Community > Posts By > kerouacfan

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Mon 03/10/08 06:59 PM

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Mon 03/10/08 05:11 AM

Have a fabulous day everyone and Kero if I eva get arrested I'll call u lol!

deal ! laugh

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Mon 03/10/08 05:11 AM

Morning Kero,hows your monday starting out?drinker drinker

doing good Snowy ... but it was real dark this morning ! laugh

I got to rock n roll ~~ have a great day ! drinker

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Mon 03/10/08 05:07 AM

I had a fabulous weekend. Trying hard as ever to stay out of trouble I mostly worked. Friday night was an adventure but no one got arrested thats all that matters I guess lol!:tongue:

How was ur weekend?

Ahh didn't do much .. but got a ot accomplished .. if that makes any sense laugh

Well I woulda bailed ya out ... glad to see ya made it safely though ~~ laughflowerforyou

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Mon 03/10/08 05:05 AM
Morning Snowy ~~ Morning Fade ~~ flowerforyou drinker

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Mon 03/10/08 04:38 AM

I've had the flu for the last week. fever spiked so high I went to the ER...but I'm still kicking laugh

hope everyone had a better weekend

Hope ya turned the corner on that flu ... flowerforyou

lol I turned a corner...just need a map back now laugh

ahh well just take it slow and plenty of rest ... that stuff has a way of coming back at ya ~~ Oh and plenty of liquids ! drinker drinker

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Mon 03/10/08 04:33 AM

I've had the flu for the last week. fever spiked so high I went to the ER...but I'm still kicking laugh

hope everyone had a better weekend

Hope ya turned the corner on that flu ... flowerforyou

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Mon 03/10/08 04:26 AM

do people really eat muffffens???????

^5's Boney~
most definetly ! I prefer blueberry...but I'm not a muffin snob laugh

Hey ya Flirty and Yellowrose ~~ Hope ya'll had a great weekend ~~

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Mon 03/10/08 04:20 AM

morning to u and the same for u glasses

^5's OC have a great one ~~ drinker

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Mon 03/10/08 04:15 AM
roll out the coffee and muffins .. it's time to get into Monday mode ~~ Good Wishes to all ! drinker drinker

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Sun 03/09/08 04:52 PM
Edited by kerouacfan on Sun 03/09/08 04:53 PM

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Sun 03/09/08 03:40 PM
help !!!

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Sun 03/09/08 02:22 PM
I'm sure I wouldn't have to tell my partner

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Sun 03/09/08 02:21 PM

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Sun 03/09/08 02:18 PM
Edited by kerouacfan on Sun 03/09/08 02:20 PM
oops I just read the rules blushing

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Sun 03/09/08 02:04 PM

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Sun 03/09/08 01:51 PM

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Sun 03/09/08 01:45 PM

only one worth a damn was ron paul

yea he was a money making machine.. I'll give him that... I wonder how much he raised totally and exactly how much he has left in his coffers...

oh and yea .. McCain I'm sure is loving the fiasco with the democrats... should be a real nice trainwreck when all is said and done ~

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Sun 03/09/08 11:47 AM

they saved the best for the last two minutslaugh

Kind of sad when you think that one of them was Romney, by far the most intelligent person on either side - I'd rather have a Mormon than a moron like Bush. He's the only candidate that was in it because he wanted the job not because he needed it for its connections to power and money. He's so successful he could afford to do the job for free.

Thus the last man standing is dumber than dubya, I mean 4 places from the bottom in a class of 995 people. No wonder he had to shack up with a dimwit beer heiress.

The next president is going to be dubya on steroids and the next first lady is going to be like a future version of Paris Hilton.

This country is a circus!

Too bad Rommney did absolutely nothing as a governor in Massachusetts...

Sure he did,liquor stores can sell beer on sunday now.

drinker drinker Now there's Mormon for ya ~~ drinker

actually it was the Mass legislature with pressure from businesses that bordered other states that sold booze on Sundays.

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Sun 03/09/08 11:41 AM
so... you are an observer of observers ? ...:wink:

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