Community > Posts By > clops

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Wed 02/20/08 03:22 PM


But in this topic I see this.

1.. Yahweh gave his sons life to help us out of love.

2 We are told to be like Yahweh.

3 Abraham did the same thing and is emmensly blessed.He was going to but was stopped. He believed Yahweh.

4 Yahshua gave the parable about the stranger who was robbed and asked who was his friend.

5 When the Holy Spirit came we became the Temple made without hands.

6 Yahshua said no better friend than one who would die for you. Yahshua proved that.

7 We are all Yahweh's creation so who is your friend?

8.. In the same situation if it was your brother,sister,son or daughter would you make suree they had what they needed.

9.. If so? Then who did Yahshua tell us our family is?

I see this as one of the best questions i have seen on here for the believer. If we will only try to apply it to our lives and Yahshua's words.

May Yahweh Bless You and Yours....Shalom....Miles

I agree this probably is one of our culture's (western) weakest areas of showing intimate love in a self-sacrificing way, but the USA (and Christians from the USA) give the most in aid and opportunities than any other nation. That can be a big mountain for the individual to hide behind (that and our comfort). The view of the church is dry and dogmatic and basically un-fun or unfulfilling, which is a lie from the world and satan and those who are self-seeking. Growing up in this nation, how can anyone not have succumbed to any of those things. It's not about works, but about love. If we do not have the love of God in us, all of these great works or gifts or offices mean nothing (1 Corinthians 13). And I believe, through the Holy Spirit we can gain an understanding or personal knowledge of His great love for us. As we understand more fully, our fears of this world and our life will fade and we will be free from the traditions of men and even our own emotions. The Jesus movement in the 60's touched on that, but it got twisted off into this drop-out mentality which focused on self once again. There are a lot of self-help books out there that cloud the water as well. If we could heal ourselves Jesus would not have had to die for us, so the best self help can do is produce self-righteousness, and I believe the Father only sees the righteousness of Christ. I trust that God will change our hearts, and I will not blame others or accept blame from others for my walk with Jesus.

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Mon 02/18/08 05:24 PM
Just for the record, I don't think that everyone who joins the military is a group thinker.

Neither do I believe that everyone who believes in Christianity is a group thinker.

It's quite possible for people to believe the same things and to want to achieve the same goals and still be 'free thinkers'.

However, I feel where 'some' Christians display their group mentality is via their proselytizing methods.

If they are acting like everyone has to believe its true then this shows that they aren’t a free thinker.

If they believe in it freely then they would clearly know that other people are free to believe other ways.

The very idea that they feel that people must believe in it implies that they feel they would be chastised by a higher authority if they were to choose to not believe in it themselves.

Their very proclamation that God will be peeved if they don’t believe in this religion is a dead giveaway that they are sacred to death to think on their own, and that they are indeed cowering down before an authority that they fear the wrath of.

The basic understanding of God by us living in a finite life existence is flawed, even with the Bible as a road map. How can any created being living here (in time) understand a sinless Holy God? If we don't need Jesus's death to pay for our sin, then we don't need God. But if we do have "sin" how can we pay for it? We've already sinned. Who makes the rules up? Created beings? I believe that God created us as "free moral agents". He gave us body, soul and spirit and a will and an ability to make decisions. He knew we were going to mess up. Unconditional love-His son to pay for our mistakes-accidental or pre-meditated for those who would ask with a sincere heart. Everybody gets to choose, that's conditional. Faith in self, faith in God. I can't read people's minds or see in their hearts, and I make decisions based on my experiences which may be virtuous or sinful, that's why I need a God of reconciliation. Also, Jesus said He would send the "Comforter-Holy Spirit" as a guaranty of what He said was true. You have to believe like you can bet on the sun coming up tomorrow, but it's not something that we can manipulate with our will. I am "they" that you write about, and you have made some generalizations that frankly do not hold water with me, but I understand where you're coming from. Christians (as a whole) spend to much time trying to get another notch in their salvation belt, or the next mega-church with bowling alleys and day-care, instead of being used by God. It's not the judgment of God that inspires mature Christians to share the Gospel, but the mercy, love and forgiveness of God. If you have read the Bible, you know in the book of John, Jesus said to kick the dust from the soles of your feet at the house of those who reject the good news. Not because He didn't love those who rejected Him, but there were others who would accept Him. One thing about time, it runs out.