Challenging Women
Neither. I personally think it is expected and thus neither fear it or find it especially exciting. ![]() ![]() ![]() The only thing is people just need to be able to be ok with disagreeing. Just because you don't agree doesn't mean there needs to be an argument lol. I think this is the more important issue. |
am I too ugly to date
I always felt too ugly to date as well. Many of us struggle with self doubt over one thing or another. The hardest person to convince that you are good enough is yourself.
Challenging Women
Neither. I personally think it is expected and thus neither fear it or find it especially exciting.
do aliens really exist?
Do aliens exist? Probably. Do they abduct people and do **** probes? I highly doubt it.
Money or Nothing
So only if you are the best in the world can you be a superpower? That would mean only 1 country could ever hold that title at one time. If our country was so bad we wouldn't have an immigration problem like we do. To think that people can not make something of themselves is just an excuse. Can you be a millionaire just because you work hard? No. Do some people have more access? Sure. I poor kid born in NYC has a better chance of becoming an actor on broadway than a kid from Kentucky. That doesn't mean the kid from Kentucky can't achieve the same thing. IDK where you live or what opportunities you've had that leads you to think EVERYBODY has the same chances just because this IS America... but it's NOT that way here in Alabama... and I speak from personal experience... here, the men think they still have absolute control over women and the right to beat us if we step out of their line... here, the men created a master/slave contract in which they enslaved a woman to a large corporation without her knowledge or consent for the remainder of her natural life and actually aid and abet in her physical and emotional abuse (torturing)... here, they gang up and take away opportunities and deliberately hold you down while maligning your character... here, if and when you contact all your elected officials, even those in Washington DC to let them know what's really still going on when the civil rights fight was allegedly won decades ago... they ALL ignore your plight or simply "wish you the best but there's nothing they can do"... so please, before you think that people who can't get ahead are just making "excuses" for why they don't, you should look at things from the perspective of those of us that are being treated extremely bad by our own countrymen first. Did you even read what I wrote? Your first sentence says you didnt. I even give an example of how someone has a better chance that someone else based on circumstances beyond their control. I said that just because your chances are not the same doesn't mean you can't achieve it. BTW I grew up in Louisiana. A state people like to make fun of for poor people and poorer education, chronic medical condition since 8, abusive father, and now an engineering degree and a 6 figure household income. Yea I may not have had the same chances as others but that doesn't mean I couldn't make something of myself. In fact they were motivation. The world works differently for MEN! And I did read everything you said. Because you were able to pull yourself up and out you naturally think other people can too and if they don't they're just making an excuse for being a failure. I'm happy for you that life allowed you to find your way. ![]() And I'm not the only woman being treated badly by my peers. Or the men around here. I'm an outsider and it's a cultural thing. Two strikes against me right from the gate. ![]() Well my wife doesn't seem to have that trouble. She is a non citizen and has only had her green card for a year now. She already makes the statistical average for American workers plus has completely free health and dental from her job. (minus her tiny $650 deductible) So I think if a non american non native English speaker can do it so can other women. Then again not everyone has people like me encouraging them. |
Korean films
Of what I've seen of Korean cinema, I've liked: ... I Saw The Devil ![]() ![]() If you wife was a male korean serial killer than yes. |
Money or Nothing
So only if you are the best in the world can you be a superpower? That would mean only 1 country could ever hold that title at one time. If our country was so bad we wouldn't have an immigration problem like we do. To think that people can not make something of themselves is just an excuse. Can you be a millionaire just because you work hard? No. Do some people have more access? Sure. I poor kid born in NYC has a better chance of becoming an actor on broadway than a kid from Kentucky. That doesn't mean the kid from Kentucky can't achieve the same thing. IDK where you live or what opportunities you've had that leads you to think EVERYBODY has the same chances just because this IS America... but it's NOT that way here in Alabama... and I speak from personal experience... here, the men think they still have absolute control over women and the right to beat us if we step out of their line... here, the men created a master/slave contract in which they enslaved a woman to a large corporation without her knowledge or consent for the remainder of her natural life and actually aid and abet in her physical and emotional abuse (torturing)... here, they gang up and take away opportunities and deliberately hold you down while maligning your character... here, if and when you contact all your elected officials, even those in Washington DC to let them know what's really still going on when the civil rights fight was allegedly won decades ago... they ALL ignore your plight or simply "wish you the best but there's nothing they can do"... so please, before you think that people who can't get ahead are just making "excuses" for why they don't, you should look at things from the perspective of those of us that are being treated extremely bad by our own countrymen first. Did you even read what I wrote? Your first sentence says you didnt. I even give an example of how someone has a better chance that someone else based on circumstances beyond their control. I said that just because your chances are not the same doesn't mean you can't achieve it. BTW I grew up in Louisiana. A state people like to make fun of for poor people and poorer education, chronic medical condition since 8, abusive father, and now an engineering degree and a 6 figure household income. Yea I may not have had the same chances as others but that doesn't mean I couldn't make something of myself. In fact they were motivation. |
if you won the lottery. ...
