Community > Posts By > KalamazooGuy87

KalamazooGuy87's photo
Mon 10/13/08 12:22 AM





KalamazooGuy87's photo
Mon 10/13/08 12:21 AM

[I wasn't forced at all, far from it, I was free to make my own decisions, my parents had me baptised as a child and I was raised as a Christian but they were open minded enough to realise that not everyone shares their views and they even admitted that maybe, just maybe, the whole thing might be a load of rubbish.

My point remains valid though, had you grown up in a muslim country, chances are that you'd be praying to Allah, not God or JC. You're just pretty blinkered by your faith.

As for proof, if God appeared before me and said "What do you think of me now", hell yes, I'd believe. But we both know that won't happen. I mean, all the prayers that go unanswered, he's just gonna come and say hi to me personally to change my mind?!!!

Vaild, no, well maybe since i didnt live that life, so im greatful to find my faith the first time around =).. Like a potential wife. =) far from blinkered.

and it has happened to people, God has shown his presence, it can happen. Honestly? Youd probably come up with somthing to explain it

it was a statement to say proof or not, you dont want to know the truth

In that same vein, you're just blinded by faith. You assume that your faith is the truth. And you know what they say about assume, right?

I dont assume though =) and maybe being blind is good thing?

then again u assume about me =)

Being blind must be great - right up to the point where you walk off a cliff!

Possibly, I can admit that I probably do assume about you, but most of what I have said has been based on what you have said, which makes it less of an assumption!

But your assumptions are stero-typical.. and are wrong..

What if i am guided? can i fall?

KalamazooGuy87's photo
Mon 10/13/08 12:19 AM



KalamazooGuy87's photo
Mon 10/13/08 12:18 AM
If its that important to you =)

KalamazooGuy87's photo
Mon 10/13/08 12:17 AM

[I wasn't forced at all, far from it, I was free to make my own decisions, my parents had me baptised as a child and I was raised as a Christian but they were open minded enough to realise that not everyone shares their views and they even admitted that maybe, just maybe, the whole thing might be a load of rubbish.

My point remains valid though, had you grown up in a muslim country, chances are that you'd be praying to Allah, not God or JC. You're just pretty blinkered by your faith.

As for proof, if God appeared before me and said "What do you think of me now", hell yes, I'd believe. But we both know that won't happen. I mean, all the prayers that go unanswered, he's just gonna come and say hi to me personally to change my mind?!!!

Vaild, no, well maybe since i didnt live that life, so im greatful to find my faith the first time around =).. Like a potential wife. =) far from blinkered.

and it has happened to people, God has shown his presence, it can happen. Honestly? Youd probably come up with somthing to explain it

it was a statement to say proof or not, you dont want to know the truth

In that same vein, you're just blinded by faith. You assume that your faith is the truth. And you know what they say about assume, right?

I dont assume though =) and maybe being blind is good thing?

then again u assume about me =)

KalamazooGuy87's photo
Mon 10/13/08 12:16 AM

So science is inconsistent because it changes..

Nature doesn't change.

Only man's understanding of it changes.

Big difference.

If a judgemental authoritarian God changes his rules midstream then he can't be trusted to be consistent.

That's not just mankind's understanding changing. That would be a fundamental change in the personality and behavior of God.

That would be an inconsistent God.

Nature very well changes, Manly influences...

or a god that changes with time =)

KalamazooGuy87's photo
Mon 10/13/08 12:14 AM

[I wasn't forced at all, far from it, I was free to make my own decisions, my parents had me baptised as a child and I was raised as a Christian but they were open minded enough to realise that not everyone shares their views and they even admitted that maybe, just maybe, the whole thing might be a load of rubbish.

My point remains valid though, had you grown up in a muslim country, chances are that you'd be praying to Allah, not God or JC. You're just pretty blinkered by your faith.

As for proof, if God appeared before me and said "What do you think of me now", hell yes, I'd believe. But we both know that won't happen. I mean, all the prayers that go unanswered, he's just gonna come and say hi to me personally to change my mind?!!!

Vaild, no, well maybe since i didnt live that life, so im greatful to find my faith the first time around =).. Like a potential wife. =) far from blinkered.

and it has happened to people, God has shown his presence, it can happen. Honestly? Youd probably come up with somthing to explain it

it was a statement to say proof or not, you dont want to know the truth

KalamazooGuy87's photo
Mon 10/13/08 12:07 AM

So protect people from this, actually hack my computer... would u like my ipaddress =)

No thanks, am sure one of my friends will get around to it sooner or later ;)

Im not afraid, i have zonealarm .... -.-


You really think that ZoneAlarm is safe? Honestly? How do you have it configured?

