laughsandgiggles's photo
Sun 05/13/12 01:32 PM
my son is on the spectrum- he is in regular high school but special classes for the most part- he does go in with the NT kids for things like chorus and art and study hall but they do alot with life skills and socialization- its a great program

laughsandgiggles's photo
Sun 05/13/12 01:28 PM
Their minds are amazing- they are so so so smart- their memory capability!! outstanding!! i stand in awe of my son everyday!

laughsandgiggles's photo
Sun 05/13/12 01:22 PM
autistic kids say the best things- i love their perspective on the world- it is so refreshing!!

laughsandgiggles's photo
Sun 05/13/12 01:19 PM
That is awesome!! he sounds like he could make you laugh all day!!

laughsandgiggles's photo
Sun 05/13/12 01:15 PM
kids are great and talk about anything- nothing is off limits!! oh look--- Squirrel!!! lol

laughsandgiggles's photo
Sun 05/13/12 08:22 AM
are you looking to meet women?? if you are you need to change your settings- you have your messages set so that you can only be contacted by men. If thats what you want- thats great! but no females can talk to you or private message you.

Good luck in your search for whatever you are looking for!

laughsandgiggles's photo
Sun 05/13/12 06:24 AM
we are hiding waiting until its safe to come out- lol-

Hello and Welcome!waving

you might find some in the forums- it might be easier to meet people there since you get involved in conversations and there is more interaction- give it a try
Have a wonderful day!

laughsandgiggles's photo
Sat 05/12/12 07:06 PM
Hi and Welcome!waving

laughsandgiggles's photo
Sat 05/12/12 06:01 PM
I never rate anyone- i think that is very judgemental and i dont judge- just swinging by to say Hi and Welcome!!waving

laughsandgiggles's photo
Sat 05/12/12 03:24 PM
im pretty sure she is on facebook- if its the person im thinking of- and if so- she is fine!!

Kurt just join facebook- you will find everyone from here over there much more easily!! drink the koolaid and join us lol

laughsandgiggles's photo
Sat 05/12/12 12:30 PM
Hi and Welcome!! waving Lots of great women here - Good luck in your search!

laughsandgiggles's photo
Sat 05/12/12 09:30 AM
Hi and Welcome!waving

laughsandgiggles's photo
Sat 05/12/12 08:06 AM

laughsandgiggles's photo
Sat 05/12/12 08:01 AM
Welcome- lots of nice people here- im sure you will find lots of friends!!

laughsandgiggles's photo
Sat 05/12/12 06:57 AM
waving Hi and Welcome to you both!!!

laughsandgiggles's photo
Fri 05/11/12 06:41 AM
Hi and Welcome!happy

laughsandgiggles's photo
Thu 05/10/12 08:40 PM
A picture will prompt me to look at the profile- im more interested in what the person says- I prefer a smart funny man over a pretty boy- but there has to be some sort of attraction. i think alot of people feel the same way.

laughsandgiggles's photo
Thu 05/10/12 07:52 PM
Hi and Welcome!

good luck in your search!!flowerforyou

laughsandgiggles's photo
Thu 05/10/12 06:29 PM
Hello and Welcome!

laughsandgiggles's photo
Thu 05/10/12 08:34 AM
Hi and Welcome!!!waving

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