Going to my mom first is better than any lawyer,, as a retired financial officer,,,I trust her judgment and know she is looking out for her grandchildren's best interests,,, and she can definitely keep a secret about such a windfall,,, That isn't what I am talking about. The winner in public knowledge. In almost no state can you claim the lottery anonymously. However, if you start an LLC or a trust the trust or LLC can claim the winning. The owners of those are not public knowledge. |
if you won the lottery. ...
Guess I am the only one whose first stop would be a lawyer. I would open a trust or LLC to claim the prize in so no one knew who I was. Invest most of it. Keep my normal job for the next 6 months. I would then spend a year in Korea learning the language followed by traveling around the world with my wife.
Has no one else seen how things like winning the lottery turn people against you. My wife and I would rather people not know. |
I really like the show though the first season was the best. Being an Engineer I liked all the math and science jokes that were in the first season that a lot of people just wouldn't get. Actually this show is what brought me and my wife together. We wouldnt have had our first date otherwise.
Korean films
Edited by
Sat 06/07/14 05:37 PM
I am going to second Old Boy and I Saw the Devil.
Added List My Sassy Girl (true story) A Bittersweet Life Quick (comedy but not for everyone) Attack at the Gas Station These are the ones I remember. My wife is from Korea so I have seen quite a few. |
I can answer your question. But first I will need you to fill out the documentation so that I can send you the money you inherited from your now dead uncle in Scotland.
Money or Nothing
So only if you are the best in the world can you be a superpower? That would mean only 1 country could ever hold that title at one time. If our country was so bad we wouldn't have an immigration problem like we do. To think that people can not make something of themselves is just an excuse. Can you be a millionaire just because you work hard? No. Do some people have more access? Sure. I poor kid born in NYC has a better chance of becoming an actor on broadway than a kid from Kentucky. That doesn't mean the kid from Kentucky can't achieve the same thing.
Video Cards
Yea its pretty lame. I mean they change so often that they need a way to show a difference in the series and technology though. that is the site I used to compare your two cards if you want to do it again in the future. I also use this site when deciding what card to get next. |
Video brought to you by a group that is convinced that climate change is happening. Biased video is Biased.
Minimum Wage?
I am still waiting for someone to define "living wage". Well, you might have to just wait a while young man. ![]() People in Kenya make less than $2k a year on average and live. |
Minimum Wage?
and how did I do that? what did I say that was incorrect? is life renewable? does technology not advance and advance our resources as well? What you are saying is akin to saying, if I eat this strawberry then it will no longer exist and so strawberries are nonrenewable. Renew-ability has to do with the thing itself and not a single instance of it. People are renewable because you can make more. Is your individual life renewable is a different matter and up for debate. Buddhists, scientologists, and others think it is. That, however, is beyond the realm of science. |
Except that the fact of if there is or isn't an after is determined in those 9 months. If biology dictates she has more say, then biology dictates she has more responsibility. Sorry but you can't pick and chose just the parts that are convenient. I wouldn't even say its just biology. We could technically pass a law that states if the male doesn't want an abortion then the woman isnt allowed to have one. incorrect, biology dictates she has more say because it dictates she has more RESPONSIBILITY,, in that nine months she is the only one that takes care of or can take care of that life so it is under her complete discretion unlike before the life is created, or once the child is born,,, agree to disagree, and my legal point? Making it illegal to terminate if the male partner doesn't want it? |
Minimum Wage?
my life isnt renewable, noones is technology advances and so do our fuel resources,,,this is still no excuse to so highly overcompensate the ceos, oil moguls, etc,,, and undervalue underpay people who make theirs and our lives more 'convenient' with their 'renewable' labor,,, I never said your life. I said labor. Not to mention you just basically showed that you don't know what renewable is. |
Except that the fact of if there is or isn't an after is determined in those 9 months. If biology dictates she has more say, then biology dictates she has more responsibility. Sorry but you can't pick and chose just the parts that are convenient.
I wouldn't even say its just biology. We could technically pass a law that states if the male doesn't want an abortion then the woman isnt allowed to have one. |