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Fri 08/01/08 08:51 AM
heritage people not hate
Heritage not hate thats what it is about to most people heritage............ if this whole world would develope an attitude to judge someone for who they are inside and not the color of there skin and what ha happened years and years ago things none of us ever had any control over wow think about what a wonderful world it could be truely the only people i hear crying racism over anything is aferican americans when and if they ever sit down and read a book and check into the history the war was not about slaves it was about state rights and the right to govern them self's there are many many races who have been wronged in the past and i am sure each one is offended by something or looks at something as a symbol of hate but that all could stop to if people would find the true meaning of things and stop teaching there children there verison of how and why things went on .. when in reality none of us was there and dont know anything more then what we read in a book or what we have been told by our family or taught in school. when will people stand up and over things from the past that none of us had control over when will aferican americans say hey this was nothing to do with our generation let it go? it won't happen and why because right now our government is making state apoligies and no doubt there will be some sort of pay out to them all who had a family member who was a slave just like they are doing with the holicost families. are they owed that ? no more so then are any other race that has been screwed .... i just had an simiular arguement with someone else on another site over the confederate flag and wanting to know why i am cherokee and proud but yet have a confederate flag flying on my page then proceeded to tell me the cicil war was over indians and there rights and that we as native americans should not be proud of that flag and what was done to our people. my reply to her was i know my history really well, i have never heard of any confederates killing any native cherokees. the federal gov is the one who made them move to the reservations because the cherokees were a rich tribe and had a lot of land. the federal gov made them march down the trail of tears. the native cherokees were long gone before the civil war even happened. so again i ask you should i be mad should i be out there crying look what they have done to us? grow up america and lets all just get along love people for who they are not what race color creed they are. |
i do beg to differ on that because i dont see any snooty people sporting it... it is all country people i am living out in the country as do all my redneck friends... it is more of a country redneck thing
I BEG TO DIFFER WITH YOU HERE MY DEAR I LIVE IN THE CITY IN A MIXED NEIGHBORHOOD AND I FLY MY FLAG RIGHT UP THERE WITH MY AMERICAN has nothing to do with hate or being a redneck it has everything to do with heratiage and what our four fathers greatgrandparents and other family members fought for and lost there life for.... it makes me sick that people think it is a hate thing it is against black people it is against slavery hello people wake up it is 2008 no one give a **** about slavery that was way back when before any of us where born and i am sick of it being thrown in my face all the time the white people did this the white people did that to the blacks ok hello look at what has been done to american indians which i happen to be i am not out there crying about what was done to us and i am not out there begging the us to apoligize to me for what was done to my people.... i say if you have that confederate flag fly it high and proud. |
liers and game players
thank you
liers and game players
well first of all your friend should have spent some time alone with her before he decided to give up everything he had and move in with her they where suppose to spend a week alone when he went there and that didnt happen she went about her normal life with her friends and said he was to dependant on her because he didnt go any where while she was gone lol here he is in a total diffrent place but suppose to go out and do things and not get lost. he is just suppose to know where to go and what to do. she wasn't to good of a host thats for sure |
liers and game players
thank you txangel
liers and game players
yes they met in here and no they had only talked on line and on the phone for 7 months
liers and game players
i am really pissed off at some one who totally took advantage of my dear friend he gave up his life everything for her she wanted him played him for 7 months telling him she loved him and wanted to be with him just come be with me there are plenty of jobs here money is not an issue so he saved up bought his tickets made his way to leaveing everything giving up all to be with this women he loved and thought loved her...
he gets there and she tells him your not what i want my friends don't like you she never spent a moment alone with him never even gave a chance to what she said was real love... and now wants to tell everyone he came there expecting her to support him lmao get over yourself chick he did not expect you to support him but why after the way you treated him would he tell you what he really has your a dam fool game player you have no idea what you lost because you didnt give it a chance he truely is one of the most wonderful people i have met in my life your loss. |
FOR ALL......
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Hillary still has my vote, all of them i don't care who they are they are going to say what everyone wants to hear and then do what they want as soon as they get into the office
it is a no win situation you can vote for who you want and hope you made a good choice or you can sit on your rump at home and vote for no one then piss and moan about who won and what they are doing.... every politican is a lier everyone has followers who truely believe in them as a leader... what is one to do ? is it worth fighting over how who feels about which runner? i think not life is to short live it to it's fullest LIFE IS SHORT PLAY NAKED ![]() |
as a native american cherokee i agree with ya karma and i m stayin out of this one to much to say
there is to much say anything to get elected in all the idoits running for any government postion none of them tell the truth about anything....
i didn't vote for g.w.b. either term but got stuck with him just the same have no respect for the man never will the choice is of who lies better it is all a game one none of us has any control over the best lier wins and at least when the democrats are in office we have a good economy. |
i happen to like canada and don't really think of it as another country as it is right here 20 mins from me
what pisses you off?
liers piss me off the most but all yours are good ones to
can you just say hi ???
thank you allll