Community > Posts By > isaac_dede
red flag or no?
I have no ties with my ex-wife, Honestly unless you have kids with them, I think it is unhealthy to remain friends with them. They are your past, new person would be my future. You can't truly move on if you're still living in the past. I don't see a need to remain friends at all. I think it's selfish to remain friends with them, you want them there for support, for fun, for friendship, for a 'buddy'. All things that you should be striving to have with your new person. Of course that doesn't apply if you have kids, then you do it for them. But that's my opinion and you know what opinions are like. I have the exact same views. But indeed not everyone sees it that way, which is okay, to each their own. For me it's also because I make a complete commitment in a relationship. To go back to 'just friends' after breaking up .. feels weird. of course its okay if people don't see it thst way...everyone has the right to be wrong |
nope want something fake,
fake boobs fake eyelashes fake nails, FAKE RULES! |
here's a pic for you!
red flag or no?
I have no ties with my ex-wife, Honestly unless you have kids with them, I think it is unhealthy to remain friends with them. They are your past, new person would be my future. You can't truly move on if you're still living in the past. I don't see a need to remain friends at all. I think it's selfish to remain friends with them, you want them there for support, for fun, for friendship, for a 'buddy'. All things that you should be striving to have with your new person. Of course that doesn't apply if you have kids, then you do it for them. But that's my opinion and you know what opinions are like.
Def stay, maybe she could convince me of this reki thing
Dear Turky,
you have won this round my friend. But just so you know I won't give up |
just posting because I want to watch this thread.
While I do believe in God, and if asked, I would state that I'm a non-denominational Christian. But I do like to see differing viewpoints because in the end we all die and will learn then what the truth is. In reality NO ONE knows what happens when we die. It's simply a matter of faith in what one believes or doesn't believe when we die. In the mean-time we can learn from each other. |
It's not surprising the ones doing the uninviting are Hillary supporters....I mean really expeting them to have family values is a bit much....look at her example
zombies have attacked!!
maybe i should have looked around me before making this topic cause im screwed... all thats to my left is a wall ... looks like u have a fighting chance as long as it is not padded you can do something with it, if it is padded...well then zombies are the least of your worries |
Rainy and cold (well cold by California standards. .so 45-60f)
zombies have attacked!!
Use the object. ..metal light stand anout the size of a staff
Stay...even if I am risking the flu!
Hope you feel better soon
Balance can NEVER be achieved in a frwe society. ...ever. there will ALWAYS be someone who works harder and get more..those that don't work aren't entitled to any of it and shouldn't it unbalanced sure, but is it fair? Absolutely. If my neighbor is lucky and wins the lottery, I shouldn't expect him to fix my driveway. .its is unbalanced? Yes. Is it fair? Yep he was lucky. Problem is people seem to think balanced and fair mean the same. They don't. Someone is always going to feel slighted and blame everyone else but themselves. there will always be those who dont work harder and get more,, if someone is born into millions and a coveted family name should they disparage those who are born into abject poverty for not working 'as hard'? but balance , to me, is trying to apply standards consistently balance to me, is looking for responsibility , and not blame, learning from the past and USING that for ideas forward walking in other peoples shoes not making things about 'liberals' this and 'conservatives' that , but instead making them about people and the things they do, understanding that hardly anyone falls squarely and exclusively into a political philosophy Immediately making a judgment on someone 'born into millions' with a 'name' I personally wonder when they got a name, was it their dads work? Their grandpa's work, their great grand-parents work? Someome somewhere alobg their lineage ESTABLISHED that name..... I'm of the mindset that I'd like to learn WHY that name holds value, what was their accomplishments, I hope to establish my own name one day, and I hope my great great grandkids will still be able to succeed off my name. There are stories everywhere of people succeeding out of poverty. They all have one thing in common, they worked their butts off, and believed in themselves more than anyone around them, they went after it and never gave up.... I don't think anyone should disparage anyone else, but FAR too many people blame their surroundings instead of themselves. |
Balance can NEVER be achieved in a frwe society. ...ever.
there will ALWAYS be someone who works harder and get more..those that don't work aren't entitled to any of it and shouldn't it unbalanced sure, but is it fair? Absolutely. If my neighbor is lucky and wins the lottery, I shouldn't expect him to fix my driveway. .its is unbalanced? Yes. Is it fair? Yep he was lucky. Problem is people seem to think balanced and fair mean the same. They don't. Someone is always going to feel slighted and blame everyone else but themselves. |
I was this guy once, and from growing and learning I think its like scepticalsoulmate says...guys learn this from women. guys learn about other guys from a woman's perspective generally as the 'friend-zoned friend' listens to them crying about thr latest 'jerk' that just dumped her.
Most of the guys I've met with this attitude don't have many male friends, and generally have a hard time relating to other men and often come across as feminine (and they value this trait) when most women aren't into feminine guys, but would prefer a masculine guy instead, it seems we are doing ourselves a disfavor by trying to be different from 'other' guys. |
So I was was wondering why my fellow men have such a low expectation of other men?
What I mean is almost every male profile on here states the same thing "I'm NOT like OTHER guys".. Why do we have such a negative view of our own gender? |
The Wrong Answer Game
Do honest politicians exist? now they do Why is gold so heavy? |