Community > Posts By > NewToYou

NewToYou's photo
Tue 12/04/07 11:29 PM
For those who believe no explanation is necessary ... for those who do not none will suffice.

Nuff said.

NewToYou's photo
Sun 12/02/07 01:24 PM
This post is asking the wrong question. You are asking people to describe something that is largely conceptual. God and other things related to faith and spirituality are all conceptual. God is an idea and each person takes this idea and creates their own concept of what God is. In essence you have just asked a question for which there are at least 6.5 billion answers (roughly). You have delved into the same realm as love. Ask someone to describe what love is, you will get answers ranging from feelings, to chemical reactions in the brain. The intrinsic problems with conceptual questions like these (especially when you have your own view already firmly cemented in your mind, and really aren't going to be convinced by and argument) is that the concepts are so abstract that you can make any interpretation you want, and everyone's is going to differ slightly. My God, or creator, or faith (even if it's based on something similar to yours) is not going to EVER be the same. You ask people to describe God, while already harboring the opinion that anyone who is going to describe their god is delusional. By asking someone to describe something with no real form (only function) and believing that anything that can't be touched much be a delusion you are setting up a system that will only prove yourself more right (at least to yourself). If you really want to learn about God or anything else faith based you have to first free yourself of bias and open your mind to what people are saying and how people experience God. Because ultimately that's what God and faith and spirituality are, experiences, and experiences are impossible to impart to anyone else. You can't describe and experience, you can tell someone about what happened, but that experience, that feeling will always be unique to you.

NewToYou's photo
Wed 10/31/07 01:11 PM
And if you like what your friend got better, chances are you can trade. Nice list. ROFL.