Topic: forgivness***********************
otherhalf's photo
Wed 05/21/08 09:22 PM

Shufflin in the doorway
hat in hand, silly smile
askin fo forgivness -
Been thinkin all day
at work, couldn't stop
thinkin I shore am sorry.

Canna y'all forgive me,
my sweethart?
I shore be sorry.
Donna know whys
I acted da fool,
iz zit ok, honey?

Man, I be dyin
fo one o your smiles
maybe jus a teensy, baby.
Mama, canna y'all
give a yo Daddy
jus a little sugar?

I be tellin ya
thata itz my own fault
shouldnna hollered at you.
Iz a right sorry now
I a picked y'all some flowers
juz fo you, Mama!

Do y'all think
I coulda juz get a bite
maybe to hold me o're, baby?
Shufflin in the doorway
hat in hand, silly smile
askin fo forgivness.