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Topic: Should POT be legalized?
CrazyJ's photo
Sun 10/29/06 08:55 AM
Yes I think pot should be legalized, and taxed kind of like smokes are,
only you could by a growing permit or some thing. let me know what yall
think. either way

no photo
Sun 10/29/06 08:58 AM
i definitley think it should be legalized and i like your idea about
issuing growing permits. it'll never happen though.

michael1313's photo
Sun 10/29/06 09:07 AM
YES<YES<YES!!! it should!look back to th 30's and 40's to find some more
info...lotsa studies,and th GOVMNT.had it grown for th military to use
for th "HEMP",they then used it as an excuse to try to controll imagrant
farm workers,and th blacks...
but th whole thing backfired on them so they made it illegal,
and allowed alcohol,then th prohibition came along...
are we up to date?...see "" for more info...M.

michael1313's photo
Sun 10/29/06 09:10 AM
"GROW"permits???see "California" laws and revenue,and th new
pot reggs..............M.

michael1313's photo
Sun 10/29/06 09:11 AM
if it is not "homegrown" pot is the #3 import today for USA...

DaBadGuy4U's photo
Sun 10/29/06 09:13 AM
fkn hippy, lol j/k

Chuckee's photo
Sun 10/29/06 09:24 AM
NO!! Where's the fun in that? lol

CrazyJ's photo
Sun 10/29/06 09:26 AM
Ok i dont know the real numbers but i will just toss some out there.
Lets say 100,000 packs of smokes are sold everyday. So in a seven day
week 700,000 packs would be sold. In one 30 day month 147,000,000 packs
are sold, so in a years time 12 months there would be 1,764,000,000
packs sold. now remeber the reall numbers are much higher than this.

Now lets say the gov. legalizes pot and decides to market and sell it
just like smokes are. So we would need to figure the cost of growing the
plant from start to harvest. but only enoufe for one pack of "joints."
Then we need to figure how much with it cost to make these cost of
papers included. ok long story short it costs on average the smoke
compainys about $.78 up to $1.13 a pack so we will just say pot will
cost $3 a pack to make. so $3 to make one pack of pot smokes. So lets
add some taxes on here let just add $7 on so they would be sold for $10
a pack.

Now lets say only half as many packs of pot smokes are sold.
that would generate $6,174,000,000 in taxes just off of pot!

Chuckee's photo
Sun 10/29/06 09:28 AM
CHILLAX crazyj!!! A lil too much on that one eh?

ellgee1976's photo
Sun 10/29/06 09:32 AM
i'd say someone's thought this thru...completely >.<

no photo
Sun 10/29/06 09:38 AM
but you are forgetting about all the people that will grow it at home
anyway. that's the reason that i think it'll never happen is because
they can't regulate the home growers and not many people are going to
pay for it if they can grow it. there are a ton of people that grow it
now and it's not even legal.

michael1313's photo
Sun 10/29/06 09:38 AM
only th potheads................m.

CrazyJ's photo
Sun 10/29/06 09:39 AM
For thouse ppl who would wan to grow there own the gov could sell them
yearly growing permits, and with out a proper permit growing would still
be illegal.

no photo
Sun 10/29/06 09:44 AM
i'm all for legalizing it, i think it would be a good idea but a growing
permit isn't going to make a difference to the people growing it unless
they can get the permit just to be safe. instituting a growing permit
would only be helpful in the early stages of getting it legalized
because the government is not just going to outright legalize it. i
understand the idea though.

Chuckee's photo
Sun 10/29/06 09:45 AM
I hate to break it to ya, but I don't think regulating the sale of pot
is the reason it's not legalized!!! Or maybe it is, but I would think
it's because of the negative affect it has on the HUMAN BRAIN!!
Hmmmmmm, didja ever think of that? No? well maybe ya need to lay off
the weed. It's affecting your thought process.

no photo
Sun 10/29/06 09:47 AM
pot does have long term effects but so does alcohol and prescription

michael1313's photo
Sun 10/29/06 09:48 AM
pot is ok for some but not for others

michael1313's photo
Sun 10/29/06 09:49 AM
please see "DRink or toke for more info...

CrazyJ's photo
Sun 10/29/06 09:50 AM
How many deaths do you know of that are pot related? how about booze
realted? hundreds of ppl die every day cuz of booze, and yet it is
legal. so dont come at me with the blah blah blah efects on the humain
brain. but if you really wanna talk about effects on the humain brain
then why dont you look at the exhaust that come out of your car.

Chuckee's photo
Sun 10/29/06 09:52 AM
this topic is like religion and politics, nothing is ever going to
change, so why beat it to death? Good luck fellas.

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