Community > Posts By > munch151

munch151's photo
Sun 12/23/07 05:27 PM

I guess I am jealous-it has been a while sincxe I have had a virgin. You go boy. LOL!

Lol! Yeah, I wasn't expecting it... there's not too many running around any more (and one less now). It was fun and all but I think I like her. That's what makes it hard. So far out of all the girls I've seen since I've been single she's the only one I've considered having a relationship with. Stuff like this is hard. It's easy when you don't care and it's just about drinkin and 'having fun' cause that's how most young folks are... but as soon as you meet someone that keeps you interested it gets crazy. I just didn't expect the first one to be so young ohwell ohwell

munch151's photo
Sun 12/23/07 05:21 PM
Who's a ho? I'm single so anything goes, right?!?!

munch151's photo
Sun 12/23/07 05:19 PM

The age difference seems to not matter as much when you are older, but she does have a lot of life to experience that you've most likely already experienced.

I would say just give her the freedom and room she might need, and just see if it works, or if you two would be better off friends.

You know, stranger things have happened. She might be one of the very, VERY few that are so much wiser and beyond their years.

Or, you could just be incredibly immaturelaugh J/k

Haha, I've been called immature for very immature reasons :tongue: Nah, I'm pretty comfortable with life and how things work, and I really like being with her, but I just feel that if we do end up 'being together' then she may miss out on some life experiences. But then again, dating and relationships are a part of life. Don't get me wrong, I am not at all jealous or any of that nonsense so I wouldn't ever try to deprive her of her friends or any of that, but I don't want to have her regret 'hooking up' too early in life. There's also something else I haven't revealed yet... I took her virginity ohwell So I'm thinkin that has something to do with how she's acting. Basically I don't want to act on something that may fade after she gets over it. Funk it, I reckon I'll just have fun while we can and see what happens.

munch151's photo
Sun 12/23/07 05:11 PM
True, I don't plan on running off and getting married to her lol, and we have been having so much fun together it's crazy. And she is not looking for a 'sugar daddy' either. She has her future well planned out, which is one of the things I find very attractive about her. I will enjoy her company as long as is possible but as I said, she wants to move things a bit further into 'relationship' mode. I'd like to but at the same time I feel kinda weird because she's so young. Maybe I should just get over it and understand what Dillon said '**** it.. shes legal.'

munch151's photo
Sun 12/23/07 05:00 PM
So recently I went to a local bar by myself (sometimes it's fun to go alone and see who I can meet) and while there I met an amazing 18 year old girl that so far has been holding my interest. She is very attractive, very mature, and has a good understanding of how the world works. This is more than I can say for most of the 21+ women that I usually hang out with that seem to be totally into themselves and nothing more. So here's the deal... We've been hanging out quite a bit, sometimes until the early hours of the morning, and I really enjoy her company, but I can't get over her age. Part of me says ignore it, after all I know several couples with a vast difference in age between the two, but part of me says don't take it serious because she's young and deserves to have more 'life experiences' before she gets serious. She has expressed interest in developing a serious relationship but I've been chalking it up to naivety so I haven't pursued yet. Coming out of an 8+ year relationship it's hard for me to take things lightly but I don't want to throw away something that may end up great. Normally I can handle things on my own but I really haven't been this interested in someone for a very long time. What are your thoughts on age difference (I'll be 27 this month and she's only 18... it's bad I know) and how it could affect relationships.

munch151's photo
Sun 12/23/07 04:41 PM
omg, this is the topic I've been waiting for!

2000 maniacs (the original, not the new crap)
the chainsaw massacre (again the original but they could have cut out a lot from the last chase scene... it's only scary for so long)
Hellraiser (as others have said)
again, as others have said anything Rob Zombie kicks much @ss... except the new Halloween which was just 'ok' not great

munch151's photo
Sun 12/23/07 04:36 PM
Hahahaha, very funny!

munch151's photo
Sun 12/23/07 04:21 PM
Aloha homey! From Jax here! Have fun on the site and enjoy the forums, they make all the difference in how things will go for you here. Keep active and you'll have fun. Adios!

munch151's photo
Sun 12/23/07 04:20 PM

He told me his name was Santa but I checked the name tag-it was Pinnoccio-no wonder he kept telling me to lie! LOL!