I dont i lied, my point is nothing is safe, just lock the door on your car keeps most pople out and saves alot of money =)

And my point is that some things are less safe than others. Sure, you may get away with not having AV, Firewall, etc. but the odds are far better stacked in your favour if you do (and keep them up to date).

i agree, and i do.

True security should only be in businesses like you said a bank or somthing of that caliber, which have many skilled hackers daily =).

KalamazooGuy87's photo
Mon 10/13/08 12:05 AM

i may give away an extra keyboard to be helpful not because god said to, granted maybe my Faith has influence, but not becasue it was influenced by God...

No, you were influenced by your parents, their beliefs and the beliefs of others around you when you were growing up.

Believing in God is not somthing i have to do or am scared to do or ill go to hell, its somthing i want to do...

THAT I understand, so if you believe in God, and so do Muslims and Jews and Pagans (in their case many Gods) and Hindus (ditto on the many) and so on, who is right as to the interpretation of what/who God is?

A very basic way of thinking when it comes to religion on this one, lol... If Christianity is the only religion which if you dont believe you have hell as the only other option... wouldnt that be a good place to start, since all other religions are a joke and forgive regardless of if you truly want it or not?

Honestly as kid if you couldnt get in trouble and be forgived for whatever you did, would u have morals?

KalamazooGuy87's photo
Mon 10/13/08 12:02 AM
Talldub because you feel you were forced and now hate christ from what it seems, dont assume i was the same since it was on my own, i found christ. Again i have my faith, u dont, u need proof, and even if u got proof it wouldnt be enough =)

KalamazooGuy87's photo
Mon 10/13/08 12:00 AM
Edited by KalamazooGuy87 on Mon 10/13/08 12:00 AM
Abra God doesnt have to prove himself...

"But why should he weep?

If the person deserves to go to hell then God shouldn't be bothered in the least since the person only got what they deserved. "

Abra ever been married have you had children? If so have you wanted them to do good, If they followed a wrong path and ended up dying early, would you weep?

This is where your "if i was God" opinions arnt making sence, cause theyre incorrect.

KalamazooGuy87's photo
Sun 10/12/08 11:54 PM
Edited by KalamazooGuy87 on Sun 10/12/08 11:55 PM

"Beware of people who claim to do good in my name"

.... =)

Who said that? God? Jesus? Did YOU hear them say that?

Didnt hear God say it, he wrote it =)

Then again i have faith so i dont need proof. =P

KalamazooGuy87's photo
Sun 10/12/08 11:54 PM

i may give away an extra keyboard to be helpful not because god said to, granted maybe my Faith has influence, but not becasue it was influenced by God...

Is your faith so great that you would give away all your worldly possessions to help those in need

DO you need material things to make you happy, again the test of faith, do i have enough faith to do, i am unsure id like to say yes...

or is it just something you do from time to time to salve your conscience and hope that God is watching to score some brownie points?

Believing in God is not somthing i have to do or am scared to do or ill go to hell, its somthing i want to do...

KalamazooGuy87's photo
Sun 10/12/08 11:51 PM

ok i have a question that i have gotten many different answers from many different preachers an followers of the god.

on the six day god created adam then he took a rib from adam an made a woman for adam so he would have a companion to comfort him. they bare 2 sons cain an able. so when they went out to find a wife where did the people come from remember there were only 2 on earth so where were all these other people an when were they created?
it baffles me .

I'm not sure where they came from but if this story is true it explains the stupidity of people (from inbreeding) and homosexuality (lets face it, it's not like Cain and Able had much choice!)

its only wrong becasue society says it is =).. Humanity at this time actually didnt cause the defects it causes today, this is actually science..

People have been sh!tty to each other long before science came into it. And if science is causing so many problems, why not boycott it? Next time you're sick and have some sort of infection, don't take those horrid anti-biotics, god will surely save you, just pray and you'll be better in no time.

Dont have a problem with science, dont tell me because science might know an answer, God doesnt exist =)

So science causes the defects but you don't have a problem with it for that?

Don't tell me that just because you believe in God that one exists. My belief is simply that the Bible, the 10 commandments and pretty much most other religious things are ways to keep people in line. Not necessarily in a bad way though. I just can't remember any scientists killing people for not believing in science. I do, however, recall hearing of the crusades, of witch hunts, torture and murder committed in the name of God.

