Community > Posts By > diserli_gears
I dont understand?
if you know he has asked 7 or 8 women out from your class , why would you even consider dating him? He isn't "kind of a player" he is a "player" and as others have said, not a good idea to go to his place or invite him to yours, he wants to take you on a date you meet in public. |
Another senseless shooting!
comparing the 'career' of a 'hoodrat' to the 'career' of a cop. the latter is civil servant paid by the people. okayyyyy, but hoodrats are not hired to protect and serve, well maybe protect their turf and serve their gang leaders. |
I did once, unfortunately she was killed in a car accident, she was my high school sweetheart
Another senseless shooting!
So... If a hoodrat fleeing felon doesn't want to get shot by police... Perhaps the hoodrat fleeing felon should have chosen another career. ![]() that works, lets pretend that criminals and suspects have a tax paid career that makes their choices the equivalent of those of a policeman ... ![]() huh? |
Getting more common
seems to me that instead of letting the republicans whip us up into a frenzy to make us afraid of those horrible,horrible immigrants,that we should let them stay,and start paying taxes on all of those thousands of dollars that they have to spend to get here,and pump their money into the U.S. economy,and pay taxes on it,instead of spend MILLIONS/BILLIONS of dollars every year to try to keep them out. its not Legal Immigration that is the problem, ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION is the problem Sure they pay taxes when they buy goods here, but so what? they also cost the state a lot of money too. cuz,if you will just study the history of this country,PEOPLE LIKE THEM are the thing that made this country so great in the first place.
[but,yet.....the republicans[who are ALL the decendants of immigrants!!!] all want you to be frightened of them??!!??] again, the history of your great country took in legal immigrants, that isn't the issue, Illegal immigrants are the issue, it was a problem during FDR's time as his administration had 2 million of the guest workers deported and they say 400 thousand give or take had kids born in America yet they were still deported. Nobody made a stink about that. what about Eisenhower's approval of "operation *******"? why did he signed that act? and why is no one today talking about that what FDR did in the 1930's. I already know the answer. |
Another senseless shooting!
"Split second? WTF?? The kid was RUNNING AWAY! He could have unpacked a picnic lunch and ate and still not be in any danger from the kid that had his back to him. Wait... Maybe the kid had four arms and eyes in the back of his head! Somebody call MIB! Is the orange juice worth the squeeze? |
Another senseless shooting!
probably half of poor decisions are split second, that may be the reason police get TRAINING, so as to not make the same poor split second choices the average jack/jill might. we can sit here and dissect and debate until the cows comes home,no amount of training can determine an outcome because each situation is different. there are many times where cops chased guys and ended up being killed later, you just dont know. In this case the kids didn't have a gun on their persons they left it in the car but that wasn't determined at that time. do you know how many police are shot during police chases , how about the killing of Commander Paul Bauer in Chicago yeah , yeah its easy to say that is what they signed up for and the dangers of the job and that is my point, the dangers of the job requires them to protect the public Who protected the young men shot before the fatal shooting of that 17 year old ? This is why Ive said look at the big picture. focusing on the fact that the kid was killed is??? I cant think of the word right now. |
Middle class
shovelhead dave,
that is two times in a row that I agree with your post and you have made some real good points ![]() |
want a girll from chittagong
where is chittagong?
that could be a country song Im still trying to figure T Rex's "get it on bang a gong". |
Another senseless shooting!
Im not comparing the kid death to NFL quarterbacks Miss Harmony
I used the example of NFL quarterback making a split second decision on how they are criticized by arm chair quarterbacks who have never played the game. The cop made a split second decision, unfortunately it resulted in the loss of life, and it could have been the other way around but no one will ever know |
Travel Ban Upheld
Where's the insult? What gives anyone the right here to decide who is an immigrant versus an alien? Unless you're a member of one of the original tribes, shake your family tree hard enough, and at some point an anchor baby will fall out. George Bush said it best: "the United States is a country of immigrants, and it always will be." He didn't say "aliens", he said IMMIGRANTS. you see this is why the left cannot be taken seriously. no one on the right, except the alt right and they dont speak for all on the right has said anything about legal immigration. there beef is ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION. Illegal alien is a term defined by common law, an alien is a person that isn't a citizen of the country they are in. legal aliens are people lawfully admitted to the country like tourist and those on work visa Illegal aliens are those that entered illegally. I dont get why you cant grasp a simple concept the average 8 year old knows this. |
have you ever stop dating because you were just fed-up no. |
Another senseless shooting!
What the cops are supposed to do, IMHO, is consider this: IF is the operative word, IFS dont mattter, because they are unknown. Deal in the known and current THREAT. if a kid is running away with their back turned to you, that is not a threat. you dont know that and the cops dont know that at that time everything is happening so fast. Its great to be a monday morning armchair quarterback and assess the situation after its done. its like those weekend sport warriors in front of the TV set yelling at the quarterback why did you throw that pass in double coverage, meanwhile they dont see that the quarterback left tackle missed his block and the Linebacker making a beeline towards the QB is about about to plant him the QB like WWE wrestler on the turf. Split second decisions are not the same as having time to analyze the situation. |
Another senseless shooting!