Hahahahaha, if he plays it right then you might be telling him lies all night, eh? Oh, the joys of having body parts grow according to your behavior. If I had that curse then I'd be full of **** every day. Sorry, but you'd get nothing but lies from me... but you may enjoy it at the end of the night lol. Dammit... gutter again!

munch151's photo
Sun 12/23/07 04:17 PM
Edited by munch151 on Sun 12/23/07 04:17 PM
All you should worry about right now is makin friends and see what happens. Dating is definitely something you should do but try not to rush anything. I've been single since October and it's been a blast! Most of the girls I hook up with end up being friends and sometimes a bit more (it helps on lonely weekends) but mainly I've been focusing on making friends and trying to figure out who I am as an individual. That's really what you need... a little bit of 'you' time. Once you get that straight then everything else will work out fine. Besides, most of us guys have hidden motives and tend to complicate things (just as several women do too) so don't get wrapped up in us just yet. Have fun and good luck to ya!

munch151's photo
Sun 12/23/07 04:12 PM

I just like the dirrrrrrttttttyyyy part-sorry guys-I slipped in the gutter. My bad. LOL!laugh

Um, olive juice please. Stop being naughty. Santa HATES that. But if he likes you to be so nice why does he insist you sit on his lap while you tell him everything you want? Maybe someone needs to check up on HIM!

munch151's photo
Sun 12/23/07 04:09 PM
Yeah, I agree with everyone else. Stalking sucks... but how about a friendly person that observes you in moderation? That's always fun. But when she shows up at your house with a bottle of wine and a bouquet of roses be careful... in other words, be thankful we live in a time of Trojans and spermicide...

munch151's photo
Sun 12/23/07 04:04 PM
Hey bartender... extra dirty Tanqueray martini, extra dry please. Keep em comin cause I put em down faster than I should. Don't worry, I'll pay your utilities this month if ya hook me up. bigsmile

munch151's photo
Sun 12/23/07 03:53 PM

munch151's photo
Sun 12/23/07 03:38 PM
Love is a crazy word. Some use it to describe true emotion, some use it as a tool, as you've said, to get what they want from someone. Though I'm not sure exactly how, why, or when things went wrong I can only say that it definitely has less meaning now than it once did. I don't know about you but I am VERY careful about how I use the word. It's still sacred to me.

munch151's photo
Sun 12/23/07 03:36 PM
Hey dude, this is a great place to meet people... It doesn't matter how you are in person unless you finally meet someone on here, but the beauty of it is that you will already have established a relationship with that person before you meet so it'll be a breeze! Good luck to you and have fun on the forums! There are lots of good folks around here that'll keep you entertained for as long as you'll allow them.

munch151's photo
Sun 12/23/07 03:33 PM

Bringing drinker slush.....and my dancing shoes!!bigsmile

Awesome!!! One more for the dance floor!

munch151's photo
Sun 12/23/07 03:31 PM

just a thought, if they continue giving you gifts, you could always donate what you receive to those who need it more, and then could volunteer at a shelter to help cook or serve meals during \the holidays, or even donate food type goods to shelters or food pantries ,

or ask if any left over food from ya'lls meal can be donated, fill paper plates with left overs, cover them with plastic or foil and then hand them out to homeless ppl who have no shelter to go to or carry them to local shelters or churches and see if they could use them to help feed those who need it

I agree with this completely. I'm not one for gift-giving at Christmas time because I'm an adult and if I want something I'll just get it and I think everyone else should as well. Gifts are for children because it makes them happy and hopefully gives them a reason to be good all year :smile: The best you can do is be thankful to those that give you something and, if possible, inform them of your position on the matter so they can respect it next year. In all of your posts you've seemed to be a decent guy that puts a lot of thought into what you say so you shouldn't have a problem explaining where you stand. Hopefully things are better for you next year. Until then just enjoy giving what you receive to those that really need it. Doesn't it feel good helping someone that needs it? You rock dude.

munch151's photo
Sun 12/23/07 03:23 PM
Very original and I love it!!!

munch151's photo
Sun 12/23/07 03:21 PM

Lol, I'll bring lots of picks and a whole bunch of different songs to sing! Beer goggles are a bit overrated so I'll be wearing my gin martini goggles. Mmmmm, now I'm excited. Ok ok, maybe naked isn't so bad now. But if we're gonna be naked we should definitely have a rule about dancing proximity... iam4u is cool and all but dude, keep your distance. Don't wanna be fighting with your 'tommy gun' while I'm tryin to get my freak on with the ladies.

noway noway noway noway noway noway noway noway
YOU can call my home and ask my cat, I DON'T EVEN OWN A TOMMY GUN.............bigsmile

laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

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