Community > Posts By > flyingeaglefeather
Unveiled !
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Tue 10/14/08 06:05 PM
Words from such a Brilliant Women...and I am at a loss of words myself to respond to what you have just written Bonny, If I only had a *Thimble-full* of how well you articulate I would be dancin Well done on such a very moving work of words my dear one!!!!!
What kind of an Alter should I have for Samhain? I would appreciate any help so I can plan getting things ready. First of all, welcome to the thread! As to your question about altars, there are no rules about what kind to have. It's a completely personal decision and has to do mainly with what you are going to use it for. Since there are so many possibilities here I will tell you about mine. On my everyday altar (I set up a different altar for ritual)that I have set up all the time I have a Goddess candle. I burn black, red or white depending on the moon phase. I have some salt, crystals, sea shells, a pentacle, a small picture of the Triple Goddess, a large picture of Hecate, a small cauldron and my Goddess ring. At Mabon I added some miniature pumpkins. I will usually add "decorations" to it that change with the seasons. Again, altars are very personal things and there is no "wrong" way to do it. It really depends on the purpose of the particular altar as to how you will set it up. Thank you Ruth that does all make alot of sense and I thought that it would have to be of course more of a personal thing...on that night, we will bring love into the picture in the name of the Lady and her Lord and I look forward to that with my beloved. But again thank you for your words and I am glad that you have this *thread* where like minded people can gather and share ideas, stories and wonderful information. Goddess Love & Light Blessed Be my loves |
Hey all,
A question for any of those who walk the pagan path. I am just learning to become Pagan, I have always had an interest. Having Native in my bloodline, I find it so similiar in many ways. Heres the I have just gone out today in fact and bought a book called: Paganism by*Joyce & River Higginbotham...I hope it will be informative for any questions, but ok back to my question (sorry gettin carried away with excitement...hehe) What kind of an Alter should I have for Samhain? I would appreciate any help so I can plan getting things ready. |
*Love On Samhain Eve*
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Thu 09/25/08 04:49 PM
Soft candle light dancing
Upon the wall Waiting for our call To the Lady and her Lord To do all things in their accord... The Love we share As once of old Those moments That have already Been foretold... To spend this Magik night On Samhain's Eve To light those candles once again To feel the passion in our Hearts To blend as one as if from the start... So on this night I give my Love I give myself to you Forever and Let our Hearts become as one Let our Souls reunite... Let the Lady and the Lord Embrace our Love tonight **Dedicated to my Beloved, Carlos** |
***WE ARE ONE***
I pray we, all the children of the Earth, no matter our path to enlightenment, come to realize that we are one. We may walk our paths, but we are not alone, for we walk at the same time, towards the same end/beginning. From our individual perspectives, be we Pagan, Christian, Muslim, Jew, Buddist, Taoist,or Hindu, all the same. I pray that we will feel the love of our Creator(s)and by example learn to see each other as brothers and sisters allowing the boundary lines of Religion to fade away. May the Lord and the Lady bless your path. May you always have enough, and may you give enough in return. Blessed Be |
Every part of this soil is sacred in the estimation of my people. Every hillside, every valley, every plain and grove has been hallowed by some sad or happy event in days long vanished.
Even the rocks which seem to be dumb,and dead as they swelter in the sun along the silent shore, thrill with memories of stirring events connected with the lives of my people. And the dust upon which you now stand responds more lovingly to their footsteps than to yours, because it is rich with the blood of our ancestors and our bare feet are conscious of the sympathetic touch. ^^Chef Seattle of the Suquamish^^ 1853 |
Summer Moons grow to ripeness as the season moves towards fall. The powers of the Autumn Moons grow rapidly. They hurry the crops and the creatures, filling them with a sense of urgency. Ripeness seems to appear in an instant, after long months of promise. Autumn Moons glow warm and abundant. They are the Moons of community and co-operation. All are busy. Some grasping at the last tendrils of summer, wanting to hold back the ever changing cycle, while others move quickly in a dance of Winter preparation. Over all, the mesmerizing light of the Autumnal Moons shed a golden glow. A time of passages and maturity. The Autumn Moon bring the blessing of harvest and understanding. Insights are keen, and learning is rapid. Sharing and drawing together in celebration, weaves the fabric of community. It also is a time of awareness, a time to see the fragility of all things, to reflect on the seasons. What will you harvest to share with others? **THE CRONE AUTUMN** The fields are flat, the days grow short The nights are soft as velvet Abundance is stored as Birds fly and creatures burrow Days crisply snap, and Magik crackles in the air Some pass over, and some transform, journeying. |
no words cant express
Your a dear sweet soul, and I am so glad that I am your friend, I cherish those closest to my heart and will always stand by their side no matter what. Hang on tight a *NEW* day is coming for you and the happiness that you seek is so very close!!!! We who know you and those who don't will love you given the chance because you have the biggest heart of ALL...and plus you brought my love back into my arms, and I can never thank YOU enough |
Prayers for Scurlock
Scurlock is out of the hospital!!!!! But if you will all continue to send your love as she remains regaining her strength back and to heal, that would be great!! And once again, thank you all for your kindness. |
Prayers for Scurlock
I just talked with my sweetie and he said that she is just now waiting for the test results and should hopefully be out before the weekend, and that she is feeling better. Again...thank you all so much!!! But I will continue to send her healing energy until I know shes out of the woods and is back on her feet again.
Prayers for Scurlock
No dear I haven't heard anything yet today, hopefully I will soon, when I do I will make sure to let you all know of whats going on. I know with all of the love flowing from all of your hearts....theres no way that she won't recover from her health issues. Shes a very strong women and I am pretty sure that she also doesn't give up that easy.
Prayers for Scurlock
I just want to thank all of you wonderful people who have come to the aid of Scurlock and to answer this request...It will mean so much to her when she can read this and know that she is loved greatly. You know, there are so many loving, caring and kind people here and I am so thankful to have gotten to meet several and to call them my cherished friends, Thank you all!!!! On Scurlock's behalf..
Prayers for Scurlock
Thank you for putting this on here for all of Scurlocks friends the ones that love her and hold her so closely to their hearts. She has become such a dear sweet soul to me and she has, I am sure touched the hearts of so many on this site. I will continue to send her healing energy and light and of course my Love. I will let you all know if I should hear anything more this evening. Thank you ALL on behalf of Faylecia (Scurlock) Blessed Be, Jacki |
A-Z Food Game - part 5
Xaviar (sp.??)
Thank you everyone for your kindness that means alot to me...
From tranquil waters
Drink of my soul, my Beloved Release my spirit And let my spirit Soar next to yours... Let us not look Behind to what was-- But let us look Ahead to what is-- My hand is reaching Out to yours And in my hand I hold my heart To give to you Upon this day When you took My sadness all away **This is dedicated to my Love, Carlos** |
Gasoline Alley
delores claibourne LOL...*E* was the next one Joyce |