lol yeah junk implie overly phat long as people aren't looking to pay a toll to drive under your bewbs and there is no health issues your fine.
Work out routines
so what kinda things you people like to do when your outside? Hike, snowboard, run ? from the cops gta style? .....discuss
hehe......they should of won oscars for that movie............but nooooooo they got robbed by the man! ironicly they were playing "the man" in this film but thats besides the point damnit!!!!
Digital Converter Boxes
basicly if you got sat, cable your fine and don't need the box only peps who need that piece are people who get tv thru rabit ears.
Hi all
welcome to the site.....and thankyou for protecting our rights to cause shenanigans in the USA
Hi...I'm new here...
littering and........
Work out routines
i got the itch again after a contest at work for weight loss......then switched goals to get my strength back
Work out routines
so i am guessing your right arm is jacked then lol
Work out routines
Since there is no health section i guess this would belong here. I got the work out bug again for the last few months and freaken loving it. My routine is this 5days on 2 off. day 1Chest day 2 back day 3 legs day 4 shoulders day 6 bi,triceps I can't stand most cardio machines so been jumping rope instead.....rocky stylie!!! If you feel like it post your routine and just lets yap about health in general. |
Yeah well once you hit enter the delete key no longer works. Welcome to eternal damnation and suffering so you saying this is the dantes infernal of social sites then? sooo you met my ex then? we're not all quite that bad LOL People love to be right......they don't care if they actually right .....but want to to at least think they right. God help you if you disagree lol |
Yeah well once you hit enter the delete key no longer works. Welcome to eternal damnation and suffering so you saying this is the dantes infernal of social sites then? |
holy great balls of fire.........i barely hit enter and there is a wave of responses! omfg i am almost getting a stewie moment of power. Ok moment is gone.
What you Drinking tonight ?
N.O. hardcore after workout drink......yes it tastes as bad as it sounds but does the job.
Hi peoples my name is Jay from albany, ny the title kinda hints to i been around the site for awhile now. But for the heck of it i felt like being social. Anyways i am sure i will add to the random epicness of this thread for the fun of it. |
ultimate fighter
it's funny rampage's team is getting their heiny handed to them. He is an excellent coach from what we can see on the show. The fight between these 2 is gonna be a pretty interesting standup war unless rampage gets frustrated and takes forest down. But i gotta be routing for him since he owns an R8 ........such a bad ass car hehe