Community > Posts By > reji_vin

reji_vin's photo
Wed 11/21/07 09:30 AM
lovesongs, cant help but agree with what u said. personally i dont have any experience in this dept but i have seen the same with many of my friends.

All said and done it finally comes to a trade off. we all think in terms of "whats in it for me", at the end of the day we all need to make a choice. do we wanna spend the best years of our lives chasing the elusive "so called perfect" man/woman or scale down a notch and settle for something not so perfect but long lasting.

personally i believe that over 1000's of years women have had a raw deal in terms of the balance within relationships and if the tide is changing now , its about time. guys have to just accept the honest truth that what goes around comes around. give em a chance before stereotyping them..........

some scientific data i had read some time the intial meetings men think in terms of how quick they can reach home base :tongue: but women think in terms of potential provider for them and their while one gender is looking at short term the other is looking at the long term..... perspectives , its all about perspectives.

reji_vin's photo
Tue 11/20/07 02:13 PM
txgal89, i am from a different country but i guess the mystery of relationships is universal.

one of my happily married friends told me, during the dating stage we all chase the hot looking, popular chaps/women.... many times the real nice chaps (she calls them the keepers)just stay back from the crowd. we need to make that bit effort to reach out to them rather than looking around at all the superficial gloss.

its all a question of trade offs... the hot ones know that there is always somebody else out there and thats part of the reason they take u for granted. the not so hot one that u discovered thinks on the lines that they might not have another great person as u...selfish as it is but we all think in terms of "whats in it for me ?" u cant get everything (some do, but seriously what are the odds...)

Personally hot woman vs average but committed woman , i will go for the latter..... (maybe its just a cultural thing)

reji_vin's photo
Tue 11/20/07 01:38 PM
mimx, u have opened up a pandora's box. but yeah there is an instinctive reaction in every one of us and over time through experiences learn to leverage on our strengths.
i guess we it all comes down to "beauty is in the eyes of the beholder"

reji_vin's photo
Tue 11/20/07 01:34 PM
lovesongs, very indepth indeed... looked like u still have your psychology text besides you.

so how many minutes does it take u to run through this list in your mind happy

no wonder men think women are complicated sad but considering the stakes i only hope that more women accepted and followed your views drinker

reji_vin's photo
Tue 11/20/07 05:25 AM
Hi Everybody,

I would like your views on when a guy( for you) moves out from the zone of a friend to a BF or a BF to the man you want to spend your life with.

Is there a specific trait that you look for ? certain period of time ? certain mannerisms/habits ? basically the moment that knocks your sock off and u say "wow, this could be the one........"


reji_vin's photo
Fri 11/16/07 10:54 PM
too sad that this movie lasts only 86 minfrown

Great movie,especially when u are down and want a boost.
