Community > Posts By > Tobias1540

Tobias1540's photo
Tue 01/29/08 09:47 AM

Tobias, its obvious you've never been on the other end of the helping hand...I pray you never see it...

Stop the war on the poor and start the war on poverty.

A place to sleep, something to eat, health and education are RIGHTS, not privileges.

What good is it teaching a man to fish when he cant afford the fishing pole?

Ummm, there are no rights to a place to sleep, something to eat, health insurance, but education k-12 is a right. The problem is, the poor in this country aren't poor. The average poverty line family has enough income to support 30 families from a poor country.

so are you saying we should ship all poverty level people

to a third world country

maybe you should go there just think you would be rich

how absurd of an idea

then they have a new poverty at a lower level

lets get some realistic ideas


and tobias i think your idea is a good one if the govt would let ya do it without butting in and screwing it up

that is where most of the problem comes from

The beautiful part is the government would have no say because it is a for profit business, and they can do what they need to do in order to help people. The problem is that people think charities will do things better then for profit companies, because one is based on greed and the other compasion. But there is error in that thought. If someone is not getting paid to do something they will never do as good of a job as if they are getting paid. Thats just how humans are. Now imagine a job motivated by both greed and compasion. I know those sound contradictory, but they can be very good together if they are done right.

Tobias1540's photo
Tue 01/29/08 09:43 AM
It is possible to live on minimum wage in this country. I know its hard, but if you and several other people/families move in together split up the work and share the money, it just might. It would not be a good life I know that, but if you were willing to work it is possible to move up, if you are dedicated to your work.

Has anyone ever had a relitive that would live/mooch off you for thier entire life if you let them? I mean they will never have a life that is even remotly well, but he will accept that life style, because it is easier. So what do you do? The answer is to let them make a life for them themselves. Now I know there are people out there who are in need of real help, and they deserve to get it, but most people only NEED welfare for a limited amount of time till they get back on thier feet. I know that I don't sound very compasionate, but I want what is best for these people, not what is easiest.

Tobias1540's photo
Tue 01/29/08 09:23 AM

Great book but I didnt know it was banned. Why would a book like that get banned in the first place and by who?

Aperrantly because it is "filthy and immoral", along with flashbacks to puberty that some people may find "objectionable."

I have seen the movie and it is great.

Tobias1540's photo
Mon 01/28/08 10:44 PM
Flowers for Algernon Is one of the most amazing books that I have ever read. I don't know why but I want to describe this book as beautiful. Maybe because of the emotions that it evokes in me. It is about a mentaly handicaped man who works at a factory. He undergoes a procedure that makes him smart. After a while the effects of the surgery wear off and he reverts to his old self. This book has been banned, though I don't know why. I can still feel the sadness at the end of the book, and his trying to hold on to the one thing that symbolizes what made him happy. I know I am being vauge, but I don't want to ruin the book for people who have not read it. Anyway what do you guys think about the book?

Tobias1540's photo
Mon 01/28/08 10:17 PM
On Febuary 5th I am going to see Will Ferrel, Demitri Martin, Nick Swardson, and Zach Gilifignockus (I spelled that totally wrong)

Tobias1540's photo
Mon 01/28/08 08:49 PM

Q: What do you call an intelligent, good looking, sensitive man?
A: A rumor

I take offence to that laugh laugh

Tobias1540's photo
Mon 01/28/08 08:31 PM

Marriage well as bad as mine was the last two years the first 28yrs were great....I would do all over again.....Yes the pain is awful and still a lot of un answered questions...but it was worth "The Dance"

Gotta Love Garth

Tobias1540's photo
Mon 01/28/08 08:30 PM
I posted this a little while ago, and no one even tried to look it up lol. But I agree with you dude.

Tobias1540's photo
Mon 01/28/08 08:18 PM
It might be I have not checked lately.

Tobias1540's photo
Mon 01/28/08 08:18 PM
Hey I hope that you meet some cool people. I would email you but you don't have any intrests for me to talk to you about.

Tobias1540's photo
Mon 01/28/08 08:16 PM
What hurts marriage the most.....

A 50% divorce rate

Or not letting get married

Tobias1540's photo
Mon 01/28/08 08:13 PM
Edited by Tobias1540 on Mon 01/28/08 08:14 PM

Im talking about human rights... why would you challenge that? Dont you believe that housing, food, education, medical care are rights not privileges?

Maybe the average poverty line family might be able to support 30 families in a poor country, but they can't support themselves in America...

What rights do my plan infringe on? You can say all you want that my plan is wrong, but untill you give me some real reason why. Nothing you say is a vallid argument.

And as far as what your saying this is my thought.

People have every right to work for what ever they want. But no one has any right to take money from people who earn it. Thats just what they government does. They take away money from people who earn to people who don't need it, if they would only accept living a life without cable tv, internet, and other things that are not needed. There are was to get out of poverty without taking other peoples money away.

Tobias1540's photo
Mon 01/28/08 07:37 PM
Edited by Tobias1540 on Mon 01/28/08 07:39 PM

Tobias, its obvious you've never been on the other end of the helping hand...I pray you never see it...

Stop the war on the poor and start the war on poverty.

A place to sleep, something to eat, health and education are RIGHTS, not privileges.

