Community > Posts By > frn12345

frn12345's photo
Thu 12/29/11 01:55 PM
>All the while the top 1% have increased there share of income.

How did the Top get more $$$ if its just "their share"?

Income isn't to be shared, it's to be spent for one's personal/family enrichment.

I tell you truly, The United States of America didn't become a world power by "sharing".

frn12345's photo
Thu 12/29/11 12:56 PM
>No we wont raise taxes on the rich who have managed to increase their wealth under thess horrific economic times.

We already have a socialistic graduated tax system. Large wage earners pay more, that is simply unfair.

Now if the Gov kept itself out of our business, it would run the Post Office, Protect OUR borders, and fix the damn roads.

None of this social engineering crap like in cali kiddies now have to learn how to spell LGBT, by Law... Yah, well spent tax dollars.

frn12345's photo
Thu 12/29/11 12:44 PM
>To whom are you chattering to??

The gods of Right and Wrong.

frn12345's photo
Thu 12/29/11 12:43 PM
>I have no idea how to respond to this bag of propaganda.

I love it when my posts cause massive cognitive dissonance.
Seems you got some soul searching to do. ;)

frn12345's photo
Thu 12/29/11 12:37 PM
>Right and Wrong

Yep... Its not Right to Fool Mother Nature.

And It's Wrong for you to put your grubby paws on my wallet!

Didn't your Mamma learn you not to steal?

frn12345's photo
Thu 12/29/11 12:26 PM
>Support the 99% its our best chance at reform

I really cannot.

There is no honor in taking other's money for one's pet projects.

I see the 99%ers as spoiled children who want something for free whilest they play Angry Birds. They do not value the primary reason the United States of America is successful: Individual determination.

They fail to see that for every Free-Bee they demand, it only makes them less free and more enslaved to the Government whom they claim to dislike.

IMHO, 99% = DumChits

frn12345's photo
Thu 12/29/11 10:59 AM

Can't take the Kenyan remark....

I know, its really hard to believe his own Grandmother who was present at his birth in Kenya.

There's a huge sign in his home town, it says President Obama born here. The Kenyans know the truth....

frn12345's photo
Thu 12/29/11 10:53 AM
>I believe he has done great, with what he has had to work with.

Sure, I concur.
Not too shabby for a Kenyan.

frn12345's photo
Thu 12/29/11 10:36 AM
>I also believe that government is here, and obligated to do those things that we as individual Americans cannot.

Oh YEAH, The Govenment Should Be tasked with Social Engineering.

Oh wait that's Fascism aka The Third Reich.

Just what Freedom needs, more Government.


frn12345's photo
Wed 12/21/11 10:45 AM
You mean the crazies?

No. Women of Honor and Determination

At least Bachmann can spell Caliphate

frn12345's photo
Wed 12/21/11 10:12 AM

Ok, Here's my take....

Bachmann Palin

Let the Cuties run the place for a while

frn12345's photo
Wed 12/14/11 03:35 PM

Good Gov: Delivers the Mail, Protects OUR borders, fixes the roads.

Bad Gov: Social Engineering for Everyone... Get your free Burkas Here.

frn12345's photo
Wed 12/14/11 11:38 AM

Only worry about the Pious Muslims.

frn12345's photo
Tue 12/13/11 09:25 AM
Ahh Uggg?

frn12345's photo
Tue 12/13/11 08:35 AM

Uggg Uggg

frn12345's photo
Fri 12/09/11 02:58 PM
>I thought thats what men wanted!!!

Im gonna say this just one time, so don't miss it...

Beer Boobs


frn12345's photo
Fri 12/09/11 02:23 PM

If it was really a good Date from the night before, then it is Breakfast for sure...

frn12345's photo
Thu 12/08/11 08:45 AM
Seems no one in the Senate actually reads the Bills they vote on.
Just like Pelosi, gotta pass it to find out whats in it (Obamacare).

I think these folks are all bozos.

( - Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.), the ranking member of the Senate Armed Services Committee, told on Wednesday that he did not know that the 926-page Defense Department authorization bill that came through his committee and was approved by the Senate last week on a 93-to-7 vote included a provision that would repeal the military’s ban on sodomy and bestiality if the bill becomes law. asked McCain: “Senator, did you read the Defense authorization bill that was passed last week? Were you aware of the language that repealed the ban on sodomy and bestiality?”

“On what?” McCain replied.

( - Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.), asked Wednesday if he was aware of a provision in the National Defense Authorization Bill that repeals the ban on sodomy and bestiality in the military, told

“No, I can’t say I was,” Graham said. “But I can, I think I know what the military is getting at there, in light of the change in policy. But no, I can’t say that I was, so we’ll look at that.”

frn12345's photo
Thu 12/08/11 07:45 AM

I wonder how this is gonna fly with the House of Saud.

frn12345's photo
Wed 12/07/11 09:41 AM

Your Liberal Congress Persons at Work: – (Updated) The Senate on Thursday evening voted 93-7 to approve a defense authorization bill that includes a provision which not only repeals the military law on sodomy, it also repeals the military ban on sex with animals--or bestiality.

On Nov. 15, the Senate Armed Services Committee had unanimously approved S. 1867, the National Defense Authorization Act, which includes a provision to repeal Article 125 of the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ).

Article 125 of the UCMJ makes it illegal to engage in both sodomy with humans and sex with animals.

It states: "(a) Any person subject to this chapter who engages in unnatural carnal copulation with another person of the same or opposite sex or with an animal is guilty of sodomy. Penetration, however slight, is sufficient to complete the offense. (b) Any person found guilty of sodomy shall be punished as a court-martial may direct.”

Family Research Council President Tony Perkins said the effort to remove sodomy from military law stems from liberal Senate Democrats' and President Obama’s support for removing the military’s Don’t Ask Don’t Tell policy.