Science is the way of life, how life is ran and explains it for the most part. Big Bang theory No-No =).

"Beware of people who claim to do good in my name"

.... =)

KalamazooGuy87's photo
Sun 10/12/08 11:47 PM

Not entirely true, since i do both

Still entirely true, we might sometimes do it for the same reason but it is still the only difference!

i may give away an extra keyboard to be helpful not because god said to, granted maybe my Faith has influence, but not becasue it was influenced by God...

KalamazooGuy87's photo
Sun 10/12/08 11:46 PM

I am more than well aware of this but if you were a burglar and you had a choice between two identical houses, one locked up with an alarm and security guards and the other with an open door and no security at all, which one are you going to go for?

Banks are not 100% secure either, do you prefer to bank somewhere with great security as it makes the probability of your money being stolen lower or do you keep your money in a bank with no security at all except maybe some mickey mouse safe?

Im agreeing with you, im talking about the probability vs the panic. its not even, people are very afraid of viruses and spyware, when they shouldnt be, GRANTED it can happen as you put it, and i know this.

Probability that your house gets robbed, again i lived at my mothers house for 21 years, and 3 months at my home.. never got robbed. other people get robbed once a month..

Let me let you in on a little secret, a person is generally smart but a bunch of people are usually idiots. People worry about things that they don't understand, they get third hand information, etc etc etc.

other people get robbed once a month..

And they can reduce the probability of being robbed in several ways!

Im agreeing here... So why say "i think i have a virus" because your computer is running slow, STOP HAVING PROGRAMS RUN IN THE SYS TRAY =)

KalamazooGuy87's photo
Sun 10/12/08 11:44 PM

So protect people from this, actually hack my computer... would u like my ipaddress =)

No thanks, am sure one of my friends will get around to it sooner or later ;)

Im not afraid, i have zonealarm .... -.-


You really think that ZoneAlarm is safe? Honestly? How do you have it configured?

I dont i lied, my point is nothing is safe, just lock the door on your car keeps most pople out and saves alot of money =)

KalamazooGuy87's photo
Sun 10/12/08 11:43 PM

I studied this subject for four years. The way I did my study was much like an investigator would solve a crime. I started at the end of the book of Revelation, and worked my way back to the Begining of Genisis. My conclusion was that the "mark of the beast" is lying or any form of deceit!

The mark of the beast is physical from my understanding..... A mark which is offered to people who deny Christ, in exchange for somthing.. My opinion however

KalamazooGuy87's photo
Sun 10/12/08 11:42 PM

hes been pretty consistent with me, i dont think hes the trouble. Again this is just how i diagnose problems, when i fix computers, find out whats working and go from there.

I'm just talking about the Bible. By it's own proclaimation God changes and is therefore undependable.

Clearly if the real creator of this universe is dependable, then it's highly unlikely that the Bible has anything to do with it.

I just don't know why people are so bent on believing in a book that seems to contradict what they claim God is actually like.

Seems to me they would be denouncing the book as having been a fabrication of man. Clearly they don't seem to like the picture that the Bible portrays.

That's all I'm saying.

They seem to want God to be different from what the Bible claims, yet at the same time they want to claim that the Bible is the word of God.

Maybe it's just the people who are being schizophrenic. :wink:

So science is inconsistent because it changes.. or Can God change with time?

Society changes, what was once acceptable isnt acceptable now.. Again, explain to people 2000 years ago a keyboard.. or computer chip. They would think you were crazy, which is why Old vs new testament changes to make people understand.. Then again you have alot of "if i was God" opinions =),

KalamazooGuy87's photo
Sun 10/12/08 11:37 PM

ok i have a question that i have gotten many different answers from many different preachers an followers of the god.

on the six day god created adam then he took a rib from adam an made a woman for adam so he would have a companion to comfort him. they bare 2 sons cain an able. so when they went out to find a wife where did the people come from remember there were only 2 on earth so where were all these other people an when were they created?
it baffles me .

I'm not sure where they came from but if this story is true it explains the stupidity of people (from inbreeding) and homosexuality (lets face it, it's not like Cain and Able had much choice!)

its only wrong becasue society says it is =).. Humanity at this time actually didnt cause the defects it causes today, this is actually science..

People have been sh!tty to each other long before science came into it. And if science is causing so many problems, why not boycott it? Next time you're sick and have some sort of infection, don't take those horrid anti-biotics, god will surely save you, just pray and you'll be better in no time.

Dont have a problem with science, dont tell me because science might know an answer, God doesnt exist =)

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