Its always about race with you viper.
and you wonder why racism exists? Good lord. |
Another senseless shooting!
two points I never posted that I didnt believe anyone about THEIR experience. Im pointing out how others question the experiences blacks share with them about THEIR EXPERIENCES. Second, I did not emphasize race on the issue of the kid shot in the back. I have simply repeated, several times, the wrongness of shooting a KID running in fear in the back. point taken, and I stand corrected. back to your point, okay the Kid being shot in the back, look, I see where you're coming from, its horrible that a kid is shot like that. But having said that , if the kid was involved in a prior shooting, what are the cops suppose to do? treat the kid with kit gloves or is it kid gloves, I cant remember the saying. I honestly believe if the cops was chasing the kid for committing a non gun crime I believe he would be alive today. |
Another senseless shooting!
Edited by
Mon 07/02/18 09:01 AM
I agree hate and bigotry are taught to us as children. It is important that we UNLEARN it, or it can be quite damaging. this I agree with. I have heard white people tell all their stories about getting stopped by police. I believe them. THe difference is some of those same whites refuse to believe when black people tell their stories of the times they WERE stopped for being black (in situations where there is presumably NO LEGIT reason for them to have been stopped otherwise)
Its not that they dont believe it, the problem is when you have other black folks share their stories you dont believe us, I know black folks and relatives in the states too that doesnt have the problem, mind you there are upper middle class and 1% BLacks do kill blacks and whites do kill whites. We usually expect the justice system to handle that.
Each 'community' can surely pinpoint more than one 'problem' happening and are addressing more than one at any given time, even though we only can really speak on one issue or topic in any given conversation. Every community has an association , some associations are more powerful than others to help address the problems This is one of the reasons why I admire the Jewish and Hispanic communities association they really come together and fight for their communities. I have a problem with people when they dont want kids to have better than what they have or had. I believe this is an issue with those who felt trapped or whatever and turned to crime, deciding to intimidate and harass those coming behind them into being stuck instead of supporting the chance they can do better.
so you're justifying it, that is a problem. I ALSO have a problem with people paid and trained to protect and serve having trigger happy approach to catching or detaining suspects, with not enough emphasis on actual assessment and/or deescalation.
it is innocent until PROVEN guilty and all 'innocent' have lives that should not be dispensable EXCEPT in clear self defense or after facing a jury. The world isn't black and white it has colours in it, your characterization of the white officer shooting a black teen who was an honour student running away is why people are divided. You are not looking at the whole picture here, while shooting someone in the back running isn't ideal, the thing is they were involved in a shooting earlier. they were not stealing candy from a store, or slashing tires or breaking into cars. they were involved in a shooting and while training tells them when and how to fire their weapons, cops today takes no chances when guns are involved in a crime. |
People with manners People who treat the waiter or waitress with respect People who smile and say good morning in the street It all costs the grand sum of zero you're dead on Joe, that is a pet peeve of mine, when I see someone disrespecting a waiter/waitress ughhhhhhh. |
Middle class
Dave Ramsey is an American financial guru of sorts. He preaches the importance of living within your means to not get caught in the credit trap so many find themselves in today. One of the things I love about him most, are his views on giving back to your community.
oh so he is like , what was her name ??I think Suzie Orfman or something like that. Giving back to the community is what successful thoughtful people do and he is right . I know, we do that up here too, most of us just chooses not to advertise it because we do it from the heart. I will check out his Dave Ramsey fella as he sounds like one of the good guys Middle class as defined here, is the income level smack in the MIDDLE of all the incomes, which in the US is 56 grand, roughly.
the problem with national average is, $56K in New York city means your eking out a living $56K in Kentucky, Mississippi or Oregon and you're living very well. Just like up here, in my city if you earn $56K a year, you're doing okay eking out a living, but if you earn $56K and you're living on Prince Edward Island, you are in the 1% bracket. |
Middle class
whatever class, people who are 'responsible enough" can afford all of it my son, makes 3000 per month, he pays 900 for rent. He takes vacation twice a year. replaces his NEW cars at least every other year. is current on debt, has savings for both emergency and retirement, and has medical care is that net or gross? and why rent when you can own a home? that doesn't make sense to me. vacations twice a year, well it depends on what you call vacation, some people think Vacation is going to the in-laws or relatives in another state, and some people vacations in other countries. we all have different interpretations of middle class and poor it seems |
Another senseless shooting!
so you haven't witnessed it yourself but you have family that has?
interesting. I hear stories and read about it too, but I also go by my own experience visiting your country which is about 100 times and not once have I been harassed, even though I was stopped 3 times for speeding and not once did I get a ticket , call it luck, call it fortunate, call it whatever you want , I chose to show them respect and not give off an attitude and it paid off. That isn't to say the next time Im in America I could still get a ticket but I'm not going to disrespect the officer. |