And we DON'T have corrupt politicians in this country??? Just what cave are you living in? Socialism would work---IF--- We could eliminate the drug problem in this country. Take these lazy cusses that stand on a street corner, take away their sad looking cardboard sign, and put them to work sorting out recyclables. Excellent job for them! No skills necessary. They get credits to use at the local grocery. Their rent gets taken out of their pay before it gets into their hot lil' hands. Give them about $40 bucks spending money every week. Have a "Wake up" crew come get them when they don't show for work. Pay for their healthcare. Put some of their money away as a savings account. After all, they act like children, might as well treat them like it. NO ONE gets a healthy paycheck if they work for government. If anything, government workers that actually do physical work make more than those who anchor down a chair, and shuffle papers. Term limits for elected people. Sure, make schooling free. Pay these lousy professors less, take away tenure. Put these colleges in plain old buildings. A good education doesn't have to come out of a fancy building. Pay our seniors a decent retirement wage. People in prison-There is our road workers! Kill somebody? YOU get to work in the nuclear industry! So you croak a little early. Sucks to be you. Screw up, die faster. Socialism would work if those who want it bad enough would be willing to give up their lazy ways and go to work. But I don't see that happening. Put people who don't value human life to work in a nuclear power plant......where they can cause massive destruction and devisttaion without consequences? Great job |
needs lotion and a tissue, right?
Romance for those seeking
I might, but for me, I'm looking for someone who can help me relax and feel like I'm at home. Someone who can help me make and maintain a place to rest my head from the world and without troubles.
But then, I've always been told that I'm a dreamer :P |
ms cutie
You're very pretty, but love is more then just looks, it's personality and compatibility. Have to know each other first.
If you were just looking for an intimate encounter, then your looks are more then enough, but you say you're looking for marriage :) |
real love
Need? Romantic love is a want, and a strong desire. Life is, of course, better with love, but there is love of friends, of family, of pets, of community, of self.
Be enough without romantic love, so that when you find it, it will built upon you rather then becoming and addiction. |
Romantic Couple Love Only
Can be real awkward... I'm not likely going to be the first one to say it. Been there, done that, man not ready yet, still in the stage of thinking "Am I willing to give up my single-hood?" If you then say "I love you" ... disaster. Personally, my thoughts are to say it when you feel it's true. I'm not one to hold back just because I feel like it will give the other person power, if all they want is control/power, the relationship will never work anyways, lol. |