Community > Posts By > summertyme25

summertyme25's photo
Sat 03/27/10 03:07 AM

summertyme25's photo
Sat 03/27/10 02:25 AM

do you guys believe in this why or why not?

i used to think its crap i never believed in it till i met this one girl on here two totallly difrrent lifestyles she partyed alot i stayed away from that stuff she had done drugs i hate drugs just diffrent stuff like that.

I believe that opposites will but becareful you arent too opposite

summertyme25's photo
Mon 01/12/09 08:50 AM
lol I have been for 4 days am on about 2 cigs a day but I am taking Zyban too though lol so far so good

summertyme25's photo
Mon 01/12/09 08:34 AM
going ok Here working on quitting smoking and stuff but other than that pretty good

summertyme25's photo
Mon 01/12/09 08:30 AM
but then again if you are really interested in this other guy than you might want to consider it I mean if it was tru-love with the one you are with you wouldnt be considering it

summertyme25's photo
Mon 01/12/09 08:29 AM
well dont punish him for a card did you ask him about it

He didnt write it I know that I am in a relationship and guys have wrote things to me that were uninvited

I mean has the other guy written or said anything like that to you

summertyme25's photo
Mon 01/12/09 08:26 AM
hey fallen long time no her girl hows life

summertyme25's photo
Mon 01/12/09 08:06 AM
what I meant is that most of them will never be in life long relationships and they cant be happy I have been there and I wanted to be single because I was sick of being a B*tch just so they would be nice
I never got that one LOL

summertyme25's photo
Mon 01/12/09 08:04 AM
hey there fallen are you the fallen I know

summertyme25's photo
Mon 01/12/09 08:02 AM
LOL well I never claimed to be hip only tired of the bs but I found my man here so there are some left out there LOL

summertyme25's photo
Mon 01/12/09 08:01 AM
select all and click home tab then you will see the center button the same os 2003

summertyme25's photo
Mon 01/12/09 07:55 AM
I can see this thread has gone off track but I need to comment on this one.

Guys that are a**holes are just not happy with them selves.

Girls that are with them yes it is fun been there many times.

But you will get tired of it one day and the guys will have to learn how to treat people or they will end up leading a lonely life of half hearted relationships and never know tru-love.

I have found me a nice guy but dont tell him I called him that because he says that is a horrible thing to be called but when you are sick of dealling with A holes they are great.

summertyme25's photo
Wed 07/23/08 10:22 AM

how about when he misses you.. is stuck in another state for work for a 12 week block, you are half way through that block of time.. and he finds out his estimated day of return.. only to tell you that instead of coming to see you.. he will be going out with his friends and will TRY to come see you the next day if hes up to the 2.5 hour drive after drinin all nite....

grumble grumble grumble grumble grumble grumble grumble grumble grumble

ok in his defence it will be the first time he will be home for his birthday in the last 4 years.. but still....

that will be 15 weeks since we saw eachother last!!!!grumble grumble grumble grumble grumble grumble

ok sorry.. back to your regulaly scheduled venting.. im returning the soap box to fran..

he should be offering for you to go too

summertyme25's photo
Wed 07/23/08 08:14 AM
Hey there maybe you should try posting in the forums more that is how people get to know you. I met my man on here. And we met in the forums. distance can suck too. We lived 7 hours away from each other but he moved to me. So post and keep an open mind that is all the advice I can give you.

summertyme25's photo
Thu 03/20/08 10:09 AM

Oh Sh*t
My wallet I lost it

Found it.......but w.t.f is this.Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh it's eating my headlaugh laugh laugh

Feed it brocoli.....hear that will tame her wallet from eating you Ken.laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

Well it has been empty so long that doesnt surprise me

summertyme25's photo
Thu 03/20/08 09:45 AM
Oh Sh*t
My wallet I lost it

summertyme25's photo
Thu 01/17/08 10:16 AM
just jealous because we have more fun

summertyme25's photo
Wed 01/09/08 11:07 AM
I don't think this is cheating at all
it is like phone sex and porno wrapped into one I say have fun lol

summertyme25's photo
Sun 12/16/07 06:23 PM
jill she has spent time with her she use to be close to her now as she is getting older she likes her less and less I mean my aunt to a selfish person so I know if I explain this too her she will be mad and probably meaner to her.
I know how that sounds but she is weird

summertyme25's photo
Sun 12/16/07 06:21 PM
There is nothing new ging on and she already sleeps with me i could never get her in her own room.
Enya I do agree with you but I am stuck till after the holidays I will be out and a way the end of january. But I do know she would never hurt her and I trust her.
thanks it is nice to know I am not alone

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