Community > Posts By > otherhalf

otherhalf's photo
Thu 05/22/08 08:56 PM
"What we think or what we believe is, in the end, of little consequence.
The only thing of consequence is what we do.:wink: "

otherhalf's photo
Thu 05/22/08 08:56 PM
Do not follow where the path may lead.
Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail

otherhalf's photo
Thu 05/22/08 08:54 PM
I can't go to sleep;
My eyes won't stay shut.
I've tried over and over
And still again, but,

My mind's not at ease
And although I have prayed,
My heart is troubled
And very dismayed.

Please give me peace
And give me rest.
May I wake up tomorrow
And do my best.

So now dear God
I will try it again.
I will go back to bed
And lay down my pen.

And hopefully this time
Without further ado,
I will fall right asleep
And have dreams of You.

otherhalf's photo
Wed 05/21/08 09:36 PM
no wife for me lol
never have

otherhalf's photo
Wed 05/21/08 09:30 PM
Oh gentle winds 'neath moonlit skies,
Do not you hear my heartfelt cries?

Below the branches, here about,glasses
Do not you sense my fear and doubt?
Side glistening rivers, sparkling streams,
Do not you hear my woeful screams?

Upon the meadows, touched with dew,
Do not you see my hearts a'skew?
Beneath the thousand twinkling stars,
Do not you feel my jagged scars?

Seek not my mournful heart kind breeze,bigsmile
For you'll not find it 'mongst these trees.

It's scattered 'cross the moonlit skies,
Accompanied by heartfelt sighs.
It's drifting o're the gentle rain,
A symbol of my silent pain.

It's buried 'neath the meadow fair,
Conjoined with all the sorrow there.
It's lost among the stars this night,
Too far to ease my quiet fright.

No gentle winds, seek not my heart,
For simply ... it has torn apart.

otherhalf's photo
Wed 05/21/08 09:27 PM
My poetic checks are bouncing!
There are no funds in the bank
I cannot borrow from anyone
To refill my empty tank.

So I went to the only place
I know will loan me muse
First National Bank of Inspiration
Is the lender that I choose

I drive up to the window
And talk into the speaker
The teller looks at my poems,
Which rhymes are getting weaker

I tell her that I've lost it
I've spent my last notion
I cannot write of mountains
Of deserts, woods or ocean!

She asked me ‘bout the last time
I deposited any thought to
Stretching my reflections
As any poet ought to

I confess that I still read,
Perusing every written word
To deposit into my account
Each idea, sensible or absurd

I feel I've overdrawn my muse
Used the stockpile of imagination
And now I'm bouncing poetry
For lack of inspiration

So all I ask Miss Teller,
Is a loan or two from this bank
I'd like to be prolific again
And fill this awful blank.

The teller turns to her boss
Whispering words quite low
Then answers through the speaker
That a debt I certainly owe

You're moderating a forum
of perfect passionate poetry
each poem contains some thoughtful
inspiration you can get for free

We recommend you read each verse
Accrue mental stimulation
For you have overdrawn your account
At First National Bank of Inspiration

otherhalf's photo
Wed 05/21/08 09:25 PM

waves of grain still sway,
P lanted with seed from deep within.
O ffered with love to the home of the brave,
E ven for those who would still her pen.
T imeless imagery for a proud nation still healing,
S oothing our wounds extolling our brotherhood.
S own upon people of great courage, revealing
O ur foundation was sound our nation still stood
U nless we lose sight of all that she said,
L ong ago words will serve us in good stead.

otherhalf's photo
Wed 05/21/08 09:22 PM

Shufflin in the doorway
hat in hand, silly smile
askin fo forgivness -
Been thinkin all day
at work, couldn't stop
thinkin I shore am sorry.

Canna y'all forgive me,
my sweethart?
I shore be sorry.
Donna know whys
I acted da fool,
iz zit ok, honey?

Man, I be dyin
fo one o your smiles
maybe jus a teensy, baby.
Mama, canna y'all
give a yo Daddy
jus a little sugar?

I be tellin ya
thata itz my own fault
shouldnna hollered at you.
Iz a right sorry now
I a picked y'all some flowers
juz fo you, Mama!

Do y'all think
I coulda juz get a bite
maybe to hold me o're, baby?
Shufflin in the doorway
hat in hand, silly smile
askin fo forgivness.

otherhalf's photo
Wed 05/21/08 09:20 PM

I rose this morn with much to do -
Hopped in the car and off I flew.

No time for breakfast, that I knew -
Glad "Dunkin DoNuts" has Drive Thru.

In need of dollars, quite a few -
Went to the bank teller's Drive Thru.

Then filled all my prescriptions too -
At "Pharmacy's" brand new Drive Thru.

Some bills to mail in box of blue -
Off to the "Post Office" Drive Thru.

Picked up the laundry cleaned anew -
Just stopped at "Suds & Duds" Drive Thru.

With lunchtime near, my tummy's queue -
Got a "Big Mac" from the Drive Thru.

The car by then was low on fuel -
Full serve at "Shell", just Drive on Thru.

And when they fill the tank for you -
Your car's washed free - in their Drive Thru.

Library books were overdue -
The curbside slot is a Drive Thru.

Then videos must go back too -
"Blockbuster" has their own Drive Thru.

In need of milk and bread, I knew -
I stopped at "Dairymaid's" Drive Thru.

The family asked "Please, can we do -
The "Drive In" show when dinner's thru???"

otherhalf's photo
Mon 05/19/08 10:26 PM
good night ;]:wink:

otherhalf's photo
Mon 05/19/08 09:57 PM
You ask me how we got from there to here,
And you tell me you can't remember,
And so I'll answer it for you,
Though perhaps not the way you want me to.

