Community > Posts By > Chell63

Chell63's photo
Thu 10/24/19 04:43 PM
What does anyone think about all the ppl that have gone missing in National State Parks in clusters all over the USA and Canada...David Pallides, a retired Police Officer started doing a search after talking directly to a Park Employee that told him about the numbers of missing ppl.
David has now written 4 or 5 books and has a YouTube Movie that is called Missing 411, The Hunted..
There are several theories but as of yet, none have been proven.

Chell63's photo
Sun 10/13/19 11:09 PM
Oh my Gosh, when my marriage ended, l went through the exact stages you talk about and l can say, it is like losing someone to death..You go through the stages of grief and for everyone , the time it takes is all different for everyone...l fell to the lowest point of my life when l saw it blow up in front of me and l have to say first off, the kids are the true victims in a marriage breakup..After all of that, then you have to take good care of you...l was so lost l felt l had no purpose but somehow, l made it..l cannot lie and say it is easy because it is the hardest thing to go through when you think your spouse was always going to be there, your family would always stay together...My life turned upside down when my ex proclaimed love with a fellow worker/employee and it was like my heart just exploded in pain..
We had 3 children and had one daughter die at Christmas time and for years l could not accept it , then the relationship started with my ex and co worker..l always hoped it was temporary and then filed..l paid for it because the ex would not pay a cent and that was always okay with me because l finally stood up for myself.. My life has changed so drastically and now for the better because l was able to feel the pain and sorrow for the past and take whatever steps you need to, even baby steps, but you have the gift of learning from all of this..lf you can look within yourself and find the answers you need, then your life will follow ..
l know in my heart and soul, l made the right decision and l had to say goodbye to the younger person l was at that time in my life and learn to become who l am gets easier as you get older because you are not naive to the world any longer or to people trying to pull one over on day at a time and if you feel sad , cry, get it all out and stop reliving times over and over as that is our inner turmoil looking for the lost times and moments..l joined this site, just to see what is going on but l can tell you after all the above, l am happy with my life now as l am and if l meet someone and there is chemistry, great and if not, l am still happy to be just where l am now...l do wish you all the best, one word of warning, heal before you jump into the next relationship because if you don't , you will end up carrying it into future relationships and learn from your mistakes..You future awaits you...Good Luck

Chell63's photo
Mon 08/12/19 10:17 PM
Very nicely put...

Chell63's photo
Mon 08/12/19 10:12 PM
Hey, that is a good post !

Chell63's photo
Mon 08/12/19 10:10 PM
l am sorry you had such experiences and l do hope you find what you are looking for one here...All the best

Chell63's photo
Wed 08/07/19 03:55 PM
Married people may be looking outside the marriage, for someone new and exciting that wants to be and is interested in the other person...l can tell you from my own personal experience, l had a gentleman who had said he was seperated, so l took him for his word, because my Ex has cheated on me all throughout our marriage (for the thrill of the chase as he described to me), but the gentleman was freshly getting out of the marriage and it was too much for myself to take on the children and their tirades against the Father, not to mention the soon to be Ex, was hurt and angry and l never willingly take on a married man because there are so many emotions, in regards to his married life, the childrens hurt and anger as well as the Wife's words and can be alot less costlier in the long run to be able to communicate, visit back and forth and the freedom to as the couple likes if both are single..

Chell63's photo
Wed 08/07/19 03:42 PM
Hello ! Being a woman, l can say for myself, l have been looking for a really kind man, that is honest about himself and his life, respectful, wants to get to really know who l am as a person, not one night stands..
Affection, such as holding hands is nice but what l really life is to get along and have fun conversations, talking back and forth....Everything is a true relationship falls into place naturally, it is not rushed or pushed and taking that time to court one another..That is what is really important to me and what l would want but have not seem to be able to find that..
Everything in life is so rushed and l am old fashioned...l just like to take my time and l appreciate the interest of someone as l hope they do hope they would find the same in myself..Take care and good luck to everyone, no matter what they are looking for..

Chell63's photo
Sun 06/23/19 11:17 AM
Are you some kind of man who thinks your God's gift to women ?? l am sorry but no matter what age l was/am, l would have run in the opposite direction after reading this...At least you think you sexy, so that is the main thing l suppose...

Chell63's photo
Thu 06/13/19 12:18 PM
l myself am not looking for any money as l think companionship and personality are far more important. l would rather have a Regular Joe ( everyone is different in my eyes ) because at least he is being himself. l am still a woman, who has alot to offer any man, so l hope just reading this will stop lumping women the same way..Good Luck to you..

