Would you
wake up and read all the words....What God has joined together let no man put asunder.....God created eve as a help mate for adam therefore god joined them together..they were married........
Kiss Or Run - part 8
kiss all her favorite places
Yes, No, or Maybe - part 2
Edited by
Fri 12/26/08 12:33 PM
no I flirt with everyone I only talk dirty to the ones I like=====would you like a lick
Im single because my x left and when it comes to looks==cooking==and the bedroom She is a hard act to follow.......Even with the cheating it doesnt change what I was use to....
If I believed that whatever I was doing at midnight the 31 would be what I did all year then I would take a shot and be hauling azz toward Texas
Phu I would love to watch the ball drop with you...Im not a hopeless romantic but I do like to share a special time with a special friend
women and condoms
give them hel kid --at your age my phylosophy was to LIVE FAST--DIE YOUNG -AND MAKE A GOODLOOKING COURPSE===Age changes your attitude or it did mine I now realize two things I didnt then== One I wont die young and therefore have to live with my mistakes and two I wont make a goodlooking courpse because I lived too long
likes to play girl
I bite
UGH! "Helpful" People...
longhair I think you should add more bike pictures and more of the blonde girl...That will show good taste on your part ..Just a little unsolicited advice
Where you Naughty or Nice?
then you should have gotten lots of gifts---I got the usual socks and bandanas in fact I think some of them were already mine
blood thirsty
UGH! "Helpful" People...
Ive been outed-----A private perv on the loose
UGH! "Helpful" People...
I thought of that but I thought that was flirting
foreign guy
UGH! "Helpful" People...
Phu --dont change a thing....
UGH! "Helpful" People...
my favorite response is [ If I wanted any chit from you I would squeeze it out of you}
opinion's needed......please
damage done --just wait and see...If you were friends she will contact you with atleast a --what the hell were you thinking response and maby she is just thinking it over --Its hard to say cause we dont know what you said or in what context it was said