Old age is lonely
Yeah, that's why i've decided to stop by the 'forum'...just to be able to 'talk'
Getting older
Idk, maria. The older the car the more it's in the shop. You know what i mean?
Getting older
Since i reached 50 the years seem to be going by faster. Is this some cruel cosmuc joke?
Best and Worst of Over 50
My mind says i'm 29, my body is still rolling on the floor....laughing
Old age is lonely
I hear ya, judy. I work 2 jobs to support my single self so i have no personal time. I'm surrounded by people at work and come home to an empty house.
Oh hell yeah. :)
Best and Worst of Over 50
I'm still trying to think of a good thing...
We are all people who are unique individuals, with our own styles, our own preferences. I think a 20 year old with a 50 year old is a stretch even for me, but a few years in difference should be insignificant. When i was in my 20's i dated and almost married a couple if guys who were 6 and 8 years younger. I couldn't marry them. It was more than the age difference. It was that we were both in our 20's and still screwed up. Now that we're older the guy who is 8 years younger has tracked me down through facebook. We live as far apart as you can get and still be in the same country, but we are slowly reconnecting. Just waiting to see how this all goes. He still thinks we should've married back then
Are there any here? Just being nosey :)
i kinda thought it was more of a morality thing. What you know you should do and why. wish i could find a gnostic church here so i could learn more
God, i hope so
I agree. There's so many younger women out there it makes me feel old.
where do you live?
Hawaii...all we got are beaches
i think i'm just looking in the wrong place :(