flyingeaglefeather's photo
Fri 08/29/08 10:49 AM
All I can say is this...."GET ER DONE" glasses

flyingeaglefeather's photo
Thu 08/28/08 11:06 PM
Is really Billie Jeans younger sister...surprised

flyingeaglefeather's photo
Thu 08/28/08 09:58 PM

slips roofies to random men so that she can "help" them to her place.

Yup thats it!!!! And at my age oh honey I need all of the HELP that I can get.

flyingeaglefeather's photo
Thu 08/28/08 09:55 PM
Is really a spy for Russia...spock

flyingeaglefeather's photo
Thu 08/28/08 09:40 PM
Is a high paid Madame of one of the most famous Brothels in the country!!!smokin

flyingeaglefeather's photo
Thu 08/28/08 08:56 PM
35...don't hit metears

flyingeaglefeather's photo
Thu 08/28/08 12:08 AM
Sponge Bob's evil twin brother...Brillo Bob rant

flyingeaglefeather's photo
Wed 08/27/08 11:59 PM
Leaning out the window shouting "PICK ME, I HAVE FREE SAMPLES!!!!! I know the owner of an adult toy storewinking

flyingeaglefeather's photo
Wed 08/27/08 11:53 PM
My Future Papa Sito Richo...oooo la la and I will be his Domestic Goddess!!!!:heart: love :heart:

flyingeaglefeather's photo
Wed 08/27/08 11:46 PM
Twin Brother to Elmer back up Truck Driver for the Adult Toy Store....smokin

flyingeaglefeather's photo
Wed 08/27/08 11:43 PM
Truck Driver for Adult Toy Store...making BIG $$$ and free samples :banana:

flyingeaglefeather's photo
Wed 08/27/08 11:22 PM

own's an adult toy store ....laugh

Now how did you know????? I thought I had kept that a secret smokin glassesshades huh

flyingeaglefeather's photo
Wed 08/27/08 11:06 PM
Professional *whoopee* cushion tester for over 35yrs and still loving it!!!!! :laughing:

flyingeaglefeather's photo
Wed 08/27/08 06:24 PM
frustrated noway <<<Looks over her oversized granny glasses and whispers....tsk tsk, what have I unleashed in here? Did I accidentally put up the *SEX-ED* class sign instead of the cooking class sign??????spock

flyingeaglefeather's photo
Wed 08/27/08 05:33 PM
Twice we lay
Once under the roof
Once under the star skies
Needing no cotton to cover us
For your wings, now white silk
Covered us both, and had unfolded again...

You, who knows only now
Yet whose flight spans in aeons
And a hundred million more
As if eternity were but a playful
Second's breath...

You see not mirages
But the shimmer of water
Real as it cascades over your skin
From tears, wet lips
And the clear, cool drink of loves fiery flow.

flyingeaglefeather's photo
Wed 08/27/08 09:04 AM
Thank you all for your lovely comments, and yes it is nice to be back, and you all are my inspiration to continue on :heart:

flyingeaglefeather's photo
Wed 08/27/08 08:42 AM
Voice, full sound reaching
Taking me somewhere else
Somewhere true and heart felt...

Accoustical rhymes catching me
And depriving me of sorrow
Soft and sweet
Like loves first kiss
Realizing the embrace is true...

Letting losses of the pains
That sadden me
Indulging in the emotional
Sapphire sparkling in everyones eyes
Setting free the child
Which resides inside...

Taking me
Take me
So rich
So pure
Take me

Journeys embarking
An unbeaten path
Telling me I shall be free.

flyingeaglefeather's photo
Wed 08/27/08 08:33 AM
Canoe tied and rocking
Against a gray dock
Up through the trees
A little radio spills
Sax notes between
Curtains inside
Two glasses abandoned
Sit on an oil cloth
While in another room
Bare feet stand toe to toe...

For a brief moment
On gritty, cool boards
I want to be the one pair
Of feet touching yours
As we sway sweetly
In the coolness of the night breeze
Being caught up in that moment
Eyes locked and lips parted
Complete--as one. :heart:

flyingeaglefeather's photo
Tue 08/26/08 12:48 PM
Awesome Orange...very well stated and oh so true. We seem to close our eyes to what may be right in front of us most of the time...and the time will run out if we continue to keep our eyes closed. I suppose I am single because no one has captured my heart or taken my breath away...yet. So where are you the one who whispers my name in the cool night breeze? Open your eyes I may be the one whom your looking for.:heart:

flyingeaglefeather's photo
Tue 08/26/08 12:35 PM
Sorry I just remembered....its German Chocolate cake mix not yellow...whoops!!! frustrated tears oops slaphead