Community > Posts By > darkmace

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Wed 12/22/10 03:09 PM

It all depends on who is selling what you just have to look around till you find what your looking for.

I found my desk which is a big wooded western style desk for 1/3 of the cost brand new......It was only 6 months old the couple found out she was pregnant and well his office was becoming the new nursery....

Have found other things on there as well which where all very good deals!:thumbsup:

So don't knock it till ya try it............bigsmile
flowerforyou love the one your with"..:banana:

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Tue 12/21/10 05:49 PM
scared "His whole house smells just like him,you can smell it all the way from the side-walk" "he says he smells like a man"..sad2

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Tue 12/21/10 03:28 PM
whoa "Wow, thats an idea"..whoa

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Tue 12/21/10 03:06 PM

noway noway "I have an uncle that doesn't like to take baths,and he smells,I don't approve of this" What should i say to him?? noway noway "His last one was on Sept.8th,2010"...noway

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Tue 12/21/10 03:05 PM
noway noway "I have an uncle that doesn't like to take baths,and he smells,I don't approve of this" What should i say to him?? noway noway

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Mon 12/20/10 10:40 AM

You gonna let her talk about your mama?..........smokin
laugh Your right, my mom does have red hair,so your my sister!!laugh

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Sun 12/19/10 05:15 PM

scared where you get that hair?scared

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Sun 12/19/10 05:09 PM

I don't think you understand the purpose of quotation marks.
laugh """Quatation Smotation""""laugh

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Sun 12/19/10 05:03 PM

I ain't getting no damn root canal just to score a lid.......smokin
laugh "Lid hel, they give you the good stuff"..laugh

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Sun 12/19/10 04:54 PM

I can get drugs for a root canal without getting a root canal...I like my process better.
:angry: yea, but thats iilegal!!" idiot!!:angry:

And I don't give a ****. mad thats why you don't have any teeth!!laugh

I have teeth, and drugs.
pitchfork bet you don't know the diff.laugh

How would you not know the difference between teeth and drugs?
laugh "If your brain was fried, you wouldn't"!!laugh

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Sun 12/19/10 04:46 PM

I can get drugs for a root canal without getting a root canal...I like my process better.
:angry: yea, but thats iilegal!!" idiot!!:angry:

And I don't give a ****. mad thats why you don't have any teeth!!laugh

I have teeth, and drugs.
pitchfork bet you don't know the diff.laugh

no photo
Sun 12/19/10 04:44 PM

I can get drugs for a root canal without getting a root canal...I like my process better.
:angry: yea, but thats iilegal!!" idiot!!:angry:

And I don't give a ****. mad thats why you don't have any teeth!!laugh

no photo
Sun 12/19/10 04:42 PM

I can get drugs for a root canal without getting a root canal...I like my process better.
:angry: yea, but thats iilegal!!" idiot!!:angry:

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Sun 12/19/10 04:24 PM
:banana: "If you let your dentist give you root canals even when you don't need them","you still can get drugs from them"..drool

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Sun 12/19/10 10:31 AM
drool Ducks allways sends you a BILL...

you mother ****ers.

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Thu 12/16/10 08:47 PM
drool Do you get off playing with rocks?? Do you find them sexy??

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Wed 12/15/10 09:13 PM

Some of us are drawn to the color Red like a bull in Spain, relentless, fixed, and pure. Less than four percent of the world population has naturally red hair. That is less than two percent in America. The gene for Ginger hair was discovered in 1995 and this discovery got little attention. This is not consistent as red heads have gotten lots of it. Some negative such as the association with witches and a crazy temper. Some are positive, such as our love for Lucy, The Little Mermaid, and the Feminist icon of Lilith, the first wife of Adam who insisted on sexual equality. So many deceptive MYTHS are of common knowledge concerning the crimson strand.

Sixty percent of women who dye their hair do so at home. Of them twenty six percent choose to go blonde, twenty seven percent go basic brunette, and thirty percent choose to become redheads. The sale of at home red dye kits has gone up seventeen percent since the year two thousand hit.

Professor Jonathan Rees conducted a study of redheads at Edinburgh University.He identified the"gene for red hair" the melanocortin 1 receptor (MC1R), found on the 16th chromosome. He found that this single gene was responsible for red hair.

Red hair is a genetic mutation.