What good is it teaching a man to fish when he cant afford the fishing pole?

So what about my idea do you not like? I don't think there is anything I missed. The people wouldn't have to pay to ear, nor to sleep there. They get money for work. What is the problem exactly?

P.S. you don't have to buy a pole you can make one for like less then 3 bucks. If you want to take the quote literally

Tobias1540's photo
Mon 01/28/08 07:28 PM

it sounds good, and in that instance it would be a great idea, however I'm skeptical of for profit charities after working for one that bordered on a scam, working for "Pediatric AIDS Canada".

Basically what happened is this, we would go door to door asking for donations, got dressed up in suits and practiced our pitches for hours before going out.) Long story short, if I got, say, a 10 dollar a month donation, I would get a 25 dollar commission and at least two other people would get the same. I never knew the inner workings of the pay system, but I did know from what I was told that at least 2 other people would get that. So, assuming they gave for a year, the kids would get less than half of that money. if they gave for more than a year that number improves vastly but it was still pretty sketchy.

That sounds like a pyramid scam to me.

Tobias1540's photo
Mon 01/28/08 07:26 PM

Samething with welfare. Welfare is giving to people, and if they try and become self supporting, they get penalized and money taken away. I say, if you're on welfare and have a couple kids and you're willing to work, you should get more money, not less. The people just spitting out kid after kid for more welfare money should get less or just cut off at some point. Its sad really, the US is now becoming a country of do nothings, and get everything.

As far as wellfare goes I think people on welfare should live a more comune like life. Several families living in a larger dwelling and splitting the expensis. I know that this is not a great lifstyle but, but things like this would help get out of poverty faster. Sometimes you have to give up a little to get more.

Yea, you know the average welfare home has:

Cable TV
More groceries than they need
Highspeed internet
at least 1 car
More than 2 TVs
washer and dryer
central air

*** (up in MN for this one) The ability to keep their place at 82 degrees when its 10 degrees outside and the state pays for it all. ***

I work 2 jobs, between all those things listed up there and my rent, I can make ends meets and save a few hundred a month, and I'm single!

Thats the things i am talking about. Americans today will not live below a certian level in life that they think they are to good for.

One x-mas my family through our church ( I am talking about my whole family all aunts and uncles) decided to sponcer a family's presents. We walked in the house and they had one of the largest big screen T.V.s you could have at that time, and my whole family paraded in with presents. I was like 8, and no one in my family had a TV like that. Needles to say my parents lied to me about it, to make me feel better. But my parents work thier asses of to get my family what we have. And a family on welfare, who applied to a church doner prgram had that. I am still disgusted about it today.

Tobias1540's photo
Mon 01/28/08 07:19 PM

it sounds like a great idea, but i know or knew several homeless people. a friend of mines father in law was homeless. thing was when they gave him a bed and fed him every night, and tried giving simple responsabilities, he fefused the help. he would rather live on the streets. but that is only ONE case. it is hard to say how it would work, but it sounds like it would be well worth the effort of trying.

In a case like that, I am sorry to say that he didn't deserve to get the free things if he was not willing to help out. It would be his decision to starve or not, is it fare for him to be able bodied and take things from people who don't?

Tobias1540's photo
Mon 01/28/08 07:16 PM

Samething with welfare. Welfare is giving to people, and if they try and become self supporting, they get penalized and money taken away. I say, if you're on welfare and have a couple kids and you're willing to work, you should get more money, not less. The people just spitting out kid after kid for more welfare money should get less or just cut off at some point. Its sad really, the US is now becoming a country of do nothings, and get everything.

As far as wellfare goes I think people on welfare should live a more comune like life. Several families living in a larger dwelling and splitting the expensis. I know that this is not a great lifstyle but, but things like this would help get out of poverty faster. Sometimes you have to give up a little to get more.

Tobias1540's photo
Mon 01/28/08 07:07 PM
Edited by Tobias1540 on Mon 01/28/08 07:08 PM
If you give a man a fish he will eat for a day. If you teach a man to fish, you feed him for a lifetime.

Most charities today give a man a fish. While these charities are doing a good thing in the short run think about what it doees in the long run. A permanent soup kitchen will feed the poor for free everyday till they die. There are places that will let the homeless a place to sleep everynight untill they die. I am not saying that these are bad things to do, but they let people stay at the same level with no effort.

Now say that all the money that was used for those efforts were used to create a for profit charity. Let me use this example. If you combined the two charities I mentioned above. You combine a soup kitchen with a place to stay the night. Then you have the homeless people who are able to work the place. They would have a place to live, they would have responcibilities, and they would make the place better. They could do everything from cleaning to cooking and everything else in between. These employess could get paid. This would give them money, and a job to put on a resume. To make money a laundry could be opened that they could work, or a restraunt or a million other things. The profits would then be used to either better the facilities, and hire more people or anything else.

The point I am trying to make is that charity and profit do not have to be bad things as long as they are done responcibly, and would make many people's lives better.

So what do you guys think?

Tobias1540's photo
Mon 01/28/08 06:43 PM
laugh drinker

Tobias1540's photo
Mon 01/28/08 03:21 PM
I know what you mean just the other day I talked about The 700 Club.

People need to think for themselves.

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