We got from here to there on the back of a unicorn racing:tongue: through our dreams,
We got from here to there when night's silence thundered between us,
We got from here to there believing a song to be stronger than the worlds pulling us apart.

And we were right.

We stood in good relation to the earth,
We stood in good relation to the gods,
We stood in good relation to all that was beautiful,
You see, we were Alive

We got from there to here when we believed reality to be stronger than love,
We got from there to here when we forgot to look up and believe that gravity held no hold on our souls,
We got from there to here when we left our storybooks for some other distracting play,

And now I do not know my world,
And I cannot find my God,
And beauty dies,
Shut out in the cold.

And I believe we can get from here to there if we just believe,
And I believe we can get from here to there if you'll take my hand,
And I believe we can get from here to there - if only in our dreams,

And when you're dancing across the sky,
Somewhere between the stars and the moon,
Look for me by your side, I'll meet you with hands outstretched,
We'll go - from here to there, there to here, and back again.

otherhalf's photo
Mon 05/19/08 09:48 PM
I still see your face in my dreams
It hurts and it doesn't help at all
I still want you in my life as crazy as that seems
I want you to catch me when I fall

I still remember the first time we met
There was something so different about you
Your friendship was something I wanted to get
That smile when you said hi to me was so new

Out of no where you called me on the phone
I wanted to sit there and talk to you forever
You were so new, so crazy and unknown
I just knew that our friendship would never sever

Two years and we are barely holding it together
What happened to the way this all used to be
I never wanted you out of my like ever
I sat there for a long time pretending not to see

We decided to go out and make it all all right
It didn't work out of course we knew it couldn't
We couldn't even really stand each others sight
It shouldn't end this way but it did and I shouldn't

I miss you and everything you were to me
Ten years from now we will look back on it all
We will be older and finally be able to see
That love will stand the test of time and never fall

otherhalf's photo
Mon 05/19/08 09:30 PM
A warm sensation fills my body
My heart races with every touch
The softness of your voice soothes
My soul
As I lay there hoping the moment
Will never end
Calling out for you
Praying that you'll never let me go
The sensation so strong
I can no longer feel my body
Slowly I fade in and out of reality
In an instant the warm sensation
Fades away
My heart empty
My soul torn apart
Lying there; wondering where I went
Calling out for you, only to find
there is no answer
My mind invaded with thoughts
So cruel and unrefined
The sensation of fear of what's to come
Slowly the reality over powering
The lust and fantasy
Leaving me empty
Confused on how to think or feel
The loneliness I feel
So wretched and compelled
Betrayal to myself
Revealing the terrors of my lovedrinker

otherhalf's photo
Mon 05/19/08 09:24 PM

I look up
as a tear rolls slowly
down my cheek
I think about better days
and wonder if I'll feel that way again
you look at me
with those eyes I know so well
always serious, so deep and insightful
as though you're always in control
But not today
not now
Now you look so scared
like for once you don't have the answer
I gaze at you
looking deep into those hazel eyes
Hoping to understand
why you've said those things you did
I wonder for a moment
if this is all a dream
if I shall wake in the morning
and be relieved
you look at me
with a confusion I have never seen
slowly pull me towards you
and wipe the tears from my cheek :smile:

otherhalf's photo
Mon 05/19/08 09:21 PM
Thinking. Can't stop thinking.
Think of you. This. That. That Life. That day.
That dream was mine.
A utopian dream.

Your aura; struck me like lightning to a tree.
Pointy, like a star, you shone.
So bright, yet not shining as a star would,
But as apparent as white chalk on a blackboard.
You would not show off like a star.
Yet you did burn so hot, so fiercely, so explosively -
you were a star in my eyes.

But like all stars, you died.
That gas was gone.
No pull between us.
The atmosphere was dry
and I began to choke.
I was taken from my star - like a child being taken from its poor,
drunken mother - I did not know what was happening.
Dazed. Confused. Without true reality, I there sat.

The end of my world had only just begun, with yours beginning.

just for you all to read,drinker

otherhalf's photo
Mon 05/19/08 09:18 PM
just Poems

something to read for you all:wink:

otherhalf's photo
Mon 05/19/08 09:16 PM
They had been together for many a year,
Now all she can feel is fear.
She gave all that she could give,
It just wasn't the way he wanted to live.

He left without a backward glance,
Not even giving their love a chance.
She often wonders what she could have done,
To keep him from going on the run.

Now she is living all alone,
With nothing she can call her own.
She can barely make herself eat,
Wondering if her life will again be complete.

This woman is now moving along,
Building her courage, and becoming strong.
Time will heal her broken pride,
Toward the sunrise her heart will glide.


otherhalf's photo
Mon 05/19/08 09:15 PM
Love is a Universal emotion, the goal we all seek, the prize that can make our lives complete and whole. Love is both timeless and, in too many instances, transient. These poems are about those times.

We all believe, if only because we must, that love can be found. Some of us - maybe most of us - have discovered it can also be lost.

otherhalf's photo
Mon 05/19/08 09:09 PM
Edited by otherhalf on Mon 05/19/08 09:12 PM
Thoughts of you illuminate my spirit;
Never a flicker of flame, but with
Arching bolts which strike with a force
That disturbs my equilibrium.

My mind races as waves of passion flush over
My pale skin, causing me to gaze upon visions
Of impossible romantic possibilities.

Pathetic is this woman who anticipates the
True rhythm of love, with a man she will never hold.

My imagined discourse of thoughts leave me suffering,
As my lips quiver with the words I shall never speak
to hers: "I have loved you more than anybody in this world."

otherhalf's photo
Mon 05/19/08 09:06 PM
I am trying lol atmflowerforyou