Red hair is seen on the heads of only four percent of people. Most of these exist in the U.K., the Republic of Ireland, and Australia.

The highest percentage of natural redheads in the world is in Scotland (13%), followed closely by Ireland with 10%. In the US, about 2% of the population are natural redheads.

There is a belief that redheads are prone to industrial deafness. This actually could be true as the melanocytes are found in the middle ear.

The color Green tempers red. Look at a color chart. This is why redheads are taught as children to wear lots of green. As if red hair is a shameful state of being.

In the early 1600’s, at the end of the reign of Queen Elizabeth I, the belief of Pixies (aka fairies) emerged in southwest England. They were then and have since been strongly associated with red hair for their mischievousness and otherworldly talents.

A 2002 study found that redhead are harder to sedate than any other people requiring twenty percent more anesthesia. Inadequate doses cause people to wake up during surgery and have increased recall of procedures. (I can vouch that study is accurate)

Redheads don't turn grey. Red hair turned sandy, then white. They are also found to loose their color later in life than people carrying other hair colors.

The perception of the color red, scientifically speaking, enhances the viewers metabolism and increases heart rate and respiration.

The first human redheads walked this earth about 50,000 years ago in Africa and then spread throughout Northern Europe.

The country name of Russia means "land of reds" in honor of a redheaded Viking by the name of Rurik.

Red-haired Clowns have their origins in Russia.

In the late 16th century, the fat of a redheaded man was an essential ingredient for poison.

Adams first wife Lilith, always depicted as a redhead, is known to have refused to lie beneath Adam during sexual intercourse, and stated” why should I lie beneath you when I am your equal since both of us were created from dust” –Patai

At St. Paul’s cathedral in London, figurines tell the story of the fall in the Garden of Eden. Adam points one hand to the forbidden fruit and the other to a golden haired Eve. Then the arch angel drives them from the garden. Adam with his fig leaf loops his arm around Eve who is now cowering and sporting a main of long red hair.

Similarly in the paintings of the Sistine Chapel in 1874, Michelangelo’s Temptation depicts a brown haired Eve being handed a red apple by a red headed bare breasted serpent woman (Satan manifested as woman of course carries red hair). In the adjacent fresco Eve is thrown out of the garden with a shameful face and a twist of red hair.

Eves’ red hair is seen as the stain of sin like the original scarlet letter. Later her son, Cain, will bare the red hair and also a fall from grace.

The first redheaded British monarch was a woman. Boudicca was a Celtic warrior was led her people, the Icenti, against the Romans in the C.E. 60’s.

Belief that redheads are witches is a folk belief in Germanic culture. From 1483-1784 thousands of suspected witches were nearly always stripped and searched for “marks of the devil”. These included any “abnormality” such as freckles, moles, warts, and birthmarks. Red hair was certainly considered an abnormality. Considering the freckle factor for redheads this was a deadly and shocking horror. Somewhere around 45,000 women were tortured and murdered usually by burning at the stake or by drowning.

The Egyptians regarded the color as so unlucky that they had a ceremony in which they burned red-headed maidens alive to wipe out the tint- Claudie De Lys.

British Press recently reported that that the MC1R (redhead gene) will be used in DNA testing to rule out, or in, if suspected killers in crime scenes are redheads. This will narrow a search if the gene is found to a small percentage of perpetrators. The hope is that next skin color and physical features will be detectable.-Marion Roach

In central Africa’s Cameroon redheaded albinos, called Nguenguerous, are believed also to come by this color by menstrual intercourse. The UN and other world organizations have studied and advocated for their rights as there have been allegations of the ritual murders in some regions of Africa.

Archaeological digs in the Chinese desert of Takla Makan found mummified redheads dating back 3,000 years.

tears "Red is the lonely number".scared

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Wed 12/15/10 09:04 PM

huh But we float.

Haha, who told you lies? rofl ha-ha "your gun don't shoot"ha-harofl

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Wed 12/15/10 09:02 PM

huh But we float.

Haha, who told you lies?
rofl Ha-ha, "your gun holds blanks" ha-ha,rofl

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Wed 12/15/10 04:32 PM

"I you gave everyone in the world","all 6.3 billion" 1700sq.foot space to live in, "they would only fit in the state of Texas" 'Wow"!

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