Community > Posts By > netuserlla

netuserlla's photo
Mon 11/26/07 10:11 AM
You might be able to run a recovery from your OS disk.

netuserlla's photo
Mon 11/26/07 10:09 AM


My friend this actually never made sense to me thinking along the parameters of that which I had been taught...

On one hand...

On the other though...

Outside the "man creating God in man's own image box"...

It is absolutely a "leakproof" statement...

If I may add this...

"Rivers, ponds, lakes and streams — they all have different names, but they all contain water. Just as religions do — they all contain truths."
Muhammad Ali

In my 'religion', everything is all the same. The only thing that separates everything from everything else is us. Everything in existence is part of everything else. We are the ones that separate each other from ourselves with things like religion, ego, hatred, and selfishness, just to name a few. We and everything are combinations of the same elements.

netuserlla's photo
Sat 11/24/07 07:20 AM
No I meant Hell as in heaven or hell. Unless you were a Jew, you didn't even get the chance at the gift of eternal life.
"God who hates that which He knowingly created without mistake?????"
I like that quote.
Another good reason why I don't follow the christian god.

netuserlla's photo
Sat 11/24/07 07:05 AM

my method of combatting christian fascists is to try as hard as i can to massiveley offend and shock them :tongue:

There is no need to combat anyone. Combating each other just separates us more from each other. I believe in the unity of God. The biggest problem with christianity, is it's separation even of it's own people.
I believe that God don't want us separated form each other. We are just a part of each other as God is of all of us. There is the key.

netuserlla's photo
Sat 11/24/07 06:55 AM
I have the video of that George Carlin script.

netuserlla's photo
Sat 11/24/07 06:39 AM
I believe that I have evolved beyond christianity. I believe that I see God as the truly loving God that he is. My God is true love. He could never hate on or punish anyone for anything. God is love not hate.
No contradictions.

netuserlla's photo
Sat 11/24/07 06:07 AM
What's the deal with the angels having sexual relations with human females in GEN:3. This is where giants came from.(David and Goliath) Also, I believe that they proved that the earth was flooded by an asteroid. They even compared it to the drawings on cave walls, from the time, showing the asteroid coming down to earth. Also, according to the book,before Jesus was born, all mankind was going to Hell if you were not a Jew. The christen god loved us so much we were automatically going to hell for the crimes of our ancestors. Just simply because we were their 'seed'. I guess that he hated me before he loved me. LOL.

netuserlla's photo
Sat 11/24/07 05:33 AM

Yeah I have always thought about getting into linux but I'm hooked on how pretty windows can be. It's all about pretty to us girls. LOL

Speaking of pretty, I don't put shortcuts on the desktop. I have my basic things and a folder for text documents since I make a bazillion a day. :)

Like I said, If it is all about pretty, then you never have seen a real linux GUI like gnome. My Linux Unbuntu 7.04 running beryl, even makes Windows Vista Aero look sick.


Here is a link that you can check out some comparing of the two OSs.

netuserlla's photo
Sat 11/24/07 05:21 AM
Another great decision on Linux. I am happy for you. I prefer the 7.04 distro right now. 7.10 is still new, but it does have some great additions, like pidgion. The multi messenger even supports myspace IM. If you want to try and run .exe files on your linux box, you will need to install wine. You should be able to find it easily in your package manager. Inside the package manager of 7.04, change the server search to all available software. There is a lot more packages ready to easily install. Like Beryl. (you have to have a 3d card, and enable desktop effects under system preferences.)Check it out. If you need help, or have questions, ask.

netuserlla's photo
Fri 11/23/07 06:23 AM
I really guess that it is according to the company if it any good or not. It has gotten alot better now than it used to be. Be careful though, I know someone that payed for a whole years worth of service, and only ended up with 3 months service. Out of pocket. Company shut down. I don't think that you would have any problems with bigger companies like Comcast though. You can try skype out though. It is cheap. You can even buy a skype phone from a local walmart. With a skype account, all you have to basicly do is plug in and talk.

netuserlla's photo
Fri 11/23/07 06:06 AM
Did I mention that even if you are upgrading from a windows OS to Linux, You can even import all of your documents and stuff from windows to your linux desktop. Even your desktop background. As far as DLLs. Right now I think that wine and cedega does a better job at DLLs than windows vista does. Windowz DLLs LOL.

netuserlla's photo
Fri 11/23/07 05:43 AM
That's why I like Linux. The high configurablely will let you do just about anything. You can make a link or shortcut, and put it anywhere you want. Drag the corner of an icon and change the size. Just imagine it, and it can be.

netuserlla's photo
Sat 11/17/07 07:23 AM
In the lowes store they are now selling family trees.

netuserlla's photo
Thu 11/15/07 05:47 PM
If you have decided to run a windows OS, witch I wouldn't, the very best windows OS to use is windows XP pro. I didn't realize that so many people were still running a windows OS that is not supported anymore. I think that the new microsoft thing says that winXP will not even be supported after JANURAY2008. If you want to run windows, you almost will have to upgrade to vista. Linux OSs will always support for free. If it doesn't, you can install the free upgrade. It is just approx. a two click upgrade. ( This is without reformatting you hard drive and losing everything not backed up.) All of your docs and stuff stays intact.
Did I mention that you probably don't have to upgrade your computer or parts just to run a Linux OS.

netuserlla's photo
Thu 11/15/07 05:31 PM
Yea developing on a Windows Box, that would really really suck!
Open software like linux does not limit you below the clouds in the sky!

netuserlla's photo
Thu 11/15/07 05:25 PM
This has been a very big topic for me in the last few years myself. Retailors have been so scared of losing the AMERICIAN dollar, that because of the immigrants into this country, we have to change christmas! BULLSHI* Retailors are going to end up messing up their year end sales because of this, and their tooooo ignorant to see it. If these people don't really care for christmas, then Retailors are not going to get their dollar anyway. Sooo they need to focus on the christmas people for the funds. (Sounds logical. You just can't go into any ones house, or place of business and change their rules to suit you.)*** I was born in this country and lived here all of my life. Christmas existed when I was born, All of these years I should still be able to celebrate it. WTF*** Just like PLUTO. I was taught all of my life in school that pluto was a planet. Now it is not. Soooo, who can I sue over that????? They lied to me, and made it a part of my history. Sounds like mental anguish to me. LOL.

netuserlla's photo
Thu 11/15/07 04:57 PM
Any deleted file is recoverable, unless the drive has been wiped over X amount of times.

netuserlla's photo
Thu 11/15/07 04:52 PM
***WarDriverJ. All computers have open ports. If not, then you cannot communicate outside of your box. By the way, I didn't catch your OS.
***adj4u. Do you not realize that you already have these vulnerabilities. Telling anyone or not telling anyone of your open ports will not change anything. The ports are open. You are invaded daily. I think it better to know. If I was to have some screwed up disease, I would want to know.

netuserlla's photo
Thu 11/15/07 04:42 PM
Thanks for all of the info Chrish. You are correct with the DMZ settings for people with networks. To be fair. I guess that really that my biggest point is that running port scanner tests, (most linux distros will scan ports already without nmap), you can easily find that a windows os has a lot more open ports and vulnerabilities than a linux distro.

netuserlla's photo
Wed 11/14/07 07:03 AM
laugh laugh LOLlaugh laugh

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