Most people who own a storage trailer, use it to store and (or) move on hwy-ways or roads a recreational vehicle. Example some people like to go mudding or 4 wheeling but live in the city near their jobs but like to go out to the country on weekends for recreation. Some people have mini-houses on wheels to go to the country. No property taxes on buildings on wheels.
Anyone can send a friend request but you have to accept it before they show on your friends list.
It does not work that way for me. I have three options = accept, decline, block. I have learned not to accept any friend that has nothing on their profile, I do a lot of declining. In my mind that accept, decline, or block list is a list of people who for some reason want me to be their so called friend, which in most cases to me means I am on their idiot to contact list. |
hi from Portugal
If you asked that question in German, you will have better luck. Most likely there is a German lady lurking here every once in a great while, thus the question in German will stand out.
All over the place. |
I did not know it at first, but now I see it as getting addicted to stupidity.
Should I Pursue This?
Is his electronic music like schlager music in Europe?
The people that write sex partner wanted are some of the most genuine people on here. I can't believe I am posting this.
What lies beneath
What lies beneath as I see it = >
Look into the eyes of children, especially your own children, you know they are watching every bit of what you or anybody else they see do. For me it helped to be able to see the truth in what I was doing. For me, (was a dairy farmer which is capital intensive) like it is for most people, (be it in whatever field they choose) it is a financial roller-coaster that one really has no way to get off of, because you are financially chained to it. For most couples, falling in love does not mean the guy or girl is right for you. The reason I say that is because most people are little more then a dog that is chained and can't get off that chain, except with human's it is a financial chain. For more then 90% of the people in the USA, the more one stays with the system, the more it will destroy your self determination. For most people after coming out of school, you begin to look fro a partner of the opposite sex. You get married, you buy a house by getting a mortgage, you establish a line of credit for anything else you need and so on. Both are working to keep the financial wolf from blowing your financial house down. You get tired of it, and you begin to look for a way out, but for most people there is no easy road out. All of your assets are in the house or vehicles, and it is not easy to split a house or vehicle. To prove my point just look at how many couples are forced to live in the same house yet use different rooms to live in because they can't afford a divorce. What lies beneath -- is the legal system, a legal system that is ever more corrupted by the power of thin air credit made possible by the fractional reserve banking system, a practice whereby a bank accepts deposits, makes loans and investments and holds reserves that are a fraction of its deposit liabilities. Banks create credit out of thin air at no cost, loan it out as an IOU, and as it is paid back it becomes our money so called. That is how money in our system comes into being. No money in our system can enter into circulation in debt free form. Our legal system does not defend or follow the Constitution when it comes to money. Our Constitution states that silver and gold is money, not our fiat script. Banks loan out thin air credit that becomes an IOU in our system called money. Fed member banks hold the IOU's as deposits at the Fed. In this way thin air credit become reserves at the Fed held as currency (IOU's) and serve as deposits for leveraging the loan making process. Right now there is $2.7T in circulation (available) to pay the $80T of debt owed in the USA. There is no way a $2.7T can pay of $80T of debt. Most people in the USA have the same problem of no way to pay it. Financial problems is the number one cause of divorces. It is also the number one cause for prostitution. Ever notice the naked pictures on dating sites. At least the ones who write looking for a sex partner in their profile are saying the truth. Beneath -- it -- all, there is a way to create your own credit but I can't tell you how because if I did I would end up in jail. But there is nothing to stop one from doing what the banks do, and have the Constitution on your side. Hypothecation, the very thing banks use to create thin air credit. - I spelled the word wrong on purpose. |
Amish woman.
There is no right answer except what ever works for two consenting ADULTS. Everybody has, and is entitled to, their own views. What you do need to know is that at least 999 out of 1000 of those young women are really scammers. Most of them are dudes sitting in an internet cafe somewhere hoping to separate you from your money. |
Should I Pursue This?
He is most likely on fixed income and can't afford to own and drive a vehicle. My dad was never able to get a drivers license, but drove anyway. Most likely is having trouble financially. I know a number of people in my age group living on fixed income of less then $600 a month. If your rent is $400 a month, that does not leave enough to eat, pay for power, water, phone, etc. He may not have any teeth or does not have anything good to wear or something like that and is just looking for an excuse. If it was me I would use the phone and just talk to him and find out. Don't just ask him directly to make him uncomfortable. Once you have his name and address I would do a little digging.
To be single
Why can't two singles life together? Deers in the woods don't get married.
What else am I supposed to put in my profile? = Whether you are willing to relocate or want to be where you are.
If I would move I would have a long time ago been in another relationship. But because I have my money invested in something I want to increase the value on, and I spent my time working to increase the value to be, instead of being retired and doing the little things around the house for the woman in the house to make her happy. For some reason I want to be me, not us in a relationship. I feel that is the biggest problem with men. Over the years I have had a few relationships where we went our seperate ways during the day and just spent the nights together. That has worked for me. But my past partners sooner or later have always been able to climb the corporate later and found much better employment from the rural areas where I have lived so they moved on. I prefer a rural setting, most woman do not. I prefer cows over people, another negative for me. As I see it, most older people are set in their ways, I know I am. I really don't have a problem with someone using me as a means to start over from their past disaster and get ahead. But sooner or later the drive to get higher up in the corporate world requires one to move. And I don't want to move from my rural setting to some city setting where I can't do what I want to do. I like elbow room. Need a minimum of 200 acres of elbow room for a growing crop of trees. |