Community > Posts By > Illustrated

Illustrated's photo
Sun 10/18/09 09:30 AM
Miss Mayra
Don't worry take your time. You are young. Not to mention it does take awhile for some guys to mature.
When people start getting over how a person looks the world will be a better place.
Good Luck

Illustrated's photo
Wed 10/07/09 09:06 AM
i'd like a glass of Pino More please!

Illustrated's photo
Mon 10/05/09 01:28 PM
I don't know why. I wouldn't hazard a guess. Maybe they have compared you to who they are with now and know now they f'd it up with you. Who knows.
The only thing I can suggest is to keep that ignore button on.
Seeing that your over them.
It may take time but soon there wont be any attempts to contact you.

Illustrated's photo
Tue 09/29/09 12:25 PM
Your gonna give my hiding place away.
No I just waiting for a client, seems to be taking his time.
woot for cell phones with internet

Illustrated's photo
Tue 09/29/09 12:21 PM
consider this a distraction. .. lol
Shhh we are hiding

Illustrated's photo
Tue 09/29/09 12:20 PM
Hell No!

Illustrated's photo
Tue 09/29/09 10:42 AM
Good, add a few more photos and all the vultures will be circling. lol good luck.

Illustrated's photo
Mon 09/28/09 06:12 PM
My goodness I'd have to say her mind.

Illustrated's photo
Mon 09/28/09 09:00 AM
lol sure. no worries

Illustrated's photo
Mon 09/28/09 08:56 AM
I don't know. People are caught up in playing games. Round and round yet they do not realize it is them that get in the way of the relationship that they seek.

Illustrated's photo
Sun 09/27/09 07:31 AM
Women do the same thing also. But when presented with what we want its seems so unreal because of the ropes we(men) and you(women) had to jump through. Your not doing anything wrong. And most of all don't get frustrated with the dummy that didn't snatch you out of the singles line.

Illustrated's photo
Sun 09/27/09 07:27 AM
Welcome to the show. Don't get hung up on them though. Take your time and someone will come along.

Illustrated's photo
Sun 09/27/09 07:20 AM
We meet new people everyday outside of this here dating thing.
As far as no teeth did he not take care of them or something else happen? If he didnt then let him go but if he was in an accident that was no fault of his own then give him a try. We are all missing something others more obvious than others. In the end only you can decide.

Illustrated's photo
Mon 09/21/09 01:09 PM
For the most still frowned upon.
I really don't care as long as we have things in common.
Its only been 200 yrs lots of hurdles to go.

Illustrated's photo
Sat 09/12/09 02:43 PM

I'll leave it at that its a lengthy ready but worth it.

This discussion can last a lifetime.
There will always be issues like these and many others.

The question is how strong are you? How strong are you not to let images and others than your very own experiences dictate how you accept a race (even the way you were raised).
If you were Blind would race matter?
Yall have a good weekend. got homework to do. ..

Illustrated's photo
Sat 09/12/09 02:23 PM
What did someone say to Lupe?. .. oh yeah
"Dumb it down!"

That's what the producers want.

So we people everywhere copy from one another.
When you live in an area where there are no grocery stores for 10 miles and feed junk food, guns and forced to struggle and all you have is an element shown to you on a daily basis, a person can become brain washed. Thinking that hip hop, this is the only way out.

I can easily toss out something like this
Every white person is like Madoff or every latin behave the same way as those in mexico.
Which is all false!.

My ex is white, my daughter is mixed. I've date many other races.

When are others going to realize that everyone is their own person no matter what you see on t.v. or hear on the radio. get out of you own way stop being judgmental or stay the way you are. There are way to many positive people around black, white, yellow, pink what have you for me to worry about what i see on t.v. Why not turn the m.f off and do something.
Granted there are some of weaker minds that will follow the wolf to slaughter, but there are those that lead and stand alone.

I mean are you really gonna tell me that every black person you've met is like what you see on t.v.

Illustrated's photo
Sat 09/12/09 01:41 PM
Its funny isn't it. an image on the t.v. describes a people.
Only if people look around them and really see what is around them and the people then maybe we wouldn't have this problem.

There are bad images of other races everywhere but its the black race that gets the most attention.

Easy to say a money machine such as hip hop\rap can generate such flack.
I laugh at people that believe what they see on t.v. because if you really met more that half of the folks that produce this type of music they are normal individuals living normal lives that put on a show.

Illustrated's photo
Mon 11/19/07 11:58 PM
Still thirsty?