Community > Posts By > Greencel

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Fri 06/08/18 07:28 AM
I want the end of degeneracy which is prevalent in 21st century.

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Fri 06/08/18 07:26 AM

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Fri 06/08/18 07:18 AM
No addictions like drinking or smoking. :)

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Fri 06/08/18 07:16 AM
Well all the people that I see here are either fake scammers or people who are older than my mother and aunts (not meant to disrespect anyone). So, no kisses ... :(

no photo
Fri 06/08/18 07:09 AM

Had to take his photo down because he got so many messages his inbox imploded.

Quite the opposite. LOL
OT: Once adopted an 18 yo kid from other country via internet.

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Fri 06/08/18 12:09 AM
Feeds on venomous snakes and tarantulas.

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Tue 06/05/18 11:40 PM
Eats rice with tomato sauce.

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Tue 06/05/18 09:47 AM
Well women cheat on men more often than men do it. Just go and watch Jeremy Kyle show or just check tinder where you'll find tonnes of happily married women desperately looking to cheat on their partners.

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Tue 06/05/18 06:03 AM
Taught programming to Steve Jobbs and Bill Gates.

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Fri 06/01/18 11:59 PM
Met Ossama Bin Laden before his encounter.

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Fri 06/01/18 05:55 AM
Has dated Melania Trump and Michelle Obama in the past. FBI !

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Fri 06/01/18 05:52 AM
No idea tbh.

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Wed 05/30/18 10:03 AM

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Wed 05/30/18 05:19 AM
Normal,maybe 25-30C.

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Wed 05/30/18 05:18 AM
Loves cockroaches and spiders.

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Wed 05/30/18 05:13 AM
I think so, aye.

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Tue 05/29/18 09:37 AM
Drinks water and pretends its Vodka.

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Tue 05/29/18 09:04 AM
Edited by Greencel on Tue 05/29/18 09:06 AM

Just curious, coz I'm one of them too. I come from India where most men( I reckon) still remain kissless virgins very late into their lives until they are married, so it's not a big issue for me. However, after getting into university I found out that 90% of the people there have had been in a relationship in some form. At least 99% girls there are non-virgins and so are over 65% men.
So, I can now somewhat relate to people from other countries who have never dated anyone or been in a relationship with someone. Are you one of them too? Would like to hear your experience.

From what you write I think you are confusing relationship with virginity.
You have likely been in a lot of relationships, just not sexual relationships.
Uni (called college here) is a place where young adults gain personal freedom and some people use that personal freedom to do things they wouldn't or couldn't do when they were living under the restrictions of family.
A person's promiscuity often aligns with their emotional maturity.

In the young adult stages of life sex is exploration and experimentation.
As we age, sex gains different meanings.
You will reach an age where there will be a powerful drive to reproduce.
You will want to marry and have children and that drive may manifest continually even past completion of your inner mandate.
If you survive to be elderly, sex will be something you just want to do because it is an enjoyable activity.

Virginity in youth is not as significant as virginity over a lifetime.
Give it time...

Actually no. I understand the difference between the two. What you're talking about is a long term relationship which most people in my college don't want to be in. More or less all the relationships that people make here are simply for sexual enjoyment, so that's a way to look at it when one is in college. But I do get your point. No I haven't even be in a platonic relationship or LDR as you'd think because as I said nobody really wants to be committed to someone at this stage.
However, that is my experience so far and I understand that different people have different perception of relationships. So, I just wanted to know if there are who haven't been in a romantic relationship of any form, sexual or asexual . It doesn't necessarily mean that one has to be a virgin.

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Tue 05/29/18 08:53 AM

Gentlemen mean nothing to women now. If you don't have the appearance,nothing else matters. And for your kind information, beauty standards are getting higher with every passing day.
I can tell you a story of myself. Sometime ago, I was sitting in a metro when I saw a struggling pregnant woman standing next to me. Just out of compassion, I gave my seat to her. After sometime when I was looking in other direction, the sit next to her became empty but she hurriedly placed her bag over it so that I cannot sit. Sometimes later, when a good looking guy came over there looking for a seat she took the bag and gave the seat to that guy to sit. When she noticed that I was seeing all her actions, she just shook her head and ignored me. I used to be gentle and kind for so long, but after getting nothing in return whatsoever I've decided to not help anyone in the future, especially females.
that's just wrong... Money matters most women anyway

It does when they get serious in their lives. They're so badly after rich men to betabux them then. LOL

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Tue 05/29/18 08:52 AM

Some who were gentlemen have changed their attitude thanks to what they have gone through from women. It may be called "baggage" but after you have been taken advantage of many times, you develop a thick skin and a negative attitude. It now takes a woman who can demonstrate her honesty and sincerity to get any type of gentlemanly behavior from him. A woman who isn't willing to demonstrate her respect for a man will not find a gentleman in her future.

That's 100% true.

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