Community > Posts By > Truthoflife

Truthoflife's photo
Mon 11/20/06 07:49 PM

Truthoflife's photo
Mon 11/20/06 07:42 PM
We will pray for you and your son! Times like this makes us sad that we
are so busy bickering amoung ourselves to even think about anyone else's

Truthoflife's photo
Mon 11/20/06 07:39 PM
Legal papers are only there so the gov. can stick their noses up the
family's butt

Truthoflife's photo
Mon 11/20/06 07:04 PM
LaVanna, RIGHT ON! Some people on this site are just MEAN AND HATEFUL!
But we should understand that the reason they are that way is because
THEY have LOW SELF WORTH and are trying to bring others down to their
level...but too bad no one can go THAT LOW!!!!! LMAO!

Truthoflife's photo
Mon 11/20/06 06:31 PM

Truthoflife's photo
Mon 11/20/06 06:19 PM

Truthoflife's photo
Mon 11/20/06 06:10 PM

Truthoflife's photo
Mon 11/20/06 06:08 PM
Unlike a lot of guys, most of the time, women look on the inside of a
person instead of the outside. From what you have posted, thus far,
Romee, you need to ''check'' have not gotten off to a
very good start.

Truthoflife's photo
Mon 11/20/06 02:38 PM
See yall laters! I am going out to eat with my daughter...I am VERY
proud of her! She grad. from high school at the age of 16 and then went
to colege...she is 19, now, and is almost grad. from colege, but I still
call her my baby pride and joy! LATERS...LOVE YA!

Truthoflife's photo
Mon 11/20/06 02:23 PM
Free To Be Me
June 21, 2006

I am free to be
I am free to be me...
Free to be me, in everything, I see.

I am happy, just to be
I am happy to be me...
Happy and free to be me in everything I see.

I do not have to do anything...
I do not have to sing...
The living as myself, is, just in the 'being'.

Do not ask me why
Many tears, I cry,
For I want to live before I die.

He is gone, and I am free
Free, just to be
And live my life being me.

He, no longer, rules my life...
No more of his anger or strife,
Because I am no longer his wife.

No longer his captured dove...
My feelings, no longer will he shove...
He never cared or had any love.

But I am happy, can't you see?
I can just let myself be...
For, I am free, just to be me.

Truthoflife's photo
Mon 11/20/06 02:18 PM
VICODIN....LOL! MY drug of choice...and my doctor's...LOL!

Truthoflife's photo
Mon 11/20/06 02:01 PM
So VERY TRUE, Izzy! I agree, totally!

Truthoflife's photo
Mon 11/20/06 01:56 PM

Truthoflife's photo
Mon 11/20/06 01:27 PM
YOUR GRANDMA...THAT'S WHO....Grandma is going to tell your MOMMY....Now
go play with your toys, like a sweet little boy!

Truthoflife's photo
Mon 11/20/06 01:08 PM
No such thing as ''good people''....everyone is trying the best they can
be and it will NEVER be good enough.

Truthoflife's photo
Mon 11/20/06 12:43 PM
Willllll what do you think? Which is better....Marriage Legal Papers OR
no? Anyone's remarks on this? Or do you DARE to say it?

Truthoflife's photo
Mon 11/20/06 12:27 PM
Hi there Damnit....LOL....I mean, Fanta! How are you doing this lovely

Truthoflife's photo
Mon 11/20/06 10:49 AM
SPAY....YOU....''NOT''...SPAY if you would FACE the cam, then MAYBE we
could see what you look like...who knows, maybe what TxsGal is saying is
FER REAL....Maybe you are A LAMB, afterall...LMAO!

Truthoflife's photo
Mon 11/20/06 10:32 AM
Last time I checked, there are MANY subjects on this forum and if you do
not like that subject, make up your own and post it, on here...DUHHHHH

Truthoflife's photo
Mon 11/20/06 10:19 AM
LMAOFOTF! Thanks...that made my day!

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