Chell63's photo
Tue 06/11/19 03:46 PM
l am a woman and l ask myself the same question as you do, ls this it ?? when l am not meeting anyone who actually wants a relationship or to meet someone. l do suppose this site must work if people have written of their experiences..Good Luck

Chell63's photo
Sat 06/08/19 07:23 PM
l had family die from when l was a young child to the present as my Mother is 87 yrs old. The worst for me was losing my 3rd child and it was the worst time of my life. That was the hardest part of my life and it took me many years to get to the point of acceptance. Children are not supposed to die , they are meant to live and out live the parent but going to a funeral home to make arrangements for your daughter was just plain shocking, horribly painful and so so sad..l cried many tears and l understand there are those that are worse off then l am but signing over your child's organs for donation was an absolute nightmare and having absolutely no support from my Ex husband who said some horrible things to me which l will carry with me for the rest of my has taken me many years to get over my daughter's death and as l had older family, Father, brother was much easier to accept then losing an innocent child who died as a result of a Dr.s mistake..
Having studied and worked as a Nurse made it so difficult because l knew the signs that there was a problem but l was not at all prepared for a Dr. to be so negligant because he decided a Christmas Party for his staff was far more important then coming to the Ward for an emergency after being called 4 times and leaving the resident alone who was not prepared or allowed to do Emergency Surgery despite her vitals dropping as time was ticking away...
l have had 2 Near Death Experience and l also worked with patients who were terminally ill and l understand the dying process but when it is your own baby, it is a much different experience...
Being born is a part of life and dying is also part of life so when a person close to us dies, we all handle it differently and it is a personal experience...Dying teaches us loss and that life has to go on and it is the 5 stages of grief a person has to go through and we all go through these steps in different stages based on our beliefs and how we learn wisdom from that loss that eventually makes it easier to accept and carry on in life.
l would gladly have given my life so my Daughter could have lived a full life but it was different when my brother and Father died as that was the order we understand..All and all, it is like being dropped into someplace we have to learn to get out and rise above the loss in order for us to keep living and carrying on..
Therapy is a good way to help you understand and get through the dark places our minds go to and keeping that will to live so that we may go on...We do learn from loss but it takes time and takes patience unfortunately and it changes who we were to who we are now..There are websites and information on line to help you with your loss as well as getting help with any questions or thoughts you may have.

l do wish you all the best and time does heal...l never believed that until l got to the point there was a light at the end of the tunnel.. Be kind to yourself and understand death is inevidable part of death..Just take time to do what comforts you and know you will see them again when it is your time to depart this life. All the best to you

Chell63's photo
Sat 06/08/19 06:37 PM
That is definately not what l am looking for...l think that there are honest women like myself that are actually looking for a kind, honest man to start and go from there but that too, is very hard to find online or in person

Chell63's photo
Sat 06/08/19 06:27 PM
lt sounds to me like you need to heal from your Divorce...Wanting to find someone takes time and if you are not fully healed and comfortable with your own company, you need to take some time to get to know yourself and be kind to yourself as Divorce is like a death..
Very stressful and shocking, especially if you were married for a long time. You need to learn how to go on alone in life and become independant again or you will just keep rebounding in and out of relationships never finding what you are truly wanting. lt is when you are least expecting it, that you may find someone .. l am speaking from personal experience as it took me many years to heal and l divorced in 2006... The first relationship was a rebound and that hurt alot when he decided he wanted to date other women..l learned to get through life on my own as hard as it is at times, but l also learned that there was a difference in finding someone to be there and finding someone you cannot live without..l do wish you all the best in your journey and in finding that special someone. Take care !!

Chell63's photo
Thu 06/06/19 07:41 PM
Thank you very much for your advice and l promise l will be good, lol

Chell63's photo
Thu 06/06/19 01:33 PM
Thank you very much for the replies...Unfortunately when l did write my profile, l guess l did not save it, thus it was all empty as was pointed out to me, so l redid it and added a few more pics, so l do appreciate all the advice l was given.

Chell63's photo
Wed 06/05/19 03:06 PM
Hello, can anyone let me know how you think my profile is...l am looking for some constructive feedback so l can make changes depending on what ppl think, Thank You

Chell63's photo
Wed 06/05/19 01:10 PM
Hello to Everyone !! l have been on here for about 2 weeks and l am in the Ottawa Valley Region, Pontiac, so l look forward to meeting someone from around the same area to go out casually and get to know one another...l am not looking for one night stands or married/seperated men...l would just like to talk to a gentlemen who is not in a rush to have a relationship,marriage, but rather get to know each other, go out socially and then we go from there.

l wish everyone the best of Luck in finding a person they are looking for !