Community > Posts By > MortBear

MortBear's photo
Sat 05/28/11 05:41 PM
Have to go for now

I will always be back ^^
somehow I do...

Keep the Cave alive

MortBear's photo
Sat 05/28/11 05:37 PM
Thanx Lex ^^

Hello Sweetest ^^

Thanx for sharing

Has any of those affected Date to this day?
If you don't mind me asking
I will understand if you rather not

MortBear's photo
Sat 05/28/11 05:31 PM
I never understood any of that...

but I did take away the thought of not wanted to ever dress like that

I like a very different look..

MortBear's photo
Sat 05/28/11 05:28 PM
Hello Soufie ^^

I know...I can't help myself....

Not since I last mentioned a few weeks ago, Ive been really busy lately

First time in my life I felt like an adult....a bit punishing to say but true...

MortBear's photo
Sat 05/28/11 05:26 PM
Hello lili ^^

Hello Lex ^^

A pleasure to you posting here ^^

Hope to see you a bit more in my threads

I will be trying to provoke discussion this time around

but the old stuff will be around too ^^

MortBear's photo
Sat 05/28/11 05:24 PM

I have to say...As much as I like bears

I like the three little pigs story more

MortBear's photo
Sat 05/28/11 05:22 PM
Hello Tender Bastet ^^

I like my sleep ^^

MortBear's photo
Sat 05/28/11 05:21 PM
Hello Misty ^^

umm...The better to....(something) ^^"

sorry I don't really remember

Eat you with?

If that isn't right I want to go with that anyway ^^

MortBear's photo
Sat 05/28/11 05:19 PM
Need a subject for discussion...

Drugs...children...stalkers..."Holics" of all they interfere with Dating

What are your experiences and you you dealt with them, and any advice for those who aren't able to talk about it that may read this

It think that will do for now ^^

Ill try to change it up a few times a weak
Keep it a place to chat
And a Cave ^^

(I think its an improvement from my others, not to say those wont be around)

MortBear's photo
Sat 05/28/11 05:12 PM
Hello Bearer ^^

Do you mind if I call you that?

MortBear's photo
Sat 05/28/11 05:11 PM
Yes ^^

Sure ^^

DeathsTreaty still resided within
He refuses to leave...

MortBear's photo
Sat 05/28/11 05:07 PM
If you feel the need for an intro
Please don't hold back

MortBear's photo
Sat 05/28/11 05:05 PM
A cave it shall be
And it shall stay

Hello and Welcome

Caution your words
it is your own tongue who is bind
Do not fear it
Read between and hear from under

All here are to entertain
And that we shall all do

MortBear's photo
Sat 05/28/11 04:58 PM
Hello ^^

and thanx

MortBear's photo
Sat 05/28/11 04:56 PM
People are animals
Or Evil creatures by nature

It takes a lot to hold those things back and be "Civilized"
Why not a bit of everything, like many bigger people may say/use in their vocabulary (or I do at least)

Why can't I get along?
That is a question not to be answered, by me at least
I like to see a good fight, entertainment is a big business ^^

but I may be wrong about the whole thing
Curse me out
shot me
sue me
Do as you may
I just thought this was interesting for the moment ^^

MortBear's photo
Sat 05/28/11 04:48 PM
Hello Tender Bastet ^^

I am, I think

MortBear's photo
Sat 05/28/11 04:47 PM

But Im not really new to the site or thread ^^"

just had trouble getting on my other account so I made a new one

MortBear's photo
Sat 05/28/11 04:29 PM
I dont use laces....always take them off or put it on the side/inside

MortBear's photo
Sat 05/28/11 04:28 PM
Hello Everyone

MortBear's photo
Thu 05/26/11 05:18 AM
Hello and Welcome

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