Community > Posts By > civicman1994

civicman1994's photo
Thu 09/29/11 05:38 PM
I have an issue with drunk texting for some reason, i have to try and stay off my phone when i get drunk so i don't piss people off lol

civicman1994's photo
Thu 09/29/11 03:19 PM

Talk about how girls dress, what about how guys dress. It's VERY!!! sad when they have to post a sign to tell you to pull up your pants.

Yea i hear ya, but you always see guys who dress like this with woman though. Guess girls should stop dating these kind of guys

civicman1994's photo
Thu 09/29/11 09:36 AM

Girls dress the way they do because they like it and it make them feel good? I don't buy it, girls dress and do certain things because they want to attracted a mate. I just think that somethings girls where because they think its hot, really is not hot at all. Haveing a cute cherry tat on your **** may seem hot, but its really trashy looking. I think girls watch to my MTV or something, because they seem to dress like the girls they see on there, or in some mag and most times those girls look like crap. There really is nothing hotter than a girl who can keep her body real, not wear tons of makeup or any at all, put on some nice clothes (even a t and jeans) shoes they can walk in and do something with their hair that take less than 15 minutes. Guys really aren't looking for painted up barbie's to us it says look at me i have to be the center of attention, and i'll probably spend all your money and move on the next guy in line. Point blank its a turn off

spelling (especially vthepoet so kindly corrected the error already) errors are also a turn off

it's W-E-A-R

ya I'm usually a little more subtle but that's a pretty glaring error

Sorry sometimes i just type something out and click post before re-reading it

civicman1994's photo
Wed 09/28/11 05:55 PM

I'll get it started, thos stupid looking little glasses that look like they are right out of the 60's. Ugh boots with the furr, so ugly. Tattoos on boobs, stomach, or top of the foot. Lip/nose rings yuck. Toe rings eww. Rings on every finger not hot. Foot ball jersey's your not a guy. Pants with words on the ***. Any shirt that shows your bra strap. Padded/hard front bras, maks your boobs look fake and hard just keep it real guys really don't care what size your **** are. Dying blonde streaks in your hair, just gross pick a color and stick with it already.

My point = Just keep it real, guys will think you are sexy for you and not because of the crap you put on to try to look sexy, it just makes you less sexy.

FYI-padded front bras are not worn by all women to be fake, it is to keep the headlights on low beam. Other women do not want to see another woman's high beams.
Also Rick INSISTED I wear his jersey's, hockey sweaters and button dress shirts. He said it was just too darn sexy. He would want me to wear OSU clothes 24/7, if he could get away with it. I just read an article that stated that it turns most men on to see their SO in their clothes.

So to each his own, but today, you will get more dates/opportunities if you have an open mind and ease up on some of the superficial items of a woman's wardrobe.

Well damn i love seeing a girls high beams, why you think i spend so much time in the freezer section at walmart lol

civicman1994's photo
Wed 09/28/11 05:53 PM

I find most men that drive civics are also afraid to act their real age...... hmmmmmmm Just a thought.

I don't drive a civic thank you lol

civicman1994's photo
Wed 09/28/11 01:48 PM

Girls dress the way they do because they like it and it make them feel good? I don't buy it, girls dress and do certain things because they want to attracted a mate. I just think that somethings girls where because they think its hot, really is not hot at all. Haveing a cute cherry tat on your **** may seem hot, but its really trashy looking. I think girls watch to my MTV or something, because they seem to dress like the girls they see on there, or in some mag and most times those girls look like crap. There really is nothing hotter than a girl who can keep her body real, not wear tons of makeup or any at all, put on some nice clothes (even a t and jeans) shoes they can walk in and do something with their hair that take less than 15 minutes. Guys really aren't looking for painted up barbie's to us it says look at me i have to be the center of attention, and i'll probably spend all your money and move on the next guy in line. Point blank its a turn off

why is it so hard to believe we would do it cuz we honestly like it?
why the **** would i get red hair for a guy?
**** em.
if i want something i'm going to do it.
i don't care what guys or girls it will or will not attract.
if i go according to your theory,
wouldn't that mean guys do stuff for girls too?
guys shave or not shave for girls?
i'd say your theory is flawed, sir.

Your right guys do those things for girls, and some go over board with it. Girls seem to like that stuff those. They go for those metro sexual guys that are two steps from gay, thats not how guys are supposed to be.

civicman1994's photo
Wed 09/28/11 01:46 PM

I have to say that most guys do seem to like the stuff you mentioned...

I get a hard time from people because i never wear makeup, dont dye my hair, and wear jeans and a tshirt when i'm not in my scrubs for work...

The only guys that go for that are players who want arm candy

civicman1994's photo
Wed 09/28/11 12:57 PM
Girls dress the way they do because they like it and it make them feel good? I don't buy it, girls dress and do certain things because they want to attracted a mate. I just think that somethings girls where because they think its hot, really is not hot at all. Haveing a cute cherry tat on your **** may seem hot, but its really trashy looking. I think girls watch to my MTV or something, because they seem to dress like the girls they see on there, or in some mag and most times those girls look like crap. There really is nothing hotter than a girl who can keep her body real, not wear tons of makeup or any at all, put on some nice clothes (even a t and jeans) shoes they can walk in and do something with their hair that take less than 15 minutes. Guys really aren't looking for painted up barbie's to us it says look at me i have to be the center of attention, and i'll probably spend all your money and move on the next guy in line. Point blank its a turn off

civicman1994's photo
Wed 09/28/11 07:21 AM
I'll get it started, thos stupid looking little glasses that look like they are right out of the 60's. Ugh boots with the furr, so ugly. Tattoos on boobs, stomach, or top of the foot. Lip/nose rings yuck. Toe rings eww. Rings on every finger not hot. Foot ball jersey's your not a guy. Pants with words on the ***. Any shirt that shows your bra strap. Padded/hard front bras, maks your boobs look fake and hard just keep it real guys really don't care what size your **** are. Dying blonde streaks in your hair, just gross pick a color and stick with it already.

My point = Just keep it real, guys will think you are sexy for you and not because of the crap you put on to try to look sexy, it just makes you less sexy.

civicman1994's photo
Wed 09/28/11 07:03 AM
I just got back from camping on the esternshore of mayland and i never saw so many bugs and spiders in my life. Im walking down trails in the woods knocking down webs every other foot with big yello spiders in um. I never seen a yellow spider before. I don't know what kind of spider it could have been all i know is they were a pain in my butt and in the way.

civicman1994's photo
Tue 09/27/11 10:19 PM
Its about that time a year again, where guys go out into the woods to hunt white tails and wives everywhere get a little more pissed off. Make me wounder is there any women that like to hunt?

civicman1994's photo
Tue 09/27/11 08:52 AM

Your profile is awfully short, but not a bad start! It's hard to see what you actually look like in your main picture, so I would think one of the others where we can see your face would be a better choice.

Thanks i'll give it a try

civicman1994's photo
Mon 09/26/11 02:52 PM

Dimples...very very nice.

Yea i get that all the time, used to be enough, but these days not so much

civicman1994's photo
Mon 09/26/11 02:48 PM

I have never dated a black girl before, but i have always had an interest. My family and friends would never except it tho and i wouldn't want to upset them in anyway. But i would still like to be with a black girl. Even tho i don't want a serious relationship with a black girl i would like to find someone who would be interested in being good friends

You might as well said we're not good enough for you.

Thats not what i meant at all. But it is hard to do something that your family wouldn't agree with or may even disown you for doing, ya know

civicman1994's photo
Sun 09/25/11 07:32 PM

i'de date her, wouldn't care who had a problem with it...
my second favorite celebrity ever

the only reason i watch fresh prince...


civicman1994's photo
Sun 09/25/11 07:30 PM

In your in your early 50's.......
is a guy in his early 30's to young for you?

All things being equal, wouldn't bother me.

I just checked out your profile, and you are very pretty, i think you should post some more pictures

civicman1994's photo
Sun 09/25/11 06:15 PM

You may know about it but the difference is that you did not "live" it. I know some women enjoy being with younger men and others say that age is just a number but I enjoy being 55 most of the timelaugh I have sons in their 20's so my perception of the 20's and 30's is motherlike.

lol what if thats what a guy is looking for? Not saying i am, just asking

civicman1994's photo
Sun 09/25/11 05:16 PM

Not bad.....Got some cute pics ( Bud light not my fav pic! lol )

Just my opinion....:smile:

See now i thought i looked really cute in that pic lol

civicman1994's photo
Sun 09/25/11 05:15 PM

For me, definitely. I prefer to see someone who shares more of the same life experiences as I and knows what it was like to be a teenager in the 70's, a twenty something in the 80's etc

I see. Here is my problem, i tend to act a lot older than i am. I probably know just as much about the 70's as someone who was 20 something at that time.

civicman1994's photo
Sun 09/25/11 05:11 PM

Sure it happens.

Not happening to me. I asked out a sexy black woman i worked with and because i'm a country guy she was scared of me. Said she thought i would cut her up into little pieces and burry her. Crazy, i would never do that to anyone no matter who they were