Community > Posts By > Roddimus

Roddimus's photo
Wed 12/19/07 11:39 AM

Roddimus's photo
Wed 12/19/07 11:37 AM
i really want to get hell gate london, i few of my friends have it and it looks awesome.

Roddimus's photo
Wed 12/19/07 11:34 AM
women want too much.

Roddimus's photo
Mon 11/05/07 12:52 AM
great going, keep up the good work, unfortunately i've never been able to make it past six months, something particularly stressful happens like, thats life right. Then i go strait back to smoking.
I guess the only advice i can give you is if you get to that point and you slip with a cig, be cool with it, re assure yourself its okay, and dont do it again after that. Oh and don't tell anyone you slipped, that self shame you feel from dissapointed people might be the stress that ignite's the addiction all over again. keep us up to date, on how things are going once in a while. Who knows I might be inspired to try quitting again, no pressure though.

Roddimus's photo
Mon 11/05/07 12:30 AM
ahh sweet therapy devil

Roddimus's photo
Mon 11/05/07 12:29 AM
oh and change the pic, put on that happy face, you don't want to give the impression you would take a girl to a funeral for a first date. Besides depression only works to get more attention from strippers, err so i've heard blushing

Roddimus's photo
Mon 11/05/07 12:23 AM
desperation isn't good on any level, i know i've been there, hell i'm still there, and as far as this confidence all the women keep talking about, they fail to realize one thing. Confidence doesn't come out of thin air. Everyone with confidence has something going on in their life that gives them it. Men who have been with umpteen hundred or whatever amount of women in their life have it, the sad part is, this is where the women fall victim to dating the quote un quote prick, or a$$h0l3. So i say to all you confidence hungry women out there, don't mistake shyness with lack of confidence, because their are a lot of decent guys out there waiting for that edge of confidence a good woman can ignite, trust me he'll go from the guy sitting by himself in a dark corner to the guy your friends are all jealous about. I've seen it happen.

Roddimus's photo
Sun 11/04/07 02:56 AM
oh, and Halo 3 Rocks

Roddimus's photo
Sun 11/04/07 02:54 AM
alls i have to say is nintendo needs to get off their a$$es and make some online FPS, the Wii remote is optimal for the console shooter, yet here i am playing with my Wii all by myself.

Seriously though if Metroid Prime 3 would have had mutiplayer online support like it was intended to, hell mulitplayer period would have been nice, I would be getting much more from an already great game. Instead i'm trying to find people to give me vouchers so i can get bonus materials.

Lets just hope Nintendo figures something out quickly, they're sitting on a gold mine and it seems like they're not even aware of it.

Roddimus's photo
Sun 11/04/07 02:41 AM
Guild Wars Rocks, its perfect for the people who play all day and for people like me who only have a limited amount of time to play each week. The use of heroes and henchies is great also, somtimes its a lot easier to just do a mission by yourself then to wait for a party to join or invite you.
I really like the pvp a lot, it helps you get a feel for what type(s) of character you enjoy playing the most, only complaint is for the late comers like me who don't get accepted into Heroes Ascent because i didn't get the chance to earn rank before everyone decided to exclude the rankless people. I understand why, It just pisses me off.
other than that it's a solid game with original story and design, no monthly fee's and if you're not interested in a expansion no need to buy it. Plus for the casual player like me, not having to relearn a billion different things every time i play is good, what can i say other than its fun in its simplicity. the only other complaint i have is, i would like to see mounts come to guild wars 2. I'm not sure if this is feasible for the game structure, but hopefully they will come up with something, even if its only feasible for select portions of the game.

Roddimus's photo
Sun 11/04/07 02:17 AM
we exist = women scorn

Roddimus's photo
Thu 10/25/07 05:31 PM
General Statement

For those who haven't looked at my profile i'll have you know first and foremost, I'm not christian, however i'm a spiritual person that believes in a higher power.

The reason i started this message board is to debate faith(s) vs the orginizations that are based on them. I do have many christian friends though and value them because of their kindhearted nature.

I'm only saying this so you're all clear on where i stand, many time's I have been mistaken for christian. (once upon a time i was)I left that faith because it was too taxing on my free will. I do value the morals and ethics i have learned from christianity, however I don't think the stories they are written in are valid. I will call my higher power god, until i come up with a better name.

I'm not out to sabotage anyone's faith, because i believe that everyone who has faith regardless of what it may be, rely's on it for one reason or another.

My faith is not open for attack, feel free to post whatever you want if "your faith demands it" but know this I wont respond
to it, i have had many discussions with my christian friends about it and we have reached an understanding.

I will respond to any posts regarding my opening question, or any questions you have as far as my viewpoint towards spirituality and life goes.

Roddimus's photo
Thu 10/25/07 04:59 PM
feral cat lady wrote "I look at church this way......I go all week in the rat race we call life....full of all the wordly things that life has. I go to church and here a sermon and it's like my filling station to get me through the next week and do the work I'm intended to partake in which is spreading the gospel...."

I'm wondering then if it would be a better use of your time to gather at a place of choosing between you and your friends that are like minded and discuss scripture for your refueling needs. After all church isn't in a building its in the fellowship of christians.

Roddimus's photo
Tue 10/23/07 09:59 PM
and its possible that their level of commitment leaves doubts in each others mind, after all it sounds like a crappy situation for both of them. I know i don't jump in any type of relationship expecting things to go perfectly.

Roddimus's photo
Tue 10/23/07 09:53 PM
Pacific it sounds like your expectations are a little high, i guess its hard to understand that a guy might have insecurities, and doubts. Being we don't know all the details or the level of this guys tenacity towards the situation i hardly think its fair to assume this guy's sarcasm is overbearing. I'm not saying your wrong i'm just saying we don't know a few things about their relationship and how much the two have communicated about this situation.

Roddimus's photo
Tue 10/23/07 09:37 PM
being alone can be trying, i'm only 26 but have had very limited contact with the opposite sex, one of the positive things i've pulled out of it is a better sense of independence, and a better appreciation of the simpler things in life. Not saying i dont have my weak points, but i'm pretty sure that couples experience their own share of heartache, even if they stay together.

Roddimus's photo
Tue 10/23/07 09:13 PM
Okay i have a better understanding of your situation, at this point i would suggest that you talk with him about the possibility of him moving in, but since your relationship is new you just want to know if you are compatible, who knows maybe he is and maybe him and your friend could get along. After all he's probably more threatened by the other guy than you.

Roddimus's photo
Tue 10/23/07 09:06 PM
no problem tomb i guess the important part is the question was asked?

Roddimus's photo
Tue 10/23/07 09:04 PM
out of curiosity did you have plans for this living arrangement before you met your current boyfriend, because that might give you some leeway into you're situation, if not i guess it would say a lot on your part to not include him in this living arrangement

Roddimus's photo
Tue 10/23/07 08:58 PM
tomb raider with the interception