flyingeaglefeather's photo
Tue 09/09/08 12:41 PM

sunglass model

sorry the Romance Novelist was meant for you, didnt see below you...gulp oops

flyingeaglefeather's photo
Tue 09/09/08 12:40 PM
Romance Novelist :heart:

flyingeaglefeather's photo
Tue 09/09/08 12:35 PM
Hugs back at ya sista :smile:

flyingeaglefeather's photo
Tue 09/09/08 12:32 PM

laugh FBI....federal booty inspector did you KNOW!!!! bigsmile but theres only one *Booty* that I am interested in

flyingeaglefeather's photo
Tue 09/09/08 12:31 PM
Well of course I will have to say:

Marilyn Monroe

flyingeaglefeather's photo
Tue 09/09/08 12:21 PM
Harrison Ford

flyingeaglefeather's photo
Tue 09/09/08 12:10 PM
Edited by flyingeaglefeather on Tue 09/09/08 12:10 PM
Eligah (sorry can't spell it) Wood frustrated

flyingeaglefeather's photo
Tue 09/09/08 12:00 PM
hand shake

flyingeaglefeather's photo
Tue 09/09/08 11:58 AM
*Dog Whisperer*

flyingeaglefeather's photo
Tue 09/09/08 11:55 AM
Now talking about some of the *older* horror movies, and I am sure that many of you *younger* people won't know a few of these....but maybe you will not sure, and mind you many are like *D* rated

The Crawling Eye
Kingdom of The Spiders**William Shatner
The Thing**the original one
The Tingler**Vincent Price
The Blob**the original(Steve Mcqueen)
Strait Jacket**Joan Crawford
Killer Clowns From Outer Space**now that was one of the most stupidest
Plan 9 From Outer Space

I don't think anyone has put down The Exorcist yet but when I went to see that one a million years ago, I closed my eyes and plugged my ears!!! The rest following I felt were not as good as the first one, and unfortunately so many aren't sometimes the first ones should never have a sequel or sequels.

flyingeaglefeather's photo
Tue 09/09/08 11:38 AM

The Uninvited**Ray Miland (original Black & White)
This one is an awesome ghost story

The Haunting (original Black & White)

House On Haunted Hill**Vincent Prince (original Black & White) OMG this one always scared me to death!!!!! still does

Masque Of The Red Death**Vincent Price

Conquer Worm**Vincent Price

Fall Of the House Of Usher**Vincent Price

The Pit and The Pendelum**Vincent Price

House of Wax**Vincent Price

Phantom Of The Opera**Claude Rains

The Lost Boys**Keifer Sunderland, Cory Haim, Cory Feldman

Bram Stokers*Dracula

The Craft

Night Of The Living Dead (original & new version)

Dawn of The Dead

Day of The Dead

can you tell I love Horror movies??? lol, and I think its because I use to be a make-up artist so I like to try and figure out what kinds of special effects there using and the make-up.shocked scared

Since you mentioned Ray Milland, you forgot his other B flick called Frogs. That movie creeped me out even though it was low on the storyline.

Oh thats RIGHT Robert, I remember that one, and he played that mean old man in that one!!! lol

flyingeaglefeather's photo
Mon 09/08/08 01:08 PM

On an empty canvas
we start our day
We are given every color
It is our choice
A life we choose
We decide weather the day
Will be gold or blue
Do you color your
World with happiness
Or do you cover your
Day with tears and sadness
Do you waste the
The hours that HE gives
Or do you paint with the love
That God gives?

Hope you don't mind the add!!!

Nice write!!flowers

Not at all the honor was mine and thank you my friendsmile2

flyingeaglefeather's photo
Mon 09/08/08 11:39 AM
Shadows have
Blended into
The canvas of my life...

Vivid colors so brightly
Once danced
On the edge of my Dreams...

But now
Or so it seems
This overcast
So dark, has entered
The once beautiful
Canvas of my life...

Shall I take that brush
And make all new colors
That I have chosen
For me and you...

Or should I
Just let them all
Fade to grey
Those once vivid colors
That took my breath away.

flyingeaglefeather's photo
Mon 09/08/08 11:29 AM

Many favorites..."Imitation Of Life" is another "tear jerker"tears worth watching again.

Martha, who played in that movie? It wasn't Lana Turner perchance?

flyingeaglefeather's photo
Sun 09/07/08 11:52 PM
Practical Magic
The Craft
Lord of The Rings**all
Harry Potter**all
Lost Boys**The first one
The Shinning
The Uninvited(its an old blk&wt)
The Haunting
Night Of The Living Dead
Bed Of Roses
Benny & Joon
Rob Roy
The Patriot
Big Daddy
The Notebook
Alien**all except for the third one
Message In A Bottle
What Lies Below
Suspect Zero
The Bucket List
August Rush
Werewolf Of London
Bram Stokers*Dracula
Con Air
Deep Impact
Highlander*the first one
Fried Green Tomatoes
The Punisher

flyingeaglefeather's photo
Sun 09/07/08 11:28 PM
The Uninvited**Ray Miland (original Black & White)
This one is an awesome ghost story

The Haunting (original Black & White)

House On Haunted Hill**Vincent Prince (original Black & White) OMG this one always scared me to death!!!!! still does

Masque Of The Red Death**Vincent Price

Conquer Worm**Vincent Price

Fall Of the House Of Usher**Vincent Price

The Pit and The Pendelum**Vincent Price

House of Wax**Vincent Price

Phantom Of The Opera**Claude Rains

The Lost Boys**Keifer Sunderland, Cory Haim, Cory Feldman

Bram Stokers*Dracula

The Craft

Night Of The Living Dead (original & new version)

Dawn of The Dead

Day of The Dead

can you tell I love Horror movies??? lol, and I think its because I use to be a make-up artist so I like to try and figure out what kinds of special effects there using and the make-up.shocked scared

flyingeaglefeather's photo
Sun 09/07/08 11:16 AM
And Yes
You were so gentle
So simple, and Yes
There were dreams
Untainted by history...

And Yes
You were not so grounded
In reality
You stepped lightly
And your eyes were wide with surprise...

And Yes
You had no names for things
In those fleeting days
When you tried to step clear
Untouched for a day by fear...

And Yes
The chains were momentarily
Broken and you labeled nothing
Each moment revealed it's new name...

And Yes
You were fearful and playfully
Original now your writings
Have fallen into cliche
Lauded by your gathered
Collusion of mediocrity.

flyingeaglefeather's photo
Sun 09/07/08 10:56 AM
Edited by flyingeaglefeather on Sun 09/07/08 10:57 AM
If ever you choose to see again
Beyond the shadows lie
You will see my spirit true
And look me in the eyes...

The eyes we have are three fold
There are two which see the land
A third can open from the heart
And see this spirit hand...

This hand of light has always held
You safe, so loyal and true
And when you gaze upon the dark
I will be three eyes for you...

We all are drops, unique alone
Yet alone we are one
I will pray that when you wake that day
You will see the morning sun.

flyingeaglefeather's photo
Sun 09/07/08 10:33 AM
flowerforyou :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: flowerforyou :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: flowerforyou :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: flowerforyou :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: flowerforyou :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :cry: brokenheart

flyingeaglefeather's photo
Sun 09/07/08 10:29 AM

I am sure you can. Cuz I am drunk and my french and spanish have flown out the window. All I can think of right now is Yo Quedo Taco Bell LOL

OMG!!! LMAO Thats way too funny, take some tylenol dear

LOL Whoa did I ever drink to much

Awww Que Las ta ma....and I know your saying, I'll never do that again...(until the next time...hehe) Well I hope your feeling better today.biggrin