Community > Posts By > DJL1

DJL1's photo
Thu 03/17/11 07:26 AM

Lovely write, even if it can't be centred..

Ainjel, I forgot that I posted this one...thanks for the read,
pleased that you enjoyed...

DJL1's photo
Tue 03/15/11 05:31 PM
Double Edges

Love at times is a two edged sword
when everything rests on a word
that was not spoken as was heard.

Justification with exaggeration

Emotions crack like broken eggs
leaving the heart with wooden pegs
marks a fence line that only begs.

Divisions with partitions

Physically closed like cold steel bars
that wedge and prod old love scars,
drawing shades on moon and stars.

The two edged sword-

DJL1's photo
Mon 03/14/11 05:59 PM


If:: such a brilliant word filled with so much ponder and wonder

Thanks, you are so kind, pleased that you enjoyed...Lol

DJL1's photo
Mon 03/14/11 10:50 AM

Some men are intimidated by women who have more degrees, have better jobs and who are paid better. It tends to be guys who are insecure who feel this way.

Speaking candidly...regardless of education some women are just "*******" on the other hand some men are just "********" Thus the question, does education simply augment the above qualities...?

DJL1's photo
Sun 03/13/11 02:45 PM

I also use Firefox, and have never had any problems with it.

And I agree- go with Avast.

I also use firefox have been for over 10 yeas, including one moment in time Avg did slow my system down but that was short lived ...I is excellent and has other features...including in the free version....

but in the end, it's what works for you..

DJL1's photo
Sun 03/13/11 12:40 PM
smokin Ont.

DJL1's photo
Sun 03/13/11 09:49 AM

mcafee is old skool, get avast, good antivirus protection...

Even better y=use AVG for free....

DJL1's photo
Sun 03/13/11 08:56 AM
Lemon Squeeze

There once was a religious young woman who went to Confession.. Upon entering the confessional, she said, 'Forgive me, Father, for I have sinned.'
The priest said, 'Confess your sins and be forgiven.'

The young woman said, 'Last night my boyfriend made mad passionate love to me seven times.'

The priest thought long and hard and then said, 'Squeeze seven lemons into a glass and then drink the juice.'

The young woman asked, 'Will this cleanse me of my sins?'

The priest said, 'No, but it will wipe that smile off of your face.' laugh laugh laugh

DJL1's photo
Sun 03/13/11 07:46 AM

To get to the point...I'm bored. I want someone interesting to talk to. Someone who's not going to give one word answers or put me to sleep. If I wanted that I would hang out with my own friends. Lol

xxcorkyxx, I would say that if your board it's because you've locked yourself up in a closet...:) Speaking of one word answers...Perhaps, you could come up with more than being "bored".... so if you want to talk, start an interesting topic.....:) I am so bad...devil

DJL1's photo
Sun 03/13/11 07:40 AM
What is a date? I am always on a date, and I don't try to define it..and if it lasts longer than it takes to eat a date, then I say there are future possibilities....:) If not I am on the road to other discoveries. Perhaps, that's what life is a continuum of"discoverers", dates....:)

DJL1's photo
Sun 03/13/11 07:29 AM
Living alone has many great points, as already stated...but I think if you found the "right" person living together would be a different experience. Perhaps, most of us have never experienced our true soul mate.

DJL1's photo
Sun 03/13/11 07:09 AM

Nice one DJL..

Ainjel, thanks for the read and comment...

DJL1's photo
Fri 03/11/11 06:24 PM

Yesterdays have come and gone
if only I could
cross the bridge of that great divide
between wisdom and understanding.

If only
yesterday was built on tomorrow,
today would be without sorrows.

If only
tomorrow would be the today
of yesterday that never was.

If we
discard today for tomorrow,
yesterday would be today.

If only
tomorrows didn't come today
and yesterdays did not stay.

today was not dependent on yesterday
tomorrows would always be a new day
if only we...

DJL1's photo
Wed 03/09/11 03:02 PM

hi...i just want to know from all the guys and girls, why sex is bad and why it is good before marrige? becouse we never think about if girl will be pragnent then who is responsible?

For me it is not good to have sex before marriage, because God specifically said so in the Bible.

Sex before you mean not until you get your state license? When does a marriage occur...? Does it mean that one has to be "churched"? I am not a bible junkie but I think all it said was, one man one women...

What most forget that at one time people lived id small tribes, and everyone contributed to the raising of the children regardless of who had them, it was the nature of life. It is only in the new world of industrialization that we traded in the "we" for the "I'. In a time passed so many children died at birth, including the fact that the elderly of these tribes required sufficient offspring to take of them in their late years.

Yet, if you go back fur enough many men had many wives as many as he could afford....some men had hundred of children....

So to answer your question....there is no imperial answer, only one of responsibility....and the norms that the society you live in has legitimized and you have adopted.

DJL1's photo
Wed 03/09/11 11:23 AM
Age....interesting, perhaps we should be getting those that presently have the rights, duty, to get off their donkeys and vote, before changing anything.

DJL1's photo
Wed 03/09/11 11:02 AM
Religion is The Vampire of life
On the other hand spirituality and the search for the grater good...
is beneficial to oneself and everyone else...Where as religion is just another form of government that wants to claim what ever is left once the government gets done with you.....What do you think?

DJL1's photo
Wed 03/09/11 10:56 AM
This poem is best suited "centered" option no available...:)
Heat's Shadow

In the mist of evening's fall,
as the sun embraces
angels' goodbye;
while the moon
embraces halls' of passion.
The heat of day
transforms the heart's enzymes
to linger,
on soft and enticing secrets
in tender lair,
in the sanctuary of passion;
where beauty
bestows submission,
like an open flower,
releasing its' fragrance;
mingling with the senses,
enthralling nerve endings
of touch...
engulfed in hotness
becoming one
until the cool touch
of daybreak whisks
with its nerveless whisper,
blending yesterdays
into tomorrows...
where hearts are united
into the ebb and flow
of life...
The heat,
the cool fragrance,
of an angel's kiss....

DJL1's photo
Wed 03/09/11 10:46 AM
No government wants to interfere with the sky rocket price of fuel...they make as much on taxes as the oil companies....

DJL1's photo
Mon 02/28/11 05:12 PM
Speaking of sex...Who is getting married....perhaps the question should who is getting married ?....before or after or not at all, just enjoying life...