say to yourself, "Oh, that's an interesting view but I don't have the same view concerning my beliefs". that's called being "passive aggressive' them biblical days and in some countries today you would have been stoned |
i mentioned the Greeks pertaining to their Ancient historians and that simply the Greek version verifies the Aramaic which both are 1600+ years older than the English versions. if you wish to use ancient Greek to verify the Aramaic then you have to acknowledge the existence of Zeus the greek myths have nothing to do with my point. then your post is a contradiction ....the fact that you use Greek Myth in an attempt to make your point is why Greek Myth has something to do with your point You are so off the wall, you should be a crooked picture it's because you're providing crooked evidence ...the Hebrew Bible along with the Greeks are destroying your argument ...perhaps it's time for you to come back home to the English Bible ...God would want you to...because your constant mistranslation of The Hebrew Bible is not in his grace it was NEVER jesus, but always Yeshua. according to the Greeks it could have been Jesus ...also Yeshua could have meant Joshua ...see how you're attempting to turn this into a definition debate means you lack any factual argument and, Immanuel means God with us. Yeshua means "Yahweh's Salvation," which is what IMMANUEL is referring to...that...God was with them via Yeshua doesn't matter what Yeshua means since the Torah said that the Messiah's name would be Immanuel...being a fake Messiah would explain why God forsaken Jesus and why Jesus dying on the cross didn't remove any of the original sins (for those that believe) |
Since nobody and I do in every sense of the idea know, NOBODY else lives behind my eyes. so you mean not even God lives behind your eyes ...isn't that an indication that you and your morals are Godless What I "Believe" is 'mine'. actually Spinoza own the copyrights to the God with no name I have no issue with you believing what you believe. what if they believe that God commanded them to kill you ..would you have an issue then What gets me, and this is pretty significant in more ways than belief in God, is why other people can't seem to allow others to "Believe" what they want. by posting're now guilty of the same I only use the Greek for Paul's 13 letters. doesn't matter, once you brought the Greeks into the equation you brought in Zeus and the existence of Gods other than Zeus and Yahweh ...that the Elohim is not an individual but a Race In Aramaic, Yeshua (the Factual Name of Jesus {WHOM THE GREEKS [7 separate total Ancient Historians of that time and day] WROTE ABOUT AND CONFIRMED WAS A LITERAL AND ACTUAL PERSON KNOWN TO THAT MESOPOTAMIA AREA})...
actually back in them biblical days Jesus was a common name ..but according to the Torah the Messiah would be named Immanuel not Jesus but I would be the first to admit I don't understand how you can 'prove' the absence of something! simply include the term delusion ...a delusion is just as real to the one having it as a nightmare is to a person asleep By the way my Mother was a Catholic. I wonder what nonsense you will say about that!
that you're circumcised perhaps? Non-believers reading this are recommended to look up Humanism on google. isn't Humanism simply Atheism |
If you have read the whole thread there are many places (too many?) where I have said the answer is no, there is no such thing. but why do you have (too many) posts when according to you there should be no more than one post in which an opinion of yes or no is given.....why didn't you follow your own philosophy |
How do I name my God which actually has no name? you went to the desert on a God with no name it felt good to be out of the shame My God is Doofus. if the God is Doofus imagine what the followers are You don't need to prove your God to me, you only need to prove your God to yourself. that type of proof requires believers to commit suicide In the USA you call your vehicle an 'auto' short for automobile. In the UK we call the same thing by a different name - a 'car' short for carrriage. I've never seen anyone anywhere try to argue that one of those names is 'correct' and the other 'wrong'. Everyone accepts that the same thing has different names for different people. yep come on to the good old USA and try to buy something called "carriage insurance", you probably get arrested by I.C.E. agents for being an illegal alien I think Tom is saying that this should also be true for the God you believe in.
that's understandable since Tom was pondering whether or not to name his God "Doofus'... Never mind what name you choose to use, the topic for this thread asks if there IS a God, or is NOT. So far we have discovered that some say yes and some say no and some waste vast amounts of time arguing off-topic about the correct name for this phenomenon. to answer the question with a simple "yes or no" which you so far have failed to do yourself defeats the purpose of this being a discussion forum for example ...why weren't your post limited to a simple "no'....why did you feel the need to vent more |
know the over 700 names applied to the Hebrew Deity, I know people who were rulers in the Ancient Days were called gods, I understand every point you are attempting to make, but none of it relates to what God is telling Moses since you were the one that brought the Greeks into the discussion then you're clearly aware that the Greeks had they own Elohim ..Zeus Hera Poseidon etc. ...therefore what the Hebrew Elohim was trying to express to Moses was that he was the Elohim of Abraham and wasn't any of those Greek's Elohim a sense that he wasn't Zeus ..which is why he also warn his followers not to place any other Elohim above him because he is a Jealous Elohim Elohim is only the "Descriptive Title" and there are many Elohim, but Yahweh is the personal name of the "Hebrew-Judaeo-Christian" Elohim the question becomes why do you guys have such a phobia with calling the guy by his personal name "Yahweh" ....because not doing so is not only being misleading, deceptive and intentionally mistranslating the Hebrew Bible ..but these transgressions against Yahweh is placing you guys on "The Yahweh To Hell" you're on the Yahweh to Hell...Yahaw to Hell're all on the Yahweh to Hellllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll |
in the realm of religion spirituality and agnosticism it's a sin to have sex without marriage and even if a married couple within this realm engage in sex without the specific intent of having children they are committing an abomination
So if it was my free will to punch you in the face, would it have an impact on you or your nose? it probably tickle, but your inability to control your violent impulses is clearly not "Free Will" ... And while that link does concern Buddhism Indra is also an important god to Hindus but you also mention Tibet in which Buddhism is their main religion and you mention the lhasa apso which is a dog that Buddhist monks kept in their monasteries and you pasted a link to a buddhist philosopher, so does it require one to be a rocket scientist to deduce that Buddhism is your preferred religion Your welcome to research me if you choose Dude you're a fledgling Buddhist Shiπ you wouldn't be the first to claim I'm deluded by a long chalk would the first happen to be a psychiatrist Have fun with your cricket bat I'm off to play football since you keep stating "cricket bat' is the football you referring to actually "soccer"? |
Edited by
funches 3:16
Mon 08/12/19 11:17 AM
The argument that what happens to 1 impacts us all, by no means cancels out free will "Free Will" would suggest that what happens to one would impact no one but that individual and would result in no consequences to that individual..the Buddhist philosopher you linked us to was clearly preaching the opposite If you think you are here to research delusions, then I think perhaps you are deluding yourself, and trying to delude others. you're next on my research list And I myself, do not have a religion; a non-religious person would not supply links to a religious site for discussion unless it's their religion's pretty clear you're a buddhist in denial I was simply trying to steer the thread down another avenue, why are you trying to steer the thread unless you have control issues ...if you want to discuss something religious just jump in and post it..including Buddhism ...ok...I'll start if you see Buddha on the road..would you kill him? |
if you read the verse (it's the quote above your quote) God explains who Moses' father is, Abraham, the father of Isaac, the father of Jacob, ALL followers of Elohim and the father of the Faith. "Elohim" is one of the descriptive names of God even humans were called Elohim or God, even Caesar fell under the title of God... but no human and only one God was ever called Yahweh and that was the Elohim of Abraham ....and that's why Yahweh is the personal name of the Hebrew Elohim .... either way if you choose to hide behind Hebrew/English mistranslations ..then every time you use the term God or refer to God as anything other than the Hebrew Elohim or Yahweh then it is you that are mistranslating the Hebrew Bible ....even when you use the term "external cause" so what do you say that we just stick to the English version of the Bible ..because the Hebrew Bible clearly place in the wrong measurements for Noah's Ark and forgot to include the T-rex and his prehistoric buddies ..which means the Torah is not infallible and has its own share of Hebrew language mistakes, mistranslations and miscalculations |
I'm unsure as to how it relates to free will according to the article which states "What happens to one impacts us all" ...that in itself cancels out 'Free Will" ...perhaps for most even cancels out "Free Thought" If you think all religions and their basis are delusions Why are you here? of course to research why you are having delusions it something in the air the water the cheese But aren't you taken a cricket bat to a football match, and spending your time shouting at everybody for not playing cricket? actually it was you that came into the forum complaining as to why these types of threads always have to deal with only Jewish and Christian religion and not your religion also we don't play much cricket here in the have to join a college fraternity and change your name to Winslow |
Yahweh is a Name given to Him, by Him indeed. But it is what He told Moses before sending him to face Pharaoh is WHO He really is: 6 And He said, "I am the Elohim of your father, the Elohim of Abraham, the Elohim of Isaac, and the Elohim of Jacob." And Moses hid his face because he was afraid to look toward Elohim. saying I am the Elohim of your Father is the same as saying that I'm the president of your Father but doesn't express which president ...that is why the name Yahweh should only be used or you'll be risking placing other Gods equal to or above him Why do these types of threads always have to deal with only Jewish and Christian religion?
because on any English speaking site The Judeo-Christian delusions are more socially accepted then the delusions from other religions or philosophies So I tried to find some meaningful quote from a religious text other than the usual ones, but, I couldn't, admittedly at times I have little patience
I did however stumble upon this Indra's Net the story is basically saying that there is no Free Will and that all existence including Gods are interconnected and under the jurisdiction of the laws of physics ..."cause and effect" ...but in a "Quantum Woo